Hendershot Generator. Hendershot generator circuit

The creation of an energy generator that works completely autonomously has long been disturbing the minds of mankind. It is difficult to boast of particular success here, although if you recall the Chizhevsky chandelier, this direction does not look hopeless at all. In this article, we will talk about the Hendershot fuel-free generator . The scheme of this device (probable) will allow everyone to check the truth of the information.

Performance history

hendershot generator circuit
The inventor of the device in question is the American physicist Lester Hendershot. Its generator was first introduced to the general public in 1981 in Toronto, where at that time a congress was held on the energy of the gravitational field. Then it was reported that it works due to the presence of a magnetic field near the Earth. It follows from this that its location and the orientation with respect to the south and north poles play an important role.

The inventor himself - Lestor Hendershot - did not live to see Congress. He died in 1961 (officially - committed suicide).

General information on creation and related processes

The first mention of this device belongs to the range of 1927-1930. According to available records, Hendershot received a usable device, whose power was 200-300 watts. Then, for a short time, Leicester is honored by the American press as a national hero. But soon the praise in his direction is replaced by accusations of quackery and fraud.

At the same time, the inventor himself is injured by electric current and no longer speaks with his developments. According to his son, Mark Hendershot, his father received 25 thousand dollars for not disclosing information about the generator.

That's all. And let's go directly to the device. Are you interested in the Hendershot generator? Component exclusion scheme? But before dealing with such issues, let's find out what is needed directly for the device itself.

Necessary materials

hendershot generator
So, you will need the following components:

  1. The coil of copper enameled wire is 0.95 millimeters in diameter and 50 meters long.
  2. Two parts of a copper insulated PVC wire, diameter - 1.5 millimeters, length - 18 meters. For the convenience of subsequent work, you can use wires with insulation of different colors.
  3. Two non-polarized capacitors. Each of them should have a capacity of 500 microfarads.
  4. 150 wooden rods, the diameter of which is 3 millimeters.
  5. Four non-polarized capacitors. The capacity of each of them should be 1000 microfarads.
  6. Two transformers with a factor of 1: 5, designed for operation with a voltage of 110-220 volts.
  7. One panel made of wood, plywood or particleboard, with sides 100/60 centimeters.
  8. Copper wire with PVC insulation, whose length is 10 meters, diameter - 1 mm.
  9. One rectangular steel bar, with parameters 10 / 0.5 / 2 centimeters.
  10. An external outlet rated for 110-220 volts.
  11. A sheet of cardboard, wood, plexiglass (but not metal) with sides of 10 by 10 centimeters.
  12. Two guide rails that are used in furniture fittings (but without wheels).
  13. Magnetic bar of rectangular or cylindrical shape. Diameter - 1.5 centimeters, length - 10 cm.
  14. Two cylindrical steel bars. Length - 8 centimeters, diameter - 2 cm.

Necessary tools

fuel-free Hendershot generator circuit
Some materials are not enough. To simplify the production process, the following tools are needed:

  • ruler (lengths of 30 centimeters should be more than enough);
  • a pair of pliers;
  • indelible marker;
  • pencil;
  • flat and figured screwdrivers;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • 3 mm drill;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • double-sided adhesive tape ;
  • ten screws, the length of which is 2 centimeters;
  • soldering gun;
  • twelve screws, the length of which is 2 centimeters. Will be used for mounting capacitors;
  • wrench;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • stationery knife.

To summarize, it is difficult not to note the simplicity of the set. Thanks to this, we can conclude that the assembly of the device is relatively easy. Before you start creating this device, we suggest you familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages. Also, two schematic images are presented for your attention, according to which the work will be carried out.


So, the following arguments are cited as his strengths:

  1. Does not need fuel.
  2. The habitat is not polluted.
  3. Doesn't make noise.
  4. It has a significant economic effect.
  5. It can work for years without maintenance.


This generator has certain disadvantages. In their quality distinguish such features:

  1. Lack of full knowledge of its mechanism.
  2. The need for experience in creating fairly complex schemes.

Schematic Images

do-it-yourself handheld generator
There are two main images that claim to be true. Their similarity should be noted. Therefore, if you wish, you can personally check the Hendershot generator. Scheme, does it work or is it another myth?

In the original version, there was a pair of coils in which the capacitors were located. Transformers were used from radios. Coils tuned to mutual resonance. This model worked only when it was oriented south from the north. According to Hendershot himself, the amount of energy received was enough to ensure the operation of a small engine, which was confirmed by the experiment with a toy airplane.

Start assembly

hendershot generator circuit does it work
We begin to produce a Hendershot generator. A do-it-yourself scheme can be implemented without problems, but for this you must adhere to the instructions. To get started, take the panel. Outline on it two circles, the diameter of which will be 100 millimeters. The distance between their centers should be 50 centimeters. If you do not understand how and what to implement, look at the diagram. In its upper right corner these parameters are indicated.

On circles, mark the points at equal intervals. Then they need to be drilled with a 3 mm drill. Insert wooden rods into them. They should rise by 70 millimeters. If there is an excess of this parameter, it must be cut off. Then gently straighten the wooden sticks after trimming.

Take a wire whose cross section is 1.5 millimeters by 2, and begin to lay it between them. It is necessary to make 12 turns for each coil. Then we take a wire of 2.5 millimeters by 2. It already needs to be laid also on 12 turns for each coil.

We have two types with different color designations. Each type of wire should be wound 6 times. Remember that the coils should have the same number of turns. Also, do not forget to leave 50-60 millimeters on top so that you can connect to them. During assembly, it is advisable to slightly press the turns with a wooden ruler so that they lie down as they should.

Making coils for controlling a magnetic resonator

To do this, wrap two cylindrical rods with a layer of wax paper. Then 40 turns of wire are superimposed on it, the cross section of which is 1.5 millimeters. Using furniture fittings, plastic or cardboard, we produce a movable mechanism. We fix two previously made coils on it with epoxy glue . But they must move without significant effort and distortions. The length of the guide elements should not exceed 250 millimeters.

Place capacitors

hendershot generator circuit reviews
Now we need devices for 500 microfarads. Glue a double-sided adhesive tape to their bottom. It is necessary to place the capacitors in the center of the coils made. After the devices are placed at 500 microfarads, the same should be done with devices for 1000 microfarads. Two capacitors are placed on the panel on the outside of the coils. The devices are non-electrolytic, therefore, have a significant size. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to think about their compact placement. Install the remaining components of the circuit. Transformers must be fixed to the panel.

Installation of construction

So we are approaching the end of creation, and soon it will be possible to check the Hendershot generator. Free energy, do-it-yourself instructions, a diagram - all this can be obtained and done by devoting several hours to the production process. All elements are connected thanks to soldering. Also pay particular attention to assembly accuracy. Try to adhere to the specified scheme as much as possible.

Also, be careful that during the connection of coils and capacitors do not mix up the end and the beginning of the winding. Also check for tight mounting. Then you can already connect the outlet. To do this, it must be installed on the panel in a convenient place for you. All open cores must be wrapped with insulating tape. A heat shrink tube can be used for this purpose. In this case, security must be put in the first place, because the price for breaking it is your health and even life. Therefore, do not spare insulating material.


how to make a hendershot generator circuit
The device itself is already assembled. Let's work with the magnetic resonator block. As a load, you can choose a lamp. We connect it to the device and begin to move the coils to the magnet in order to get maximum work efficiency. This will be judged by the strength of the lamp. Once the maximum effect is obtained, stop the adjustment. During this process, do not touch the iron rods on which the coils are wound. If you need to work with them, use dielectric material.


If everything was done correctly, then a very good power level can be observed. So, some craftsmen even boast of designs for 4-5 kilowatts. This is more than enough to ensure the work of a fairly large amount of equipment. Although it should be noted that the design in such cases is being seriously improved. And what do they say about such a considered Hendershot generator? The scheme, reviews about it deserve attention. It is suitable for those who begin to practice the study of fuel-free energy sources. Last but not least, such reviews can be heard due to the relative simplicity of the design and the process of its assembly.


hendershot generator
So we figured out how to make a Hendershot generator. The circuit presented here can be improved to get more power, which is proved by the reviews. But when working, you must be careful. If you decide to improve, carefully understand all the physical processes that you will deal with in order to avoid negative consequences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7426/

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