PKU IK-13 (Nizhny Tagil). Correctional colony for men of the general regime. Correctional colony modes

Some people have heard about the “red zones” in Russia, but few fully understand what kind of institutions they are and how they differ from ordinary colonies. On the territory of the country there are about 10 correctional colonies of different regimes for the so-called “former employees”. This list includes convicts who previously worked as police officers, prosecutors, judges, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. One of these zones is located in the city of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk Region. The institution qualifies as a general regime colony.

PKU IR 13 Nizhny Tagil

FSIN structure

The Federal Penitentiary Service is a rather young structure that was created only in 2004-2005. Previously, the department belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in Soviet times, the protection of sensitive facilities was carried even by conscripts. Today the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is under the control of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and performs the functions of executing criminal punishment in relation to convicts. The Federal Penitentiary Service is controlled by all correctional institutions of the country: colonies, pre-trial detention centers, zones and other material and technical organizations and institutions.

For several decades now, the penal system of punishment has continued to be practiced in Russia, that is, in our country, not only are prisoners protected during the period of restriction of their freedom from society, but work is also being done to correct them and return to society. In recent years, this trend has only intensified. The leadership of the colonies is trying to create favorable conditions for life and correction: they organize places of work, leisure and training. Moreover, psychological training is provided for convicts, they are taught various professions, and they are introduced to Orthodoxy. On the territory of the colony there is an opportunity to receive higher education remotely. How these conditions are met and whether they are necessary is a separate issue.

Prisoner Separation Principles

According to the legislation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as international rights, there is a strict division of convicts into main categories:

  • by sex - male and female colonies (institutions for pregnant women and mothers with children under 3 years old);
  • by age - adult and teenage colonies;
  • according to the regime prescribed in the sentence - strict, general, colony-settlement, house arrest, restriction of liberty, special conditions of detention, deferment for various reasons;
  • according to the convict’s affiliation with law enforcement agencies.

One of the most important criteria is also the number of convictions: convicts who have committed murders for the first time, as well as those who are twice convicted or repeat offenders. Distribution takes place in the pre-trial detention center. If the convict does not have information about the criminal record, a request is made to the information center. In this case, a distribution error can pose a serious problem to the responsible employee.

cop zone

Mode Separation

For each category of convicts, detention conditions are created on the basis of his belonging to a particular group. The following correctional facilities are distinguished:

  • colony for adolescents from 14 to 18 years old; upon reaching the age limit, a person is transferred to an "adult" prison;
  • first-moder colonies;
  • penal colonies;
  • general regime colonies for first movers;
  • general regime colony for second courses;
  • colony for BSM (former police officers) of general or strict regime;
  • special regime colonies;
  • prisons;
  • SIZO.

The penal colony regime prescribed in the sentence does not mean that a person will go to any institution with a suitable regime. Previously, employees make inquiries, find out whether he served his sentence before and whether he is a former employee. For women, there are only general regime colonies.

The need for such a clear separation is due to the interests of the prisoners themselves. For the first time, perpetrators of crimes should not be close to repeat offenders, nor should adolescents be protected from the influence of adults with a criminal past. The same is true with the red zones: former employees may be at risk indoors with criminals they may have previously dealt with.

History of the Nizhny Tagil colony

In the Sverdlovsk region there are 4 male and one female colony, as well as a pre-trial detention center. PKU IK 13 Nizhny Tagil is located directly in the city, which greatly facilitates the issue of travel for relatives of prisoners. The limit of the institution is 1912 people. Today, there are about 1,700 convicts, mostly former law enforcement officers.

A correctional institution was created here in 1957, recently employees and management celebrated the anniversary - 60 years. Previously, the organization was called USh-349/13. In 2012, the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia was issued on changing the regime of the institution and setting a limit of 1912 people. Nizhny Tagil is considered the second most populated city in the Sverdlovsk Region, with a little more than 350 thousand people living here.

UFSIN of Russia

Red zone

PKU IK 13 Nizhny Tagil is considered the "red zone". Moreover, this definition speaks not only about the special contingent, namely about former judges, police officers, traffic police, prosecutors or members of the armed forces, but also about the established procedures in the institution. Traditionally, such zones are called prosperous, there is no division into criminal authorities, athletes, "goats", "men" and "omitted". Riots and discontent are rare; basically, all convicts work "for the administration."

The Cop Zone is famous for its discipline. Former employees steadfastly endure the new rules of the regime: rise at 6.00, work and other events. They used to work in the “system” and, for the most part, did not absorb the criminal notions of freedom and opposition to state policy.

Current state

A feature of PKU IK 13 Nizhny Tagil is the fact that for all 60 years of its existence, it has “received” exclusively law enforcement officers. A whole tradition of behavior and control has already developed. Today, a foundry is located on the territory of the institution, aluminum and ferroalloys are produced here. Such infrastructure allows the institution to have additional funding for the needs of the colony.

Almost half of all prisoners work in IK-13; work not only provides a small but stable income, but it is also an important criterion when deciding on early release. By the forces of the employees themselves, a subsidiary farm is being maintained: chicken, pigs and cows are raised. An Orthodox church functions in the colony; a local priest serves here.

Rights of prisoners

Rules for serving sentences

In the "cop zone" the same regime rules apply as in other correctional institutions. Upon arrival from the pre-trial detention center, the convicted person is sent to quarantine for 1-2 weeks. During this time, doctors examine him, psychologists conduct conversations, and the security service is looking for him a place of constant "registration"

Correctional facilities of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia are divided into colonies and prisons. There are few of the latter in the country; they contain especially dangerous criminals or those sentenced to life imprisonment. The main place of residence of all prisoners is the colony, or rather, the barracks in the colonies. Typically, the hut is designed for 100-120 people and is separated from other places of residence by the local zone. In theory, between "lokalka" prisoners are not allowed to move independently. In fact - everyone goes to each other "on a visit."

The rise in the institution at 6.00, then - exercise, breakfast and divorce to work. From 12.10 - lunch, everyone eats in the common dining room, each squad takes turns. The working day ends at 17.00, after an hour, dinner and until 21.00 - free time. At 22.00 - hang up.

Penalties and incentives

In the Nizhny Tagil correctional colony, as in other Russian ICs, there is a system of penalties and rewards. For frivolous misconduct, such as: informal clothing or leaving the barracks after lights out, may face verbal or disciplinary action.

For more serious “shoals” - drinking, drug use, a fight or disobedience of the administration - a pre-trial detention center, punishment cell or transfer to SUS, strict conditions of detention. And here there is no longer freedom of movement, nor some benefits, such as TV or personal food, dates and parcels. In addition, even a small penalty can significantly affect the judge's decision on conditional release.

Prisoners' rights to early release must be respected without question, but a positive decision depends on many factors:

  • firstly, from the article - for each category of severity, there are different deadlines for release (after serving ½ term, 1/3, or ÂĽ part);
  • secondly, from the availability of a monetary claim of the injured party and the fact of its payment;
  • thirdly, from the characteristics of the prisoner by different services - psychological, social, security department and general characteristics from the chief of the detachment.

In colony IK-13 (Nizhny Tagil), convicts rarely enter into serious conflicts with employees, most work and strive to be released as soon as possible.

relatives of prisoners

What can be given to the convict

In the package, you can give the prisoner a limited list of things and products. A complete list of permitted items can be found on the site of the colony and administration in the Sverdlovsk region. The condemned should wear clothes of neutral colors, without patterns, simple cut. “Civilian-style” clothing can be worn in a hut or under a robe. Unsuitable things will be given back to relatives or sent to a warehouse for storing personal items.

Product requirements are even stricter. Prohibited products that require heat treatment. In the warm season, it is forbidden to transfer perishable products: sausages, cheeses. For all other foods, there are also restrictions on weight or quantity.

Rules for communication with the outside world

According to the rules, mobile communication in correctional institutions of Russia is strictly prohibited. The use and storage of telephones threatens harassment by the administration, but in fact, almost all prisoners have cell phones. True, in the "red zones" the convicts try not to become impudent and such a widespread use of cellular communications is not observed. For official communication with relatives and acquaintances, there are stationary telephone sets, for a call you need to pre-register and book a time.

Prisoners have the right to receive letters, but all correspondence is censored. That is, letters are opened and read by a special employee. Such a measure is necessary for the timely detection of possible offenses and plans of a criminal inmate. In some colonies, computer zones are practiced, where at certain times and only on permitted sites, prisoners have the right to communicate or receive information.

Nizhny Tagil correctional colony

Contact information and rules for visiting prisoners

Useful information for relatives of prisoners:

  1. For convicts under general conditions and under normal conditions, 6 parcels or transfers of up to 40 kg and 6 parcels are ordered, and it is also allowed to receive 6 short-term (up to 4 hours) and 4 long visits (3 days). Meetings are allowed only with close relatives: wives, parents, children (up to 14 years old in the presence of an adult), brothers, sisters. In light mode, 6 long and 6 short-term dates and 12 parcels, 12 parcels are put. On strict - 3 parcels and parcels and 2 short and long dates. In order to transfer to facilitated conditions, it is necessary not to have penalties and actively participate in the life of the colony.
  2. Before visiting the colony of PKU IK 13 in Nizhny Tagil, carefully read the list of prohibited items. It can be found on the UFSIN website or in the dating room. The law provides for criminal prosecution for carrying prohibited items or substances.
  3. In all the colonies there are internal stores where the administration sells an authorized minimum of products. Prisoners are forbidden to have money, because they are paid from their electronic accounts. If desired, relatives can replenish this account.

When planning a trip to the penal colony for men of general regime in Nizhny Tagil, think in advance of the route there and back. The colony is located in the city, so finding housing is not difficult.

Reception of citizens

To obtain information on the institution’s working hours and on the schedule for receiving management, you can find out by calling the telephone number, which can be found on the Office’s website. The head of the institution receives citizens on Monday from 12.00; Head of the medical unit - on Wednesday from 15.00 to 16.45; Deputy for security and operational work - on Thursday from 14.00.

The date and transmission room is open from 8.00 to 17.00 every day without days off and breaks. Relatives must have an identity document with them, as well as documents confirming kinship with the convict. For children - a birth certificate.

The Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Sverdlovsk Region is located at: Yekaterinburg, ul. Repin, 4-a. You can contact relatives of convicts if you have questions or disputes.

penal colony 13

Famous personalities

Over the course of a sixty-year history, many celebrities have served in Correctional Colony 13. During the time of L. Brezhnev, one of the husbands of his daughter Galina, the first deputy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuri Churbanov, was serving his sentence here. In addition, General Viktor Kalinin, as well as Brezhnev’s personal assistant, Gennady Brovin, were serving their term here. By the way, Churbanov in the colony is still remembered as a very hardworking and complaisant person who not only sacredly followed all the rules of staying in the zone, but also tried his best to introduce others to this.

At the time of Yeltsin, one of the close associates of the first president, Dmitry Yakubovsky , "lived" here . True, he ended up in a colony not for ideological reasons, but for the theft of antique values ​​from the Russian National Library of St. Petersburg.

Other cop colonies of Russia

Every year, more and more cases are registered in Russia, when law enforcement officers are at the center of scandals and criminal prosecutions. More than half of criminal cases involve bribery and money laundering; an article with extortion, murder, and even the organization of a criminal community is no less “popular” .

penal colony regime

Everyone remembers the high-profile cases of high-ranking officials or civil servants caught in millions of illegal transactions. Several years ago, even the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service himself, Alexander Reimer, was charged with embezzlement of large funds and sentenced to 8 years in prison. From time to time, notes appear in the media about the detention of both ordinary police officers and large commanders. Judging by all these headlines, Russia's “red zones” will be in demand for a long time to come. Nevertheless, I still want to hope for the best.


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