SIZO 2, Vitebsk: time of reception of programs

In 1797, by order of the Russian Empress Catherine II in the Provincial city of Vitebsk, a plot of land was allocated for the construction of the prison. According to historians, from the 18th century the "strait" house, which is known as pre-trial detention center 2 in the city of Vitebsk, begins its history. Today, it does not look much like the royal jail for fountains, nevertheless, the tasks of this institution have remained the same. Information about pre-trial detention center 2 in Vitebsk and the time of reception of programs can be found in this article.

pre-trial detention center 2 Vitebsk contacts

Acquaintance with the penitentiary institution

SIZO 2 (Vitebsk) is a pre-trial detention center No. 2. It is subordinate to the regional department of the Penitentiary Department (SIN) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. Pre-trial detention center address 2: Vitebsk, Gagarina street, 2.

A bit of history

As in any other city, pre-trial detention center 2 in Vitebsk is intended for the maintenance of persons under investigation, namely people under investigation. Further, by decision of the court, they are allocated from correctional facilities to correctional facilities. Since the creation of pre-trial detention center 2 (Vitebsk), they called it differently: first a provincial prison, then a correctional and provincial house of pre-trial detention. For some time the isolation ward was considered prison No. 1 of the regional Department of the Interior. Since 1964, the penitentiary institution is officially listed as a pre-trial detention center.

pre-trial detention center 2 Vitebsk address


In recent years, the pre-trial detention center has been significantly transformed into a pre-trial detention center with an altered catering unit, a bath-and-laundry plant, and new heating and water supply communications. Overhaul was carried out at the checkpoint No. 1, investigation rooms, duty room and cells in security buildings.

pre-trial detention center 2 g Vitebsk

There are also cameras for people with disabilities on remand. A new headquarters building has appeared on the territory of the penitentiary institution. Courtyards for walks and a utility room were reconstructed.

What is the peculiarity of isolator No. 2?

Judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, there are two unreasonable prohibitions in the pre-trial detention center-2, according to convict convicts and human rights defenders. For example, people under investigation have no right to lie during the day. From 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., the prisoner must remain on his feet or in a sitting position, with his feet on the floor. If the prisoner violates this prohibition, a penalty awaits him.

Pretrial detention center

According to experts, this requirement is not indicated anywhere in the legislative document. Furthermore, it is contrary to article 10 of the International Covenant of Human Rights. However, the pre-trial detention center is a sensitive facility with a strict daily routine. The Republic of Belarus has a law in accordance with which every prisoner has the right to an 8-hour sleep, namely from 22:00 to 6 am. Another feature of the pre-trial detention center is that prisoners are forbidden to use dishes for eating. Each prisoner has only a plastic spoon and a mug, which are regularly processed and disinfected in a special room in a pre-trial detention center. Bowls are given out only three times a day during the distribution of food. After they are seized. There are situations where the prisoner, using the products sent in the package, wants to make a vegetable salad or mashed potatoes. For this purpose, some convicts borrow circles from their cellmates. For most sitters, this moment is humiliating. Despite all the complaints, the administration acts within the framework of the law, according to which the defendants are not allowed to eat at a convenient time for them.

About transfers

Despite all the improvements, it will be difficult for a person within the walls of a pre-trial detention center without support from the will. Although formally prisoners have everything they need, in fact, judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, many prisoners survive: they use poor-quality products and do without the usual things. Therefore, relatives of people under investigation and not indifferent are interested in what time of reception of programs is in pre-trial detention center 2 in Vitebsk?

pre-trial detention center 2 Vitebsk reception time

Judging by the reviews, this can be done from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Reception days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mondays and Sundays off. Before heading to the detention center, experts recommend that you contact the on-call service. The contacts of pre-trial detention center 2 (Vitebsk) are indicated on the site of the penitentiary institution. So that all efforts do not go in vain, the transfer should be formed for the person under investigation according to the rules. More details below.

How is the transfer of the package going?

You can send the parcel to SIZO 2 in Vitebsk after a preliminary application. Judging by the reviews, the sample will be provided in the pre-trial detention center. The following is a procedure for checking the contents of a transmission. First, the staff of the pre-trial detention center will open the parcel and print out the standard packaging. Then all the contents will be taken out and examined in detail. Transfers reach prisoners in plastic containers, bags or containers. According to experts, this procedure should be treated with understanding, since this is not a whim of the isolation ward workers, and the urgent need is to prevent the appearance of drugs and things that are considered prohibited in the pre-trial detention center. Due to the fact that prison kiosks work on the territory of pre-trial detention centers, it is more expedient to buy goods there. In this case, verification can be avoided.

How to make a statement?

This document can be issued only by arriving directly at the remand prison. In the application, the visitor should indicate his last name, first name and patronymic, address. The following indicates in what relationship it is with the person under investigation. Then you need to formulate a request to accept the transfer for the prisoner. For this, F. I. O. of the prisoner himself is indicated. After you need to fill out an inventory of all items in the package, indicate their name, quantity and weight.

pre-trial detention center 2 Vitebsk reception time

At the end, the applicant signs and sets the date. The application is accepted by the responsible officer of the detention center. He also gets acquainted with the list of items in the program, weighs, recounts and carefully inspects the parcel. If there is nothing forbidden among the items, he confirms the admission and puts his signature.

About forbidden things

To avoid unpleasant incidents during the receipt of the parcel, the visitor should not put:

  • products, the preparation of which involves boiling, frying or any other heat treatment;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish and meat products in vacuum packaging;
  • perishable products (less than 72 hours) and those that should be stored at a temperature not lower than 8 degrees;
  • valuables;
  • optical instruments;
  • Wrist Watch;
  • playing and topographic maps;
  • office equipment, photo equipment and components for it;
  • materials and objects with pornographic content;
  • military uniform and insignia;
  • perfumes and alcohol-containing liquids.

The parcel will not be returned if it does not contain alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic substances. You should also refrain from those products from which the forbidden substances can be prepared independently - sugar, yeast, etc.


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