How to make an advertisement on Instagram yourself?

One of the most effective methods for website promotion and business development at the moment is advertising on social networks. Social networks where people actively communicate, are more likely to pay attention to useful posts, join groups, like posts and make reposts, are a practically inexhaustible source of traffic. A properly built advertising campaign will allow you to get new customers, keep the attention of existing ones and re-attract those who are not satisfied with the service.

how to make Instagram ads

Advertising is often set up by specialists in SMM (promotion in social networks) or full-time marketers. But for a small business or a novice entrepreneur, the waste of specialist services at the start is too burdensome. How to make advertising on Instagram, for example, cheaper? Effective advertising in most social networks, including Instagram, you can configure yourself in literally 10-15 minutes.

Why run ads on this platform?

On September 30, 2015, Russian businessmen got a chance to publish advertisements on Instagram, which means that companies with a wide reach can now promote themselves and their products on this social network. Currently, an audience of Instagram users from Russia has crossed the mark of 9 million people. Mostly users from Russia are young people from 15 to 23 years old.

how to run ads on instagram

Such a large number of active users creates favorable conditions for advertising campaigns on Instagram, therefore, adding them to the marketing strategy scheme will become a reasonable solution for your business. This significantly saves the time that was previously spent on finding partners with sometimes terrible conditions for cooperation.

Advertising on Instagram allows you and only you to choose who to show it to and spend your finances and time only on the target audience. Weā€™ll now learn how to set up advertising on Instagram.

Step-by-step advertising campaign setup

In the official advertising on Instagram, three key user actions are provided:

  • go to the site;
  • watch the video;
  • download the app.

how to make advertising through instagram

How to make Instagram ads on your own? About it - further.

Step 1. Preparation of the advertisement

How to make an advertisement on Instagram? To begin with, itā€™s worth preparing your advertisement in all respects. Advertising on this platform can be of three types: photos, videos or slide shows from photos. Now we turn to the requirements that must be taken into account when creating advertising in various formats.

Photo advertising

How to make an advertisement in the Instagram feed in the form of a photo? Photos for social networks are advised to do in the form of a square. This form is more familiar to users, therefore it looks more natural and advantageous in comparison with vertical or horizontal photo images. Try to depict your product on the photo as naturally as possible, because the less the photo is like an advertisement, the more it attracts users.

How to make an advertisement on Instagram? Specifications for advertising photography:

  1. The minimum image size is from 600 pixels, the maximum is 1936 pixels. It is recommended to use the standard size for the social network - 1080 Ɨ 1080 pixels.
  2. The file format is .jpg or .png. The maximum weight is 30 MB.
  3. Use no more than 20% of the text in the image. Users respond better to photos with a minimum of textual information.
  4. The text of the post can contain a maximum of 2.2 thousand characters, but in his stream the user will see up to 125 characters. Further text opens when you click on "Read more."

Video ad

How to make an advertisement on Instagram in the form of a video ad? Using the video, you can clearly demonstrate your product, convey the style of your brand to the public. On the Instagram network, you should pay attention to the fact that the video should be clear to the user without sound, since by default it is muted and not everyone turns on the sound when watching videos.

how to make Instagram ads on facebook

Specifications for the video:

  1. The duration of the video should be from six seconds to one minute.
  2. The file type is .mp4.
  3. File size - up to 4 GB.
  4. The video preview also has a minimum of information.

A call to action can be placed under the video or photo, it will be displayed throughout the width of the ad. When you click on a call to action, the user will be redirected to the specified site. If the call to action is not selected, then a ā€œDetailsā€ button will appear under the post to go to the site.

Slideshow (ring gallery)

How to create Instagram ads in the form of a slide show? Such a slide show consists of three to five photographs. It allows you to show different products or a single product from different angles. Specifications are similar to photographs. Such advertising is suitable for large brands or online stores.

Step 2. Launch advertising

How to run an advertisement on Instagram? The creation of advertising and the launch of an advertising campaign are carried out through Facebook. To start advertising, you will need to link the project page on Facebook with the Instagram account. How to implement this?

  1. We go on the page in "Facebook" in our business project. In the top menu, select "Settings".
  2. In the "Settings" section of the menu on the left, we see "Instagram Advertising", go to this section and click on the "Add Account" icon.
  3. Enter the username and password of your Instagram account and confirm the attachment to the Facebook business page. If you wish, you can always untie your page from your account.

Step 3. Authorization in the advertising account and setup

How to make Instagram ads on Facebook? You can log in to Facebook in your advertising account in several ways: select Ads Manager in the menu on the left or click on the white triangle in the right corner and select "Create Advertisement".

how to make advertising on instagram yourself

In the office you can create advertising campaigns for various purposes. So, the ā€œEngagementā€ goal will be useful to those who intend to attract users to their Instagram account to conduct promotions or contests, or simply seeks to increase the activity of subscribers on the channel.

Trafficā€™s goal is based on placing a link and a call to action in your ad. This direction is suitable for those who intend to direct people to their site and increase through this sale.

Set your goals? Now we give the name of our advertising campaign. Try to adapt the name to your audience, if at this stage it is difficult to decide, do not worry, the name can always be changed.

Audience tuning is the most important part of creating an advertising campaign. The most important part in creating advertising is working with the audience. On how you set up your ad, it directly depends on who discovers it.

To begin with, you should specify a location in the settings: select a country, city or several places where you will sell your goods. In the "Places" section in the settings, you can note how users relate to your chosen place: live, sometimes visit or travel to this place.

Targeted Instagram Ads

A special advantage of advertising on Instagram is that it is targeted. This means that you can independently configure for your ad to whom the advertisement will be displayed, to what gender, age, in which country and many other factors. How to make an advertisement through Instagram? Try to choose among the interests that are specific to your potential audience. Interact with people, find out what is interesting and important for them to build a list and fine-tune advertising.

how to make an Instagram feed

How to make targeted advertising on Instagram effective? After all, for example, choosing female persons from 18-30 years old in the audience settings, you can still get a couple of likes from men or teenagers. Additionally, you can use the "Recommendations" section. Then Facebook will tell you what else should be included in the settings so that the advertisement matches the audience.

Placement and its types. What is included in the budget?

By default, in the advertising office there is ā€œAutomatic types of placementā€, that is, Facebook itself determines where it is more effective to show ads. In the ā€œAd Groupā€ section, go to ā€œPlacement Typesā€, then select ā€œEdit Placementsā€ and check the boxes where your ad will be displayed.

How to make advertising on Instagram profitable financially? It is worth paying attention to the section "Budget and Schedule". In this section you can specify both the daily budget and the entire duration of your advertising campaign. The approximate coverage of people per day in accordance with the selected budget will be indicated on the right.

Create ad

How to create an advertisement on Instagram? After successfully setting up your entire audience, it's time to move on to creating the ad itself. You need to do this in the Ads Manager section ā€œAdvertisingā€. In this section, you can create a new publication or use an existing one. In the tab for creating a new advertisement, you will be asked to add the text of the proposal and photos of the goods. As soon as the announcement has been compiled, click on the "Check Order" button, you will see all the settings for the announcement. If everything is specified reliably, click "Place an order."

how to make targeted advertising on instagram

After placing the order, Facebook will offer to choose a payment method. When linking your bank card, about 40 rubles will be debited from the account, which will immediately be returned to your account. The specified banking data will be contained in the section "Billing and payment methods", when setting up the following advertising campaigns, you will not need to re-enter your payment data. In this section, you can change the payment methods: connect others and delete existing ones.

Next, you need to send an ad to the moderators for verification. This will be done automatically after paying for the advertisement. On average, verification is carried out per hour. The moderator will check the text and attached images for compliance with the rules of advertising. Upon completion of the check, you will see the line ā€œYour advertisement is approvedā€ in your advertising panel, and a green circle will appear opposite the post. And in the activity stream, you will find likes and comments on your advertisement.

With this instruction, you can set up your promotional offer on the social network "Instagram" in 10-15 minutes.

Official advertising will help to promote your account on social networks, attract new customers and retain existing ones, significantly expand your reach and target your audience.

And remember the main rule when launching an advertising campaign - test your texts and videos, improve your skills every day. None of the experts will be able to accurately determine which text will deeply affect and affect people, this can only be seen after publication. As a recommendation, you can advise you to create several different ads for your audience at once, analyze the reactions and choose the best among them. This is the only way you can find an approach to the audience, find the right text style, the right video and the necessary ad format, which will make it possible to interest as many customers as possible with a minimum budget for you.


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