MAN: manufacturing country and key features

Country of origin "MAN" (Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nürnberg) - Germany. The concern specializes in the production of various types of trucks, buses, diesel turbines and engines. The company was founded in 1958, headquartered in Munich. The company celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2008, with more than 50 thousand employees, the annual sales volume in 120 countries is about 15 billion euros per year. Consider the features of the creation of the company, as well as a brief description of the most popular cars of this brand.

MAN tractor

Historical facts

Continuing to study the manufacturing country "MAN", it should be noted that historically the origin of the enterprise began back in 1758. At that time, the St. Anthony Iron and Steel Works began its work in Oberhausen. In 1808, the plant merged with two more companies, as a result of which the Jacobi Iron And Steel Works Union And Trading Company was founded (metallurgical production from Jacob Iron, Steel Works and Trading Company).

The first company in southern Germany, known as MAN, was created in 1840 by engineer Ludwig Sander. At one time, the name changed to Maschinenfabrik, and later to MAN-Werk Gustavsburg. In 1908, the company got its current name, but ore mining and pig iron production were a priority. Although the engineering direction was not disregarded.

MAN truck

Years of war

Few people do not know the MAN manufacturing country, as these trucks are distributed around the world. It is worth noting that during the war period, the economic situation of the corporation significantly worsened. This was largely influenced by the repatriation after the First World War, the occupation of the Ruhr region, as well as the general financial crisis.

In just a couple of years, the number of employees has halved. The collapse of civilian industry was observed, and the military sphere was developing rapidly within the framework of the National Socialist idea. The MAN produced diesel engines for tanks and submarines, cylinders for shells and pistol parts. After the Second World War, the Allies divided the enterprise in parts. The main focus was the manufacture of commercial vehicles and typewriters.

MAN car

Another crisis

In 1982-83, the MAN manufacturing country experienced another crisis related to the poor financial situation and the global oil collapse. The enterprise itself expected a deep corporate decline. Mostly the problem was reflected in the decline in sales of commercial vehicles. An additional factor in the decline in production was the outdated structure of the company with significant cross-subsidization between branches. The company was renewed in 1986, the head office was moved to Munich, the official name of the corporation became MAN AG.

Two thousandth

In the country of manufacture of the MAN car, a lot has changed in 2006 (regarding this company). The management of the concern entered into an agreement with Force Motors, a company from India. The agreement provided for the creation of a joint plant in equal shares for the production of trucks and buses operated in the domestic and foreign markets. Production facilities opened in Pitampur, Madyah Pradesh. The first truck of Indian origin rolled off the assembly line in 2007. Four years later, the German concern bought out part of its eastern partner, after which a subsidiary office began to function in India.

In the fall of 2006, an attempt was made to take over the Swedish Scania, which was supported by the European Commission. However, after a couple of months, the offer was withdrawn in connection with the refusal of influential shareholders. The MAN company celebrated its 250th anniversary on a grand scale (2008). The program includes exhibitions in various museums, as well as a tour of old models under the slogan "MAN is on the road again."

In 2009, the company re-registered under the European brand MAN SE. In the summer of the same year, the branches of MAN Turbo and MAN Diesel combined into one project called Power Engineering. In addition, the corporation has signed a strategic agreement with Chinese partners manufacturing a Sinotruk truck. During this period, part of the small subsidiary units was sold out.

In the trucking country MAN, there were some scandals. In 2009, Munich’s prosecutors exposed the corruption scheme that was practiced by the firm’s leadership to bribe business partners and government members in several dozen countries. In order to get a contract for the period from 2001 to 2007 for the production of buses and trucks, part of the "top" of the company, headed by General Director Samuelson, was forced to resign.

German truck MAN

The situation with the Volkswagen

The history of the creation of "MAN" continued in the summer of 2011. Then the Volkswagen AG group bought over 55 percent of the shares and half of the capital in MAN SE. It was planned to merge with Scania, which would allow the updated brand to become the largest manufacturer of European trucks. Such a scheme would save about half a billion euros by combining the procurement of consumables and spare parts. The normative part of this agreement was completed in November 2011.

For reference:

  • in the spring of 2012, Volkswagen increased its voting shares to 73 percent;
  • in June of that year, the figure rose to 75%;
  • the results obtained allow us to open a dominance agreement.

"MAN" - whose brand?

The country of manufacture of the car in question is Germany. In the modern model range, several varieties of machines are presented, the brief parameters of which we will consider further. Let's start with the THX series.

These vehicles are optimally suited for long-distance transport, differ in overall dimensions. The cab of the car is characterized by good visibility, the upper hatch opens with a spoiler. The largest driver's seat is presented in the XLL series. Inside, practically no noise is heard, and the finishes and appliances are made at the highest level.

MAN manufacturing country

TGA and TGS models

Which manufacturing country is "MAN", discussed above. Next, we will briefly examine the features of the TGA line of a cargo tractor. The cabin and platform of these machines is focused on the transportation of building materials and equipment, with a total weight of 50 tons. The car is equipped with a six-cylinder engine with a capacity of 10.5 liters, with a capacity of up to 440 "horses". Cabin height is 2.2 meters with a width of 0.79 m.

Trucks of the TGS line are equipped with one of the types of cabs:

  • L;
  • M;
  • Lx.

The width of the first "compact" variation is 0.75 m. All of these versions are quite high, equipped with the necessary equipment for optimal performance. The power indicator of the truck in this series is 330-430 horsepower with a volume of 10.5 liters. Reliability of assembly and quality parameters are time-tested.

TGM and TGL modifications

Cars "MAN TGM" weigh 26 tons, equipped with eight types of wheelbases (from 3.52 to 6.17 meters). Such machines are designed to transport building materials or garbage without traveling outside the village. The length of the body varies from 3.9 to 8.1 meters. The car is equipped with a six-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 240, 280, 326 horsepower. The standard of compliance with environmental standards is Euro-3.

The TGL version is designed for excessive loads, it is equipped with a special filter that serves to clean the air during ventilation or heating. The cab is equipped with a pair of driver's seats with suspension. The “engine” with four cylinders, a volume of six liters and power indicators from 150 to 206 horsepower acts as a power unit.

MAN truck photo

Interesting information

Answering the question of who produces MAN, the producer country mentions Germany. It is worth noting that Rudolf Diesel made a significant contribution to the development of the brand. The engineer in 1893 received a patent for the development of a four-stroke engine. Four years later, a full-fledged engine was developed, operating on the principle of compression ignition.

In 1925, vehicles of the MAN S1H6 type were launched, having a cargo volume of up to 5 tons and an “engine” with six cylinders. In 1955, the company received a plant in Munich, previously developing power units for various BMW series. Since that period, the production of trucks began to grow rapidly, and instead of V-shaped engines, six-cylinder versions began to be installed. In 1978, the MAN brand was named Truck of the Year, after which they made a special MAN Nutzfahrzeug AG production line. A team of over 20 thousand employees worked in this direction. In 2007, one of the MAN cars won first place in the Paris-Dakkar rally.

MAN truck


Trucks of this brand are focused on the transportation of goods over long distances. They are actively used for urban and interregional transport. The truck line has developed versions equipped for one or another purpose. All cars are distinguished by a good indicator of carrying capacity, reliability and the most comfortable design of the workplace.


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