Soxange website: reviews and withdrawals

Earning on the Internet is the subject of many articles, both purely theoretical and based on practice. Some of them are advertising in nature, others are “success stories” of their kind.

Today's article will also be related to the topic of earnings. However, it will be rather a warning one. In it, we will talk about one site that supposedly helps everyone to earn big money by copying the operations of successful traders. On the site, in beautiful tones, all the details of how you can earn whole fortunes are painted without doing anything.

Soxange reviews

We will consider this project, study feedback about it and draw our conclusions.

Social Trading

Such a concept as “social trading” is offered by the developers of the site in question. This is a system expressed in the form of a social network in which successful traders take part, who, by concept, never lose money, as well as ordinary participants who want to earn money. This they allegedly do, imitating the "successful." Those, in turn, simply work as usual, apparently without pursuing any of their interests. Such a design device draws us a site that we are analyzing - User reviews are shared. Some of them - those located on the portal itself - testify: the system works perfectly, allowing you to earn good money. The other part - people who write on third-party resources - relies on doubts about the transparency and reality of this type of earnings.

Soxange com reviews

Soxange Project Network

In general, there are several sites operating on the same domain located in different zones. Therefore, in order to simplify the mention of it in the framework of this article, we will call the resource simply Soxange. Reviews indicate that both and are identical. The only difference is in the zone.

The design of the project and the description posted on the site are identical. Everywhere they try to convince us that by joining the community, we can become fabulously rich without much effort. It is only necessary to replenish the account by a certain amount, choose the very “successful” trader whom we would like to emulate, and watch how the amount grows on our balance sheet. Amazing stuff, isn't it?

The recommendations of people who call the project successful and really worth attention, say that you do not need to do anything to make a profit - everything will be done for you automatically. One gets the impression that this is a real "gold mine", and not just the site Reviews of skeptics are proof of this: everything cannot be so simple and easy.

Soxange ru reviews

The basis of earnings in the project

In order to understand where the project organizers are going to receive funds from, and where, according to their statements, they should be taken from the participants, we draw attention to the theoretical materials located on the site.

Here you can see that all the profits will be received, thanks to the successful transactions of traders whose actions we are going to copy. But how - the question arises - can we be sure of the actions of the merchant whom we imitate?

Partially the answer to this question is given by trade statistics, it can be seen at each of the traders who participate in the project. She looks quite successful: everyone shows a profitability of 200-300 percent, which makes the proposal to follow their actions quite attractive. But at the same time, these same statistics raise doubts about the transparency and credibility of the project, that these charts are actually trading, and not just pictures drawn in the editor.

http Soxange com reviews

What is required from the participant?

The entire Soxange earning scheme, reviews of which we will publish a little further, is based on "tracking". Having understood what it is, you can understand the whole essence of such "earnings". We are talking about investing in the project and the further expectation of their increase. The participant must simply provide the project with their money and choose the one whose trading strategies are going to inherit. Everything else is done by the system.

As for the minimum deposit amount, it is equal to 250 dollars. True, this information could not be found on the official website (as well as other details about how funds are credited). We managed to find this data by reading reviews of people who have already invested in the project about Soxange.

reviews on the Soxange website

What do they promise?

With promises, the project organizers clearly tried. Thanks to the video, various graphs and beautiful pictures, it becomes clear that we are offered a stable and high income, a lot of money and the opportunity not to participate in the project, that is, not to work. This, in principle, can be found in any other similar system.

Another tool with which organizers attract users deserves attention. This is a demo account that everyone is offered to open. On it, immediately after registration, the user will have access to 500 “trial” dollars for test trading.

What is most interesting - all the reviews on the Soxange website indicate: the amount of deposit on the demo is growing rapidly in a few days. With $ 500, the balance increases to 30-40 thousand dollars, encouraging the account holder and making him think about making real money. Indeed, the administration resorted to a very subtle psychological trick, showing how you can earn here on a virtual demo account.

Reviews on the site

If you read the recommendations of the participants of the system, which are left on the main page of the site, you can see how easy and simple money is made here. People thank the owners of the resource, are glad that they managed to find this project and simply leave the most positive reviews about the Soxange program.

There are practically no negative or neutral reviews here - only praise and thanks to the founders of the project. At the bottom of the page there is a special form for adding a comment into which everyone can enter any information, and it will be immediately published on the site. This creates the appearance of transparency of the system. It would seem: if everyone can leave reviews on the website, then the opinions published above are real thoughts of people, not a custom-made text. But do not flatter yourself. It is enough to enter the site from another browser - and you will see that your comment is not visible. It is “published” exclusively for you through temporary cookies.

http Soxange ru reviews

Web Reviews

Another thing is about the Soxange project reviews posted on third-party Internet resources. Opinions posted on forums, review services and blogs are much more difficult to falsify - this will require a large amount of resources. Therefore, for us, such reviews are more valuable, since they are more believable.

Analyzing them, you can see: all people note that on the demo account their balance has grown rapidly. However, most people are afraid to open their personal accounts in order to start trading. Those who made a replenishment of the account with real 250 dollars call the project a scam and complain about the lost funds.

All as one they claim: on a real account, their deposit quickly "merged", because of which, after a couple of days, the balance was $ 0.

How to withdraw funds?

Well, another important point that I would like to draw attention to is the lack of information about the withdrawal of funds from the Soxange project. Nobody knows how to get money out of here, and there is no information on the Internet and among the reviews that anyone at least succeeded. There is only one conclusion on this subject: the resource is an outright scam, and you should not deal with it. Read more in our findings.


After analyzing the reviews about, you can make a fairly logical and simple conclusion. The project is fraudulent, and this can be seen on several grounds at once. First of all, these are reviews. If there were real opinions of people on the main page of the site, then they would coincide with what they write about the resource on other portals. However, we see a clear difference. Secondly, the information on the site itself is not complete enough to start working with it. In particular, this applies both to replenishment methods, guarantees, and the department of the most frequently asked questions about the system; and contact information about who is behind this project, how to contact them, and so on. Addresses in Cyprus, which can be found on the pages of the site at the moment, are simply copied information about the location of another company. Thirdly, you should not trust the project because of the very idea of ​​earning. Copying trading strategies is not a panacea and cannot provide a steady income. The idea of ​​“copy strategy and generate revenue automatically” is just a beautiful story promoted by Soxange. How to earn tens of thousands of dollars, in practice, no one will simply tell you.

Soxange how to make money

Why is it not so simple?

In fact, the idea of ​​copying a strategy exists. There is even a major service that really allows you to follow successful currency traders. However, you do not need to think that by filling in $ 100 and forgetting about them, in a month you will see 10 thousand on the balance sheet. This does not happen.

Traders, too, are sometimes mistaken, and they have negative indicators. The only difference is that, having 10 thousand dollars on the balance sheet, the loss of 3 thousand is small in the scale of the whole account. If the person who follows him has a thousand on the balance sheet as a whole, then for him this will mean a complete "drain" of the deposit. Therefore, if someone says that he can earn 30, 40 or 50 thousand dollars on - this person’s reviews are most likely just custom-made material.

How can I make money?

No, do not give up earnings on the Forex market completely. For many, this is a really good source of income. Only the approach should be completely different, and not just replenishment of the account at Testimonials from real traders and investors show that you can earn with Forex by trading on your own if you understand the foreign exchange market and know how to predict the movement of rates. Another example is investing. If you are willing to risk your savings in order to observe the growth of income and do nothing at the same time, you can do it.

How to invest money?

There are a lot of ways to earn on investments with Forex. For example, you can invest in PAMM accounts by transferring your funds to traders so that they benefit from them. It is also possible, for example, to practice trust management in cooperation with investment funds.

True, for all these techniques you will need a substantial amount of money. Well, you need to forget about Soxange.


And in general, for the future I would like to give a little warning to our readers: be careful. Today, more and more sophisticated and intricate schemes of enticing money from unsuspecting users appear. Most of them are clearly operating in the field of earnings and investments. Therefore, when you come across another, reviews should be the first thing you should pay your attention to. The second is the meaning of earnings that they want and offer from you; Well, then you can already pay attention to other conditions and requirements that the project puts forward for its participants.

And do not forget about the truth that explains where free cheese happens.


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