Why dream that the war begins? Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of war, sea, water, shooting?

For good or evil, a man dreams that a war is beginning? The dream book, capable of giving a universal answer, unfortunately, has not yet been written. To understand what such a dream warns about, the one who sees it must remember all the details, as well as learn the opinions of different predictors. So, what awaits a person who dreamed about the beginning of an armed conflict in a dream?

Is a prophetic dream

Dreams in which the sleeper sees how the war begins cannot but inspire alarm. The dream interpretation will not help to find the answer to the question of whether a dream is a prediction of a real armed conflict that could erupt in the future. If prophetic dreams did not bother a person before, he should not regard what he saw as a prophecy.

war begins dream interpretation

Most likely, night dreams with a similar plot cause internal experiences that cause anxiety to the dreamer. It is possible that he faced or is about to encounter problems in work, his personal life. This has nothing to do with the political situation in the world.

The war begins: Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller is an American psychologist. He compiled a popular dream book. The beginning of the war, according to the words of this specialist, is more often dreamed of by male representatives. A dream should be regarded as a prediction of impending troubles that should fall on a man. It is possible that he expects the loss of a large amount of money, conflicts with colleagues or household.

Of course, the beginning of hostilities can be seen in night dreams and a girl. If a lover in a dream goes to the front, soon the dreamer will have to identify unpleasant traits of his character, learn about his unseemly acts. If a woman just hears in her nightmare about an armed clash of two armies, she will also have quarrels.

Fight or hide

How does a person behave if a war begins in a dream? Dream Interpretation, authored by psychologist Sigmund Freud, argues that the behavior of a sleeping person depends on his sexual satisfaction. The determination to join the battle, according to the scientist, announces a desire to engage in group sex. If a person keeps aloof and watches, he hides his sexual fantasies even from himself.

dream book will be war

The sorceress Medea is convinced that the behavior of the dreamer, who learned about the upcoming armed conflict, determines his stamina. If he shows a desire to join the battle, his ability to withstand the blows of fate in real life is beyond doubt. If a person is hiding from mobilization, does not intend to defend his country, he will have to be punished for his own cowardice in reality.

About health

Why could anyone still asleep dream that a war is beginning? Dream interpretation of Ivanova considers such a nightmare as a signal of health troubles. If the dreamer only hears about the impending collision, but does not see it, this is a bad sign. In real life, a dangerous disease awaits him, in which a temperature increase is possible.

dream book the beginning of the war

If a person in a dream watches the battle as an outside observer, such a nightmare can predict him both internal experiences and physical suffering. Remarkably, if the dreamer takes part in the war, being active, this predicts the successful overcoming of the crisis, no matter in which sphere he may happen.

Victory in a collision suggests that the owner of the sleep will successfully cope with his disease thanks to the resources of the body. Defeat is a negative sign that promises a nervous breakdown, a severe course of the disease.

Warning from Wangi

Perhaps the most negatively characterizes such dreams is a dream book written by Wang . Why dream of war, if you rely on the opinion of the famous fortune teller, whose prophecies have repeatedly come true? She argues that such a nightmare could promise a crisis of planetary proportions. In real life, dangerous epidemics, hunger, armed clashes are possible.

dream interpretation war begins sea water

The seer Vanga does not agree that a person can see himself fighting in a dream. If you believe her words, such a picture can serve as a warning that the upcoming cataclysms pose a serious threat to the health and life of the dreamer, his friends and relatives.

About shooting

What else will tell the dreamer who dreamed of the beginning of an armed conflict, a dream book? War, shooting in a dream, as already mentioned, do not bode well. However, one should not be afraid of a person who sees himself shooting in his dreams, such a vision promises success in one area or another. People in their dreams can not only shoot, but also hear shots. In this case, they will soon find out the incredible news related to someone from relatives or friends.

dream book war comes

It is worth worrying about someone who comes under fire in a nightmare. In real life, he faces a serious problem, the successful resolution of which is hardly possible. The shelling from the guns, seen in a dream, also indicates a soon getting into a dangerous situation, only mobilization of all forces will help to get out of it. If a person in night dreams gets injured as a result of shooting, in the real world he has treacherous enemies trying to defeat him with dishonest techniques.

Warlord or soldier

What else does any dream book advise to pay attention to? The war begins - a dream, the meaning of which depends on the role that the sleeping person plays in the battle. If a man fights as a simple soldier, he will have a long campaign. Having managed to deal with opponents in a dream as a soldier, one can count on an advantageous offer related to professional activity and business.

dream interpretation war begins

A man in his dreams can also act as a military leader, commander of a regiment or army. Such a vision may indicate that soon the hidden talents of the dreamer will be known to everyone around him. If the sleeping man, as a military leader, gives the order to start shelling, he will be successful in love.

It does not matter whether a woman sees herself as a night warlord or a soldier. Her participation in the battle predicts insurmountable obstacles in future important matters.

What the esoteric dream book warns of

Esoteric dream book will also help you to find out what the beginning of the armed conflict is about. War is approaching - such a plot, according to its compilers, predicts problems associated with the professional activities of the sleeper. The most likely conflicts that will occur or are already occurring in the work team.

If a person sees himself in a dream as being captured or dead, quarrels with colleagues in real life can end badly for him. If the sleeper manages to escape, hide, tensions in the workplace will disappear only temporarily. Triumph portends the defeat of opponents in night vision.

Atomic threat

This topic is not addressed by a rare modern dream book. “There will be a war that can lead to the destruction of mankind,” - such a message can be received in his nightmare by the sleeping man. Worst of all, if the dreamer watches how an atomic mushroom rises. This suggests that only evil exists in a person’s heart, that he cannot cope with bad thoughts. The dream also predicts a misfortune that will fall on the family of its owner. One should also be wary of the cataclysms of nature, in the face of which people will be helpless.

dream book why dream of war

If the dreamer does not see with his own eyes a nuclear attack, but only finds out about its completion, this is also not good. It is possible that soon he will find out about the illness or even death of one of the dear people. If a sleeping man is worried about problems at work, an atomic bomb explosion in a dream can predict him an unpleasant conversation with his superiors in real life.

Place of battle

If the armies in a dream fight each other under ordinary conditions, that is, on the ground, it is worth paying attention to other details of the dream. However, other scary stories are considered by any popular dream book. The war begins, sea, water - if all this is present in the nightmare seen, it is worth starting to worry seriously. Most likely, the dreamer has powerful enemies, in the battle with which he will suffer a crushing defeat.

Of course, it is worth evaluating the state of the sea, which has become a battlefield in a dream . Worst of all, if it is turbulent, raging, a storm begins. This suggests that the dreamer needs to deal with his inner conflict before he has swallowed it. The calm sea war is not such a bad dream, it is possible that the sleeping man in real life tries to get rid of boredom by getting involved in empty conflicts with others.

Dreams and pregnancy

Many future mothers are serious about their dreams, they are looking for a possible threat to the child. What does the dream about the beginning of the war, which a woman is preparing to become a mother, mean? It is possible that a pregnant woman who sees such a nightmare is greatly concerned about the health of her unborn child. Some dream books regard such a dream as an excellent sign. If you believe them, it means that the baby will grow up healthy and strong, have a fighting character.

Summing up, we can say that a dream about the beginning of the war is almost always a warning about some important event. Whether to prepare for better or for worse - this decision can only be made by a person who dreamed of the beginning of an armed conflict.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7421/

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