External battery for the phone: selection criteria and how to use

Modern mobile devices and all kinds of gadgets are equipped with many fashionable and useful features and applications. Yes, and the most complex mobile games are striking in graphics and capabilities. Thanks to such applications, any smartphone "sits down" almost during the day. Therefore, you need to learn how to choose a more powerful external battery for your phone. Or choose an additional power source.

External battery for phone

The main reasons why you just need to choose a new charge

So, the phone began to run out quickly and quickly. First you need to determine the main reason, and only then look for the most optimal ways to solve the problem. So what could be the cause of early discharge?

If the smartphone or tablet is new, the instructions stated a certain duration of work, but in fact, the device works several times less, then here the reason may lie in the settings. As a rule, on the phone itself, you can adjust the brightness and power consumption or turn off several applications that draw a charge.

Another thing is if the smartphone is configured, for a long time it worked quite normally, but over time it began to discharge much faster. Here, most likely, the internal charger or the external battery of the phone is to blame. The only solution is to replace the item. To do this, you can use both a proprietary battery and a universal analog.

External batteries for cell phones

Types of external batteries

Despite the prevalence of cell phones and smartphones, in the world so far there are only three main types of batteries:

  • Li-ion This is perhaps the most common external battery for charging the phone. It has a more optimal ratio of durability, safety and energy intensity than other analogues. Also, such elements are endowed with a special "memory effect" and are rather slowly discharged. But they quickly age, and even in the case of constant operation.
  • Nickel cadmium . Recognized the most harmful and were put on the shelf. Used only in the very first phones due to low cost. In addition, the higher their energy intensity, the higher their physical size.
  • Lithium polymer . These are cheaper and improved external batteries for cell phones. Therefore, such elements adopted all the positive aspects of the original sample, and also became more environmentally friendly.

Features of work and operation

A mobile phone is a rather complex and delicate mechanism. And each of its elements has its own characteristics and requires certain operating conditions, including the battery itself. Therefore, there are several rules that, by following which, can significantly extend the life of the telephone battery:

External batteries for mobile phones

  • When using, it is required to strictly observe the operating rules defined by the manufacturer, i.e., do not overheat, do not wet, and do not overcool.
  • Try to avoid physical damage to the element.
  • External batteries for mobile phones do not tolerate frequent bumps and falls.
  • For the sake of interest, do not open the batteries yourself.
  • Replace and recharge the battery only when the device is turned off.
  • It is not recommended to constantly charge the gadget for a long time (more than a day).
  • The more and more often the battery is used, the better.

Mobile Battery Myths

Over the entire period of existence, mobile phones have almost overgrown with various fictions and legends that scare naive users. Several of them relate to their most important detail.

  1. Any external battery for charging phones cannot be disconnected from the power if it has not yet been fully charged. Lithium-ion and polymer chargers, on the contrary, are better not to discharge completely, since they deteriorate faster.
  2. Sometimes you need to carry out a full cycle of charging and discharging batteries. This is relevant only for lithium devices.
  3. Each new battery must be charged for the first time for a long time - more than 16 hours. As a rule, for any battery, high temperature and long power supply are fatal.
    External battery for charging the phone

Options to consider when choosing chargers

Choosing an additional external battery for your phone, you should consider many factors (in addition to the manufacturer and quality of materials). As a rule, specialists identify several basic parameters by which these elements differ. Therefore, knowing these features, you can choose the appropriate option.

  • The capacity of the presented battery . The operating time directly depends on it without additional recharging. As a rule, 4000-6000 mA / h is enough.
  • Current strength . If the battery is used to power not only a smartphone, then you need to choose a device with a power of 1-3 A. For a regular phone, a device issuing 1 A. is enough.
  • Charging method . It is better to choose a gadget that can be powered from several sources at once: an ordinary power supply network and through a USB connector.
  • Battery indicator This element is simply necessary in the daily operation of smartphones and phones. There are several options for displaying the charge: by changing the color or numbers. A numerical indicator much more accurately informs about the state of the battery, but it also costs much more.
  • The number of ports used . Thrifty and prudent users select the instances with the largest number of them. But, as a rule, the need to charge several devices at the same time is quite rare. Therefore, 2-3 ports are enough.

A few features that you should pay attention to when choosing batteries

In addition to the main parameters that you need to pay special attention to, there are several additional qualities. They can significantly facilitate and extend the operation of the presented gadgets.

It is best to choose an external battery for the phone, on which the power button will not stand out against the background of the case. After all, if you click it randomly, you can get a rather unpleasant surprise. The presence of a special flashlight will also be useful in the device to make it easier to find in the dark.

In order to protect a valuable thing from the ingress of all kinds of dust or water, as well as to protect against small impacts, you need to choose devices with a special case. Such devices will cost slightly more, but their service life will be clearly longer.

Fans of modern innovative technologies will appreciate the presence of such features as Wi-Fi and NAS Server. Using them, you can not only freely use and distribute the Internet, but also save various data on a special memory card.

Useful for any battery and solar battery. Indeed, in the summer we are not always located near any power source.

External battery for phone reviews

How to choose an external charger. Some tips

To purchase a high-quality battery that will last long enough, you should approach this issue with all seriousness. Before making the final choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common options, compare specifications and reviews. And only then will it be possible to buy a good external battery for the phone.

  1. First of all, this device should be convenient enough, lightweight and compact to fit easily in any bag.
  2. The charger of the same company as the main device will do much better than similar counterparts. In addition, in this way you can protect yourself from low-quality goods.
  3. It is better to clarify in advance whether a refund is possible, and under what conditions. The charger may simply not fit.

Comparison of the most common external batteries

There are many external telephone batteries. There are probably as many of them as the mobile devices themselves. At the same time, everyone chooses his own external battery for the phone. Reviews are what attention is paid first of all. Therefore, here are a few subjective opinions about the most popular models:

  • Mini vampire. There is a standard USB connector. It is convenient to adjust the current and voltage. Among the shortcomings is low efficiency.
  • Boost stabilizer. This battery charges almost all known mobile devices, and is also charged from any power source. The only drawback is that an external battery pack is required.
  • Specialized energy storage "Proglot". Universal battery. It has many special connectors for all types of devices, and it is also possible to easily replace internal batteries in it. Minus - in the absence of adapters.

Universal external battery

Universal external battery for phone

As global omniscient statistics show, almost every city dweller has two or more mobile devices, as well as a laptop and several other gadgets. Therefore, many seek to purchase a universal external battery for the phone, but so that it fits the rest of the devices.

Such a choice allows you to kill several "birds with one stone" at once: the ability to charge simultaneously all available gadgets from one device, saving money and space. At the same time, the operating rules for such devices are the same as for narrowly targeted batteries. In addition, modern stores can offer a huge number of different in price, characteristics and quality of batteries. Therefore, this is the most optimal choice for any user.

Homemade external battery for phone

An additional power source for the smartphone is optional. If desired, and certain abilities, you can easily make a homemade external battery for the phone.

The most common homemade products are charging from batteries and from the sun. Each of them has its own characteristics. In the first case, you need a resistor, a suitable plug, 4 batteries and a special box for them. The principle of operation is simple - a resistor connects the nutrients to the plug and transfers the charge to the mobile device. The downside is that batteries need to be constantly changed.

Homemade external battery for phone

In the case of solar recharging, you can simply buy special flashlights charging from the sun, and take the necessary elements from there. Next, a circuit is connected by means of a diode, and the structure is tucked into a box.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7445/

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