Ontsidium: home care. Tips & Tricks

Each grower dreams of growing these unusually beautiful plants. Of the numerous genus of orchids, the oncidium is considered the most popular throughout the world. Home care for this plant is not easy. A beginner in floriculture is unlikely to cope with it, so the information presented in our article will be useful to many.

Oncidium unites more than seven hundred species of epiphytic plant types. Most of them grow at an altitude of more than three thousand meters above sea level. The peculiarity of these flowers is excellent adaptability to growth in moist tropical forests that are located in South and Central America. Some species are found in Florida.

oncidium home care

Many florists in our country are interested in oncidium (home care). Photos of the plant and the secrets of its cultivation we will present to your attention in this article.


Oncidiums are plants with a sympodial branching type. Some species perfectly develop on stones covered with a layer of moss. The representative of the genus - the Oncidium orchid, home care of which is rather complicated - often has yellow flowers of an unusual shape (with a slightly enlarged "lip"), collected in panicle inflorescences. Orchids bloom from spring to autumn. In winter, it is at rest. Grown as a houseplant, in window flower beds, greenhouses. A few miniature species are often used in block culture.

orchid oncidium home care

Among the representatives of this species, fairly large plants are found. Their leaves can reach a length of up to forty centimeters, flower stalks - up to two meters. But in recent years, gardeners are increasingly attracted by miniature plants, no more than 15 cm high.

Popular varieties

The diverse appearance, magnificent flowering delight florists throughout the world. However, it should be remembered that oncidium, care at home for which is difficult even for experienced owners, should not be started for beginners only mastering the cultivation of orchids.

We have already said that there are many representatives of orchids that belong to this species. However, the most popular are certain varieties, which we will discuss below.

Warty Oncidium

This plant is especially often seen in the photo in special publications. The plant has cylindrical bulbs and a pair of light green, thin, neat leaves. Inflorescences make up many yellow flowers. Duration of flowering - no more than two months, starts in August. In our country, oncidium yellow is widely used for indoor floriculture. Home care is standard for this type (we will talk more about this below).

oncidium home care photo

Oncidium Moth

This plant has, on the basis of the pseudobulb, a rather high peduncle, which has not changed for several years. With proper care, a magnificent butterfly-like flower is regularly revealed at its top. This orchid has been blooming since the beginning of August for one month.

orchid oncidium home care photo

Sweet Sugar

This is an extraordinarily beautiful hybrid, bred for indoor floriculture. Long narrow leaves with pointed tips have a rich green color. As they grow, the erect peduncle branches. One after another, at least ten buds are opened on it. The flowers are painted in a bright sunny yellow color and have a very pleasant aroma. A characteristic feature is an enlarged lip, at the base of which there is a red-brown spot.

oncidium yellow home care

What else is attractive oncidium Sweet Sugar? Home care for this flower is simpler than for the rest of the species. This flower does not need a period of rest, time-consuming owner, suitable for growing even for beginners lovers of indoor plants.

Orchid Oncidium: home care

The photos presented on the page demonstrate the excellent appearance of green pets. But to achieve such a result, a lot of effort should be made. In the process of growing this rather demanding on the conditions of maintenance and care of the plant, certain rules must be observed. Which - we will discuss below.


Most representatives of this species are photophilous, like diffused, but at the same time bright light. Oriental, western, and southern windows are preferred for these colors. Additional illumination by fluorescent lamps is allowed, since with a lack of light the buds can dry out and fall off. Most often, additional lighting is required in the winter for three to four hours. When illuminated with a phytolamp, the flower buds of the plant are laid and the process of pseudobulb formation is accelerated.

oncidium suite sugar home care

Humidity and temperature

The temperature regime during the growing season during the daytime should be at least +18 ° C. At night, the temperature can be reduced by several degrees. The temperature of +24 ° C is the most comfortable for the Oncidium orchid. Home care also requires strict adherence to humidity parameters - ideally at least seventy percent.

The plant needs regular irrigation, so humidifiers must be installed in the room where it is located. You can grow this type of orchid in partially closed containers of glass, called florariums.

Soil and fertilizing

The soil for the orchid should be loose. Typically, the mixture consists of one part of charcoal and the same amount of bark of conifers. Oncidiums are fed only during active growth, when a pseudobulb is formed.

You can resume feeding during the growth of the peduncle (before the appearance of flowers). You should know that the roots of this plant are very sensitive, therefore, the recommended concentration of fertilizer on the packaging must be reduced several times.

oncidium care after flowering


Not all flower growers are pleased with the exquisite flowers of the oncidium. Caring for this capricious handsome man at home is primarily a timely and proper watering. The success of growing this amazing tropical plant depends on it almost 90%.

Before watering, make sure that the soil is completely dry. Constantly moist soil and too moisturizing can be detrimental to oncidium. Overmoistening provokes decay and death of the roots. Abundant watering of adult plants is carried out after seven days. In this case, you should focus on the season and temperature conditions in the room. In winter, breaks between irrigation can reach 20 days.

To find out if your orchid needs watering, immerse a wooden stick to a depth of 10 cm in the ground: if it turns out to be dry, then it's time to moisten the soil.

Reproduction and transplantation

Orchid Oncidium is very painful for transplantation. This procedure is justified when the landing capacity has become too small. Transplant an orchid no more than once a year.

The simplest propagation option for flower growers is the separation of the mother flower. Moreover, each part must have at least two well-developed false bulbs.

oncidium home care

Pests and diseases

One of the most common problems when growing orchids is pests: aphids, thrips, mealybug, scale insects. It is not difficult to notice the mealy cervix - the affected stems in this case are covered with white flakes. Insects should be removed using cotton wool or a napkin dipped in a weak alcohol solution for this purpose, and the damaged surface should be treated with Aktara.

When aphids or thrips are affected, the presence of the pest can be determined by the silver stripes on the leaves. Oncidium is often affected by various rot. If you notice dark brown spots on the leaves, remove the damaged areas and provide ventilation.

Ontsidium: care after flowering

When your beauty fades, she will need special care. At this time, the peduncle is removed. It is advisable to transplant an orchid and keep it completely dry for some time. This is required to acclimatize the plant. In addition, this technique will prevent decay of the wounds on the roots, which often appear during transplantation.

Until the moment of new growth, watering is reduced. It is not good if a vegetative shoot begins to grow from a new pseudobulb instead of a peduncle. This may mean that the dormant period is not sustained, and the plant begins to develop incorrectly. With normal development, orchid bloom occurs annually, sometimes after 8 months.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7439/

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