Belgorod Drama Theater named after M. S. Shchepkin. Shchepkin Theater: history, repertoire, troupe

Shchepkin Theater was opened in the first half of the 20th century. Today his repertoire is diverse. Here you can watch performances for adults, literary and musical compositions and children's productions.

Theater History

Shchepkin Theater

When the Schepkin Theater was opened in Belgorod - it is not known exactly. The first records of him in the archives date back to 1936. But it is known for certain that its roots go back to the nineteenth century.

Shchepkin Theater is an adherent of the classical Russian school. He follows the commandments of K. Stanislavsky and the great actor, whose name bears.

During the war years, the troupe traveled to the frontline zones, where actors performed in front of the defenders of the motherland.

In 1954, the theater received the status of "regional". In 1956, he was named after the great Mikhail Schepkin, who was born in Belgorod.

Now the theater has several stage venues - main and small. Some events take place in the lobby.

Under the guidance of a talented manager and honored art worker Vitaly Slobodchuk, the Belgorod Drama Theater of Schepkin lives today. His address: Cathedral Square, house number 1.

The post of the main director is Igor Evgenievich Tkachev. The troupe consists mainly of experienced professionals who have devoted many years to serving the theater. Many of them repeatedly became laureates of competitions, were awarded prizes and titles.

The M. Shchepkin Theater itself is the organizer of the festival. The idea of ​​holding it in 1988 was born. It was the first festival in the country for actors. It was invented in the year when Mikhail Shchepkin’s bicentennial anniversary was celebrated. Therefore, the name of this greatest artist appears in the name of the festival. About a hundred troupes from all over Russia, as well as groups from other countries, come together every time. The name of the festival is “Actors of Russia - to Mikhail Schepkin”.

Theater artists often go on tour. They carry their productions in different cities of Russia, the Baltic states, Serbia, Ukraine and Poland.


Shchepkin Theater Address

The Shchepkin Theater this season offers the audience the following performances:

  • "Hamlet".
  • "Door to the adjoining room."
  • "Flying ship".
  • "Forget Herostratus!".
  • "Puss in Boots".
  • "Love and pigeons".
  • "In a busy place."
  • "The night of mistakes."
  • "Pygmalion".
  • "Forty-first".
  • "Little Longnose".
  • "Ordinary story."



Shchepkina Theater gathered on its stage a fairly large team.


  • Natalya Chuvashova.
  • Vitaly Starikov.
  • Alexey Kolchev.
  • Oksana Bgavina.
  • Natalya Zueva.
  • Ivan Kirillov.
  • Olga Reshetova.
  • Veronika Vasilyeva.
  • Julia Volkova.
  • Tatyana Dyuzhikova.
  • Andrey Terekhov.

And many others.


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