Description of the best dream books

Many psychologists are of the opinion that sleep is a reflection of a person ’s mental state. But everyone knows that this phenomenon is one of the most mysterious and not fully understood. Often people are interested in how much reliable information Eugene Tsvetkov’s dream book contains. Not everyone knows that a lot depends on the ability to parse a dream into details.

Signs of a prophetic dream

See a dream

Prophetic dreams are colorful and clear. In frequent cases, a person sees a dream in gray and cute colors. Therefore, if bright events are present, then it is necessary to pay due attention to them. Of crucial importance is the dream, in which there are some numbers or warnings from unknown characters. It is important to consider the duration of sleep, the prophetic is always long, but in reality a person sleeps for about 20 minutes. After awakening, people experience a strong sense of joy or resentment, heartache. Many experts recommend recording all dreams, as they are quickly forgotten. Dream Interpretation Meneghetti will help assess the big picture. After waking up, you need to write down on the sheet all that turns out to be remembered. A very important role is played by a systematic repetition of a dream, this indicates that the dream is prophetic.

Ordinary dream


If a person has troubles at work, and he is afraid of losing a good position, then most likely this information will be postponed in his subconscious. Therefore, a dream about how a quarrel with superiors occurs will be common. And even the best dream book will not be able to interpret the phenomenon, since this is just a peculiar reflection of emotions and thoughts.

Meaningless dream

There are a number of reasons and factors under the influence of which it is not advisable to interpret dreams. Freud's dream book is best used when a person was in sound mind. The accuracy of dream analysis is affected by:

  • severe overwork;
  • disease;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • taking drugs.

In this case, the dream has no meaning. The general state of health and well-being greatly affects the appearance of specific dreams.

Color value

Bright colours

If a particular shade prevails in a dream, you should find out its meaning. For example:

  1. Bright red color means a surge of energy and strength. The person will soon be pleased with the good news. If this shade evokes negative memories, then you should analyze your personal life and reconsider your attitude to people around you.
  2. Orange - symbolizes happiness and positive emotions. In the dream book of Meneghetti, this sign means trust and understanding. Hue is closely related to positive emotions.
  3. Green is peace of mind. Good news, wealth and health.
  4. Blue symbolizes fatigue or emotional and spiritual growth. It is best to put aside your affairs and relax, and then proceed to the task with renewed vigor.
  5. Black is a sign of death and disease, in rare cases, indicates a low self-esteem.

To correctly interpret the dream, you should analyze all the details. It is important to use the best dream book for this. Pay attention to people around you, to your clothes and special characters.

Special characters

Dream image

Each person interprets his dream in his own way. The process takes into account lifestyle and emotional state. But there are symbols whose meaning is the same for everyone. Namely:

  1. The dog is true friends who always lend a helping hand.
  2. A cat is a rival or an envious girlfriend.
  3. The snake is a dangerous person.
  4. The rat is treason.
  5. Fish - pregnancy or wealth.
  6. A tree is a symbol of good health and well-being.
  7. Money is a conflict.
  8. Swamp - bad news or illness.
  9. Pure water - peace of mind and fulfillment of cherished desires.
  10. Pregnancy is a profit.
  11. Death is longevity.
  12. An empty table is a disease.
  13. Cry in a dream - rejoice.
  14. Rain - money or good profit, a pleasant surprise.

Many are interested in what is the most truthful dream book? Why do you need to interpret dreams? First of all, this is necessary in order to understand oneself and evaluate one’s inner world.

Popular dream books

The dream book of Meneghetti includes incomprehensible terminology and mysterious explanations. The author of the publication is a famous psychotherapist who has studied human psychology for a long time. He spent up to 15 sessions a day, the scientist helped his patients cope with various mental disorders. The observations that the author analyzed during his practice, became the basis of his dream book. Meneghetti paid special attention to the mental state of a person.

Freud's dream book is based on the analysis of one’s own dreams. He tried to compare dreams with free associations. Freud was convinced that there were no random visions. Each has a semantic load that needs to be properly analyzed. The scientist devoted most of his life to the study of human psychology. The publication of this psychologist helps to understand yourself and understand your problems.

Dream interpretation of Yevgeny Tsvetkov is intuitive and close in spirit to every person. The author of the publication is a bright man, artist and astrologer. Eugene involved in the dream book the associativity of Slavic people. He was of the opinion that with the help of dreams and the best dream book you can control your destiny and set yourself up for success. After all, all signals come from a person’s head.

The opinion of experts

Recommendations of specialists

Psychotherapists believe that the interpretation of dreams should be a pleasant and exciting experience for everyone, but no more. Given the fact that this science has not been fully studied, experts recommend that every dream not be taken into account strongly. After all, a person can set himself up for luck, victory or disappointment.

The interpretation of dreams is a complex science that needs to be studied more than one day. It is necessary to pay attention to all surrounding details. If you make an effort, then perhaps you will learn to predict the course of events using the best dream book. It is important to be able to listen to your inner voice.


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