Sony e-book: specifications, description, reviews, photos

The Sony company is ready to offer people a lot of e-books. However, it should be borne in mind that both old models and new devices are presented on the market. They differ in parameters. The operating system they use is the Android series.

The keys are most often located on the sidebar. However, there are modifications with buttons under the display. On average, the battery power does not exceed 800 mAh. A quality e-book will cost the reader around 10 thousand rubles.

e-book sony prs 350

Characteristics of the PRS-T2 model

E-book Sony PRS T2 reviews mostly from consumers get good. Many praise her for the wide screen. In this case, changing the font is quite simple. Also, the manufacturer provides many styles. Unfortunately, this e-book does not support video files. It is also important to note that the battery capacity is 650 mAh.

If you believe the owners, it charges about 25 minutes. The keys in the presented modification are located on the side panel. The speaker is not provided for this e-book. The resolution of this device is 820 by 450 pixels. The processor itself is set to 2.2 MHz. You can buy this e-book in stores at a price of 12 thousand rubles.

sony e-book

Reviews about the book PRS-T1

The Sony PRS T1 e-book has recently been in great demand. First of all, it is important to mention the presence of an organizer. If necessary, you can use the accelerometer. The device also has a large dictionary. In terms of functionality, this e-book is significantly superior to other models. First of all, the user has the ability to select text. Also, the model has a drawing function. You can buy a device for 15 thousand rubles.

Description of the device PRS-950

The Sony 950 e-book receives only positive reviews from customers. A headphone jack is provided. It is also important to note that the device supports Wi-Fi. If necessary, the text style can be easily changed. Crack in this case is not required.

The accelerometer is missing from the model. It is also important to note that the model lacks a drawing function. However, the user is able to make notes in the text. If necessary, buy new books through the store. The user is able to purchase the presented e-book at a price of 13 thousand rubles.

Parameters of PRS-900

The specified e-book is manufactured with a resolution of 800 by 620 pixels. If you believe the owners, then turning pages is fast. Also, many buyers note an interesting design of the device. However, the model still has drawbacks. First of all, it is important to mention the lack of an underline function.

Also, this model is not able to boast of a good battery. The screen in the device is used with a diagonal of 6 inches. If necessary, the accelerometer can be turned on. Also, the model uses an FM receiver. Headphones connected to an e-book are allowed. There is no speaker for this model. It is still important to mention a good dictionary. Also, the e-book has a large store where you can buy many new interesting books. This device is sold at a price of 9 thousand rubles.

Characteristics of the PRS-303 Model

The specified e-book, many buyers like it. However, the display is provided for only 5.5 inches. In turn, the resolution setting is 560 by 400 pixels. The accelerometer is missing from this e-book. A quality organizer also deserves attention. If desired, you can use the FM receiver.

This model also has many games. However, a book reading system is not provided. All major text formats e-book supports. The matrix in the device is installed in the Pearl series. The operating system is used by Android. If you believe the owners, then turning pages is fast. Also, the model rarely has problems with wi-fi. This e-book is worth about 15 thousand rubles.

sony prs t2 e-book reviews

Reviews about the book PRS-T5

The specified e-book is in demand. She has a lot of functions. It is also important to note that the device has a large number of styles for text. The user can also change the font and size of letters. Unfortunately, the FM receiver is not provided for in the device. However, the organizer is installed.

The e-book also has several games. Headphones can be connected if necessary. There is no reading system for the presented modification. The dictionary is used basic, but if necessary, it can be updated. In our time, the indicated e-book costs about 12 thousand rubles.

Description of the device PRS-350

Model Sony 350 (e-book) has very good parameters. Display manufacturer provides for 6 inches. The resolution of the specified e-book is 820 by 650 pixels. The matrix in the device is used in the Pearl series. If you believe the owners, then the batteries in the model in the kit include good ones. Even the owners speak positively about the design of the device. There is no speaker in it. It is also important to note that the e-book does not have an accelerometer.

Strengths include a quality dictionary. This modification weighs exactly 180 g. There is 2 GB of internal memory in the device, of which only 1.7 GB is available. There is no quarty keyboard in it. Also worth noting is an excellent bookstore. There is a reading system aloud in the device. There is an electronic book Sony PRS 350 about 9 thousand rubles.

Parameters of PRS-120

The specified e-book is made with bluetooth support. Thus, you can quickly share information with friends. With the opening of test documents, problems rarely occur. According to customers, the FM receiver is provided for good. The e-book also uses an accelerometer. If necessary, text from the display can be selected. Still allowed to make small notes in books. This model costs only 10 thousand rubles.

Characteristics of the PRS-360 Model

This Sony e-book is in great demand and boasts its versatility. In this case, the display resolution is 600 by 450 pixels. At this time, the processor frequency is at around 2.1 MHz. There is no speaker for this model. It is also important to note that the device does not have games. However, there is a large dictionary. The underline function of the model is available. There is no additional screen for the e-book. Today it costs about 15 thousand rubles.

e-book sony 950

Reviews about the book PRS-T3

Model Sony T3 (e-book) user reviews get different. First of all, the owners indicate an interesting design of the device. They also note good buttons for turning over. The drawing function of the model is provided. The e-book organizer deserves special attention. If necessary, you can use the accelerometer. To connect the device to a computer in the lower part of the case is a USB connector. The Sony PRS T3 e-book is not equipped with a quarty keyboard.

The dictionary in the device is large, and if desired, the user is able to update it. The operating system in the e-book is standardly installed "Android." A rechargeable battery is included in the standard package. If you believe the owners, it charges about 25 minutes. The matrix in the device is used in the Pearl series. If we talk about the parameters of the electronic book, then the resolution is 700 by 540 pixels. Under the headphone jack is located near the buttons. The case of this model is not erased and made quite durable. Of the shortcomings, it is important to mention the absence of an FM receiver. Also, the model has no games. There is an electronic book Sony PRS T3 about 8500 rubles.

Description of the device PRS-910

This Sony e-book has everything you need for a comfortable pastime. If desired, the user can purchase a new book through the store. The processor of the model is used at 2.2 MHz, and the operating system is installed "Android". The keys in this case are located only on the side panel. Image specified e-book supports.

It is also important to note that the model has a function for selecting text. However, notes cannot be taken. The dictionary in the device is extensive. The e-book reader does not have a read aloud system. Text files device supports TXT and Adobe formats. There are no games in this case. You can buy the presented e-book at a price of 12500 rubles.

sony t3 e-book

Parameters of PRS-355

This Sony e-book allows you to quickly turn pages. If you believe the owners, then problems with text selection do not arise. The keys in the specified device are located on the side panel. The batteries in the e-book are lithium-ion type, and their capacity is 700 mAh. The presented copy weighs exactly 172 g.

There is no additional screen for the model. It is also important to mention the presence of Wi-Fi, but bluetooth is not provided by the manufacturer. There is no speaker in this case. The operating system of the e-book is used by the Android series. In our time, you can buy this model for 13 thousand rubles.

e-book sony prs

Characteristics of the PRS-400 Model

This Sony e-book is capable of boasting an FM receiver. Also, the model has various games. The operating system in the device is provided for the Android series. The keys in this case are on the side. The indicated e-book weighs with rechargeable batteries only 192 g. It has a screen of 6.5 inches.

The accelerometer in the presented device is missing. It is also important to note the availability of a system for reading aloud. Of the functionality, mention should be made of underlining text. The user can easily leave notes in the book. The Bluetooth device presented does not support. You can buy an e-book in stores for 12 thousand rubles.

Reviews about the book PRS-650

E-book Sony PRS 650 many people liked. She has few functions, but it is important to note a high-quality organizer. The device also uses an FM receiver. You can use the accelerometer if you wish.

There is no additional screen for this e-book. The matrix in the device is used in the Pearl series. The model supports text files with the extension "Reader", "Adobe" and TXT. You can use micro SD cards in the device. In our time, the user is able to buy this e-book for 9400 rubles.

e-book sony prs t3


If you consider options from simple e-books, it is important to note the model PRS-T3. She has an interesting design, and it’s easy to control the device. If you select a better e-book, you need to consider PRS-360. First of all, it is multifunctional. It also provides additional control buttons.


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