CIS - what is it?

When buying a licensed version of Windows 7, users very often pay attention to the fact that on the box with the installation disc there may be names of system versions like CIS, OA, GE and the like. However, the abbreviation CIS itself can mean several other concepts. First, consider the term CIS itself. What is it, then it will be clear. But it’s worth immediately warning all readers that the interpretation of this reduction may not always refer specifically to computer hardware and installed operating systems. But if we proceed from the considerations of installing and using Windows operating systems, this will be discussed later. And to begin with, it is necessary to give a few general concepts, which, unfortunately, may not fit into the generally accepted ideology.

CIS: what is it? Basic concepts

So, first of all, we will determine the terms that are offered to us by official sources like Wikipedia.

cis what is it

It is believed that the values ​​of this reduction can be quite a lot. However, among the most famous interpretations, only such are distinguished:

  • name of a famous English insurance company;
  • Comodo Internet Security community (fans of the antivirus of the same name);
  • the name of the machine gun;
  • name of the technology with which photosensitive matrices are produced;
  • name of a non-profit organization developing Internet security tools;
  • designation of notes in C sharp;
  • USSR Football Federation;
  • international abbreviation CIS;
  • PowerBuilder Desktop software process
  • versions of Windows operating systems.

And this is not a complete list of everything that is found on the Internet under this abbreviation. Even if you simply set the search, you’ll get hundreds of results.

Windows-based computers

Since in this case we are talking about Windows operating systems, we will dwell on them, especially since many users, having bought a licensed disk and seeing some additional designations on the box, do not understand at all what they purchased.

cis windows

Some generally ask questions about whether it is possible to install such systems on their computers and laptops, considering them unofficial. There is a share of common sense in this. But if you purchased the official version of Windows CIS, there is nothing to worry about. Moreover! As practice shows, it is with such modifications that no problems arise during installation or use.


But this is only in general terms. What about Windows CIS systems? What is this in terms of functionality? Here you need to clearly distinguish between the versions of the systems themselves. Some restrictions may apply to them.

windows 7 cis

As in the case of modifications of Windows 10 such as Home, such distributions, so to speak, are absolutely inferior when compared with versions of Pro, Education or Enterprise, which are designed to use the maximum capabilities of the system. In other words, they have certain restrictions on setting system parameters (even at the administrator level of access), there are some program elements that are in other versions, and system control is allowed only to the so-called super administrator (installation or removal of programs may be blocked).

And this is only a small part of what the CIS versions are capable of. What it is is a little understandable. But here it is worth considering that the box may indicate the abbreviation CIS only because this particular version is designed to be installed exclusively in the post-Soviet space (for CIS countries). In this case, the case takes a completely different turn. The operating system is fully functional and Russian-speaking, has the ability to change the default language settings, but should only be used in the CIS (of course, with registration).

OEM Versions

Do not flatter yourself about OEM versions, which are also called "boxed". Firstly, their release after Windows 7 has stopped, so if you are prompted to download or install such a modification for the eighth or tenth version of the system, we can safely say that this is nothing more than some kind of custom repack created by enthusiasts or fans a certain modification of Windows. Even on the official Microsoft website, there are no images of such systems available for download.

windows 7 cis ge

Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that OEM versions in terms of installation are a rather dubious option for the average user, but only in terms of installing the main drivers. So, for example, in the "boxed" version there are drivers for the touch panel, keyboard, integrated video card, etc., which were developed exclusively by Microsoft. Other hardware is not supported.

In addition, with such a system, it is unlikely that you can use the launch of some system tools on behalf of the administrator (for example, to fix problems with the OS). In this case, nothing can be done except booting from removable media on which there is a recorded installation distribution kit or configuration for system recovery. And this, as is already clear, is a rather serious minus. And the saddest thing is that such a modification comes only with the first service pack (SP1) for Windows 7. Everything else will have to be updated manually.

Windows 7 Home, Basic, CIS

Now a little about other abbreviations. It is easy to guess that the indicated names correspond to the versions of the system. That is, Windows 7 Home CIS, OA, GE do not have the maximum set of tools that are present only in the Pro version. Even if you simply translate their names, we get the home and basic versions.

windows 7 oa cis ge

But many people use the modification of Windows 7 Ultimate (advanced). In this case, the abbreviation CIS indicates only that this version was really developed for the post-Soviet space and can be used exclusively in the CIS. By the way, to deceive Windows and circumvent established restrictions using its own tools can be completely elementary.

To get started, use at least the section for choosing the main system language and computer location, specifying, for example, the UK or the USA. Turn off the location (via GPS including) and restart the computer terminal or laptop. After the restart, however, get a fully English-language interface. But this also has its advantages. It is highly likely that the system will begin to install updates intended not for the countries of the Commonwealth (CIS), namely those that were developed for implementation and integration in the United States.

OA Modifications

Now let's see what the modifications of Windows 7 CIS OA are. If such a reduction is present on the box with the installation disk, you can only be upset.

The problem is that OA is Online Activation. Roughly speaking, even after installing the operating system, the user will need to go through the activation of the system online, for which you need to have an uninterrupted Internet connection. In some cases, Microsoft registration may be required.

GE Versions

Now a few words about Windows 7 CIS GE. This abbreviation, as is commonly believed, is derived from the phrase General Edition (general edition). Such installation distributions can be used by users of any level of preparation and without any restrictions.

windows 7 oa cis

But the most important condition is that initially the user buys a stationary computer terminal or laptop with an already installed operating system and can use it at his discretion. But the installation distribution kit is not included. Roughly speaking, if the system crashes, or then you have to reinstall it, the user will not have an activation key or license number (it is sewn into the existing OS).

What to look for when activating the system?

So, with what constitute abbreviations like Windows 7 CIS (GE, OA), a little figured out. Now a few words about the simplest method of system activation, if the user does not have a key or license number.

windows 7 home oa cis ge

You can offer the simplest option - use a third-party activator, for example, KMSAuto Net. The portable application you just need to run on behalf of the administrator, press the activation button, agree to the inclusion of the task in the list of actions of the "Task Scheduler" and wait for the end of the process.

Of course, for Windows 7 CIS, as for any other version of the system, this can be called a somewhat illegal step. But what if the user is not able to buy the official version of the system? Do not forget that the same Americans or residents of Western Europe who emigrated from the former USSR are ahead of us in terms of income and can afford to purchase licensed versions of Windows.


That's all you need to know about reducing CIS. What is this, probably already clear. In this material, the main emphasis was placed solely on Windows, but the interpretation of the term itself, as you can already see from the description provided, can be initialized in completely different ways.

As for the Windows systems, which were mainly discussed, it is best to install versions like Pro or Ultimate. For the seventh modification, Ultimate is, for the systems above - no. But the Pro versions are no worse (or even better in the sense of the tools used, which, however, you should know how to approach).

But if we talk about the maximum functional set, it is difficult to argue here. Both Ultimate and Pro have a lot of features. But the only difference is that the first focuses more on custom settings, and the second allows you to use more flexible settings of the system itself. In general, any professional version of any system, even if you compare it with advanced modifications, has such a set of tools that you can simply envy.


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