What cats dream about: interpretation and meaning of a dream

About what cats dream about is written in many dream books. These amazing animals have long been credited with magical abilities. Do not ignore the vision in which the cat appeared - it is better to look into a couple of dream books to find out about its meaning. Now the most popular of them will be listed.

Female dream book

This book has a lot of interesting interpretations. Here's what a woman dreams about in a dream :

  • If she was affectionate and kind, and the girl stroked her, it means that soon she will have to face difficult spiritual feelings.
  • The aggressive black cat represents a dangerous enemy, which, however, does not hide his intentions.
  • The white animal symbolizes a two-faced friend or boyfriend acting stealthily.
  • Was the girl scratched by her own cat? This is not good. She will probably be dishonored soon by slander.
  • Playing with a cat portends treason.
  • If a girl has hurt an animal, then very soon she will commit a bad deed.
  • But catching a cat is considered a good sign. Soon after the vision, the girl learns about the rumors hanging around her and will be able to dispel them.
  • If you see kittens, then you also don’t have to worry - this is a promotion and a profit.

But this is not all that cats dream of for women. Many cats, for example, are not good. In this case, they represent future problems, troubles and conflicts. The more cats there were, the more troubles there will be.

Why is a gentle cat dreaming?

Male dream book

It was said above about what cats dream of for a woman. Many cats can be in the visions of men. And here are the interpretations offered to them:

  • Was there a lot of animals? Need to beware. It is likely that his competitors or colleagues are plotting against a man.
  • A distinct meow was heard, but the dreamer did not find cats? So, soon he will become a victim of deception.
  • It is important to know about why a man dreams of cats that joyfully played and frolic among themselves. Such a pleasant vision is a warning that close or even relatives are playing a dishonest game against him.
  • Fight cats portends mental suffering and severe spleen. However, do not take too close to heart what happened. Otherwise, there is a risk of wallowing in depression.
  • A domestic cat represents an enemy who is very close to a person. He does not notice him, because he behaves like a friend.

But this is not all that cats dream of for men. If they were very small, you can rejoice, not upset. Because such a vision portends success at work, career growth and, possibly, large profits.

Dream Interpretation of May, June, July and August Birthdays

This book says a lot of interesting things about what cats dream about. Here are the most entertaining interpretations:

  • The white cat portends a very pleasant acquaintance. The girl will find a gentle caring guy. The young man is an affectionate and loving lady.
  • Dead cat symbolizes the impending deception.
  • An animal of brindle or spotted color represents a threat.
  • A dirty and groomed cat indicates that soon the dreamer's pet will become ill.
  • The red animal promises love affairs.
  • Siamese cat symbolizes passion and attraction.

If in a vision a person warmed a homeless cat, then this means that in life he is very merciful and kind, and for this he is loved by others.

Dream Interpretation Tells What Cats Dream About

Dream Interpreter for People Born in September, October, November and December

And it is also worth looking into this source of information if you want to know what cats dream about. The dream interpretation offers such interpretations:

  • A spotted animal portends a relationship with a married man or a married woman. They end painfully.
  • The red cat promises the appearance of a very tender lover or mistress. Unfortunately, the connection will be temporary.
  • The white cat represents a lazy person who is trying to benefit from communication with the dreamer.
  • A dead animal symbolizes a long loneliness.
  • Siamese cat says that next to the dreamer is a man with a very cruel heart.

By the way, a large, fluffy and affectionate animal warns of the appearance of an insidious and seductive seducer in life.

Dream Interpretation for January, February, March and April

This book talks about why cats dream of a woman and a man. The following interpretations can be distinguished:

  • The black animal portends the visit of not the best person.
  • A cat drinking milk portends a good and kind friend in life.
  • A pet is an unkind signal. Perhaps the second half of the dreamer is looking for a replacement for him.
  • If a person in a dream let a lost cat into the house, then soon he will participate in some kind of proceedings.
  • Siamese cat portends the appearance of a selfish lover.

But this is not all that the dream book tells. What is the dream of a cat sleeping peacefully on the couch is also worth knowing, because vision has good value. It promises peace and harmony in the family.

What does an aggressive cat dream about?

Pregnant cat

And such an image often appears in visions. Why is a pregnant cat dreaming? The following interpretations are proposed:

  • Perhaps a person made many enemies. A pregnant cat is a harbinger of their evil plans. Ill-wishers have several options for how to harm the dreamer.
  • Did the pregnant cat meow in a dream? This is a warning to man. He should keep an eye out. Perhaps someone will try to persuade him to participate in a dubious event.
  • It turned out that the ghostly cat really belongs to the dreamer? This is for gifts and pleasant surprises.
  • The dreaming cat belongs to a friend? So, soon he will share his secret with the dreamer.
  • The neighboring pregnant cat promises the onset of a black strip. Good luck in the near future should not be expected.
  • Did you think that a cat who lives with a person at work is waiting for replenishment? Then it is recommended to be careful with the documents and be careful in the conduct of business.
  • A dirty and obviously stray pregnant cat promises unpleasant news.

By the way, it is generally accepted that if in a vision it was possible to drive an animal away, then troubles will bypass it.

Black cat

There are many different signs associated with these creatures. However, beliefs are one thing, and dreams are another. However, according to the dream books, nothing good can be expected from the plot, in which the black cat was present.

If she was anxiously rushing around the dreamer's house or apartment, then someone was planning to rob his home. It is recommended to strengthen the defense: put an additional lock or alarm.

About what a black cat dreams about, who behaved amicably, is also said in dream books. It is believed that this is the emergence in the life of a person of a new friend, whom he will begin to trust his secrets. And this will be a terrible mistake, because the comrade will be two-faced and uses the told secrets against him. The same means a vision in which the animal rubbed against the dreamer's feet.

What is the dream of a black cat that has bitten or scratched is also worth knowing. This is a harbinger of dirty gossip, slander and slander. It will not hurt the dreamer to look at the people around him and for some time not to trust them.

If a person in a dream cared for a sick black cat, then in reality he is a spiritually developed personality. He is able to forgive even the one who caused him severe pain.

Why is a black cat dreaming?

Ginger cat

An animal of this color in visions is a harbinger of problems in his personal life, troubles at work and complications in important matters. Health problems may also occur. There are the following interpretations that can help understand why a ginger cat is dreaming:

  • Was she with a mouse? This means that someone is plotting against the dreamer for intrigue or fraud.
  • Was the animal with fleas? This is a big financial problem.
  • Was the ginger cat huge? Probably, a person will have to face difficulties at home and at work. However, if she was able to drive away, then trouble will be avoided.
  • The red-headed creature gave birth to small kittens right in front of the dreamer? So, soon he will find out the secret that they tried to hide from him. But older kittens promise failures in professional activities. Betrayal by a loved one is also possible.
  • If the dreamer stroked the animal's hair, it means that soon he will be prompted to commit short-sighted acts.
  • Did you happen to hold the animal in your arms? So, a man is friends with someone who harms him. But he acts cunningly, so for now he remains unpunished.

By the way, for a girl, the appearance of a red cat in a dream indicates that in her life she has a rival who intends to lead her young man away.

White cat

Another frequent visitor to many visions. About what a white cat dreams about is described in detail in each interpreter, and here are the most interesting interpretations:

  • The image of this creature is associated with deception, deceit and uncertainty. Perhaps soon a person will be surprised to discover how little he knew about the people around him.
  • If there were black spots on the white cat, then it is likely that the case with which the dreamer had many hopes will fail completely.
  • Did the man hold her in his arms? So, it doesn’t hurt him to double his vigilance. Probably someone wants to drag him into a criminal or shameful story.
  • It is also important to know what the white cat is dreaming of, which happened to stroke. This vision promises a person to inflict a stealth strike by the enemy.

However, if the dreamer managed to avoid any contact with a white cat, including visual ones, you can breathe a sigh of relief. In real life, all adversities and troubles will bypass him.

What is the dream of the white cat?

Gray cat

Another interesting symbol. Much has been said above about what the giving birth to a cat is dreaming about, as well as animals of other shades, so the value of a gray pet is also worth mentioning. Here are some interpretations:

  • A huge gray cat promises the onset of a favorable life stage, when any plans can be realized without straining.
  • A calm and peaceful animal portends career success.
  • The impudent gray cat is considered a harbinger of serious deception.
  • Fluffy animal portends entertainment and relaxation.

But this is not all that gray cats dream of. If such an animal was seen by a girl, and she bit her, then soon she will be disappointed in her lover.

Cat with kittens

And such an image in visions is not rare. Why dream that the cat gave birth? In general, such a vision represents care and tenderness. But only if the person is sure that the kittens belong to this particular cat.

Bad interpretations are also available. For example, what is the dream that the cat gave birth to babies, but for some reason she does not at all seek to pay attention to them? This is to the appearance of a mass of minor troubles, which will be added in addition to the others that are already available. It is also possible that soon someone will dissolve the dirty gossip about the dreamer.

By the way, if the kittens were colorful, then you should take a dream as a harbinger of the fulfillment of a variety of events. Among them will be both bad and good, but in the end everything will end happily.

What is the dream of the ginger cat?

Dead cat

It is safe to say that the image of the deceased animal is the most unpleasant of the possible options. But why is a dead cat dreaming? As it turns out, to good events. Namely:

  • A dead black cat promises a woman victory over her rival, as well as establishing relationships. Man - success at work.
  • Why many cats dream of having departed to another world is also worth knowing. It is believed this is to expose the imaginary comrades.
  • Two dead cats portend a fortunate set of circumstances that will help get rid of long-boring problems.
  • If in a vision the bodies of these animals lay on the sidelines, then very soon a person will completely be freed from the machinations of enemies and pressure.

Negative interpretations, however, are also available. For example, what are cats and dogs dreaming about that are dead? To victory over the enemy, which will not bring any satisfaction. But devastation is ensured.

Also, the cattenible decomposing corpse of a cat does not bode well. This dream suggests that soon some unpleasant events of the past years will remind of themselves.

Why is a pregnant cat dreaming?


Much has been said above about what cats dream about. And these are just some of the interpretations that exist. The main thing to remember: if you want to know the hidden meaning of your vision, then you need to remember all the details. Everything is important here: what it looked like, what it did, how many there were, and so on, because the interpretation depends on such details.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7433/

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