Dream Interpretation: what melon dreams of

As you know, people have a variety of dreams. So, in the night dreams we see images, objects, events, phenomena. For centuries, mankind has sought the connection between dreams and reality. Thanks to this, various collections of interpretations of dreams arose. Today we offer to understand what melon is dreaming of. To answer this question, we will use information from several of the most accurate and trustworthy dream books.

what is melon dreaming about

Dream Book of Gustav Miller

First, find out how to answer the question: β€œWhat is melon dreaming for?” Is a famous American esoteric. So, according to Gustav Miller, this vegetable bodes illness and failure in business. If you dreamed that you were eating a melon, then in real life your rash actions can turn into a serious concern. If in night dreams you see how these vegetables grow in the garden, then the streak of failure will eventually turn into a happy ending.

why does a woman dream of melon

Sigmund Freud's Dream Book

Now we offer to understand what a melon dreams of a woman, according to the interpretation of the ancestor of psychoanalysis. So, Sigmund Freud believed that this dream-dreaming vegetable suggests that a lady in an intimate life is used to exclusively enjoy her partner. At the same time, even tactful requests of a man to fulfill some of his desire become for her a complete revelation and surprise. If you really want to be with this person, you need to change your attitude to this issue.

Vintage french dream book

The authors of this collection interpret the vision in which the melon appears as a sign of human stupidity. So, in real life, you probably will soon have to deal with some mediocre and narrow-minded people.

why does a girl dream of melon

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Now we find out the opinion of the authors of this collection of interpretations. Why dream of watermelon and melon? The vision in which these fruits appear indicates that close friends will always be with you, ready not only to keep you company in the joyful moments of life, but also to support you in a difficult moment. Eating a melon - it’s hard to get sick at risk. If in a dream you pluck this vegetable, in reality you will be in need and deprivation. A good harvest of melons promises the achievement of moderate well-being. Buying a sweet vegetable is to trust someone who does not deserve it at all. If it seems to you that you are selling melons, then your business runs the risk of collapse, but success in love and great happiness in your personal life await you. Unripe fruits predict a stormy romance, which, however, will end in a painful rupture. Ripe melons are considered as a harbinger of love joys. Planting these vegetables is to the satisfaction of completing some important business. Caring for melons, watering them - to the need to perform an honorable, but very difficult job. A rotten fetus is seen as a harbinger of illness or accident. If you had the impression that you were carrying or transporting melons, then in real life you should be careful. After all, rash actions can ruin all your plans. If you treat someone to melon, then soon your troubles will come to an end, and you will be able to learn from them useful experience.

what is watermelon and melon dreaming about

Dream interpretation for lovers

If you saw melons growing in the garden, then soon troubles in heart affairs and loneliness will come to an end. They will be replaced by happiness and love.

Old English dream book

Now we offer to find out how a very famous and respected collection interprets the image in question. Why does a girl or a boy dream of melon? In this case, it promises a marriage with a wealthy person and a likely move to another country. It is possible that your future spouse will be a foreigner. In general, the vision in which the melon appears is considered by this collection in a positive way. It promises the dreamer happiness, supported by financial well-being. You are unlikely to have many children, but all of them will only please you. For people suffering from any ailments, such a vision predicts a speedy recovery. However, it will happen only thanks to the skill and knowledge of a skilled and experienced doctor.

what is the big melon dream about

Dream Book of the White Wizard

What is the dream of the big melon that you eat with appetite? Such a vision indicates that in real life you probably only seek entertainment and fun, forgetting about your obligations to other people. You want, as they say, flit through life like a butterfly. However, this does not take into account either your age, social status, or other factors. As a result, all this leads to a variety of conflicts and unpleasant situations. And the blame for them lies entirely with you. It probably makes sense to think and try to reconsider your outlook on life.

What does the dream in which you buy melon mean? The authors of the collection consider such a vision as a reflection of the fact that in reality you are an imprudent person and constantly give your enemies ever new reasons for slander. Perhaps you are simply confident in your infallibility. However, sooner or later, such a position can play a trick on you.

Why do you dream of a melon that you grew yourself? This vision indicates that only you are to blame for your problems. So, again and again, you take up a difficult or simply hopeless job, hoping that you are finally lucky.

If you dream that you are tearing a melon in a dream, then in real life you are used to blaming yourself exclusively for all troubles. As a result, this not only lowers your self-esteem, but also gives others a reason to blame responsibility for the problems on you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7474/

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