Interpretation of dreams: why dream cabbage

According to scientists, in the world there are no people who do not dream. It doesn’t matter which ones - interesting or not very, bearing a semantic load or a reflection of the past and the future, pleasant or terrible - we all see them, but not everyone remembers them. Mankind, probably from its very origins, is trying to solve the dream riddle, and each interpreted the dream in his own way.

The dream in which the cabbage had a dream:

- in a children's dream book means an influx of money;

- The female dream book says that cabbage in a dream is one of the main negative symbols of our dreams. Seeing her bodes amorous treachery and adultery. Cleaning means that the owner of the dream prepares for himself a difficult fate through wasteful expenses;

- Aesop's dream book answers the question of what the cabbage dreamed for, based on children's themes (... they found you in cabbage ...). That is, watering the beds with cabbage means a condescending attitude towards their children, they, in turn, get used to it and cease to reckon with your opinion. Cutting the cabbage leaf means the fact that in the near future you will have to connect all your authority in order to direct your child on the true path. Cooking and carving a head of cabbage in a dream where you dreamed of cabbage means future distress, the offender of which will be your offspring, the experience will be not only yours, but also that of the child, and his experiences will be much more painful. Cutting out the stitches means combating your child’s destructive tendencies and bad habits, which is important not to miss the moment before it’s too late to fix it. To drop the forks and lose it means the child’s spiritual distance from you: most likely you pay him too little attention; as a result, the child closes and turns to other people for help.

- The ABC of interpretation of dreams explains the bad background of the dream, after which the question “what is cabbage dreaming for” arises, because this vegetable means and symbolizes a waste of time and vegetation - as a rule, a vain search for truth. Moreover, the vision of a head of cabbage means difficulties; there is it - the loss of money and time; see cabbage in the garden - unexpected guests, news;

- the dream book of the white magician answers the question of what cabbage is dreaming of, also with different interpretations for many versions of dreams. To grow it or to harvest it means an early visit of a person whom I really want to see; and cabbage in a dream means that the time has come for the realization of one's hopes, no matter how illusive they may be. If you saw varieties of non- white cabbage, this means that a person who loves you is waiting for a meeting with you, this dream encourages a person to look around in search of a close friend. Buying cabbage on the market means joyful, unexpected changes, perhaps soon congratulations to your loved one. Women who have recently married, based on the interpretation of this dream, should prepare for pregnancy. Eating cabbage means you have to meet unexpected, but always welcome guests. Sea kale in a dream means the recovery of your loved one who has long been seriously ill. Coleslaw promises a quick find or random profits associated with large sums of money. Marinating cabbage in a dream in real life promises the realization of almost forgotten and long-standing desires, which is likely to happen in the first week after this dream.

Well, all the same, why dream of cabbage? What does cabbage mean in a dream? So, if you dreamed of cabbage, you do not need to immediately open a lot of dream books and summarize all the information received from them. It is necessary to recall the whole environment of sleep and the whole situation, and only after a thorough analysis of all the cumulative moments and the most vivid images of sleep can we draw conclusions and assumptions in search of answers to the question: “What is cabbage dreaming for?”


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