White plaque on orchids: causes, treatment methods, photos and reviews

Orchids, as you know, the flowers are pretty whimsical. Such indoor plants need to be properly watered and fed. Very often, the owners of such exotic flowers, unfortunately, have to deal with various diseases and pests. For example, some lovers of indoor plants are interested in what to do if a white coating was noticed on orchids.

What could be the problem

White plaque appears on home orchids due to fungi or pests. In order to correctly diagnose a disease, the owner of such a plant first of all needs to examine it carefully.

Mealworms on a leaf

If the plaque is mostly located on the lower part of the leaves of the flower, you will most likely have to fight with powdery mildew. This is the name of the disease caused by a special kind of fungus. If the plaque is noticeable mainly on the upper parts of the leaves, the mealybug was most likely the cause of it.

Also, the owner of a sick orchid will need to feel her leaves. If the coating on them is sticky, then the plant is most likely infected with a scale.

Powdery mildew: causes and symptoms

In addition to the lower part of the leaves, the spores of the fungus of this variety also usually sprout on the buds of orchids. Plots covered with white coating with such a disease soon begin to turn yellow and dry out. If the owner of the plant does not take measures to save him, soon it will die.

The reasons for the development of powdery mildew and the appearance of white plaque on orchids in most cases are unsuitable conditions of detention. The owner of such a plant may, for example, encounter this problem if:

  • the soil under the flower is periodically waterlogged;

  • a pot with a plant is placed in a room with high humidity;

  • the temperature in the room where the orchid is contained is too high.

That is, the risk of powdery mildew development is significantly increased in “greenhouse” conditions, when the room is too humid and stuffy. It is in this case that a white coating often appears on orchids. Powdery mildew disease is dangerous, but it can still be cured. To do this, use some kind of insecticide.

Flour dew on an orchid

Prevention and treatment

In order to prevent the development of powdery mildew and, accordingly, white plaque on the orchid, it should therefore be placed in a not too warm and humid room. Also, in order to prevent infection with a fungus, the plant needs to be treated with Fitosporin from time to time, according to the instructions from the manufacturer.

If the orchid has already been infected with powdery mildew, it is also best to treat it with the use of modern antifungal drugs. It can be, for example, “Skor”, “Topsin-M”, “Fito-plus”.

The main symptoms of a mealybug infection

In this case, on the upper part of the orchid leaf, most likely, not only the white coating itself, but also flakes of the same color will be visible. Also, symptoms of infection with a mealybug are:

  • slowing down the development of shoots;

  • yellowing or redness of the leaves;

  • leaf fall.

Most often, the Phalaenopsis orchids suffer from this parasite. In such flowers, shoots usually suffer very much from a mealybug, especially shoots.

The appearance of the parasite

If white blooms appear on orchids, it must be examined for the detection of worms. This pest belongs to the coccid family and has a size of 0.5-12 mm. Worm males are subtle and look like small mosquitoes. Their body color is white. Male worms do not have a mouth and do not harm plants.

Mealworm on an orchid

Female individuals of this parasite are characterized by an elongated shape. Their body color is also white. Females of some varieties of worms have legs, while others do not. In any case, the oral apparatus in females is developed just fine. They suck them from the plant juices.

White plaque on orchids: what to do when infected with a worm

This insect may appear on the plant, for example, after the apartment owner purchases some new flower. All home decorative cultures purchased in a store or brought from friends should be kept in a separate room for the first couple of weeks. This will allow you to identify diseases in time and prevent infection of other plants in the house.

Worms can also be present in purchased storehouse or garden greenhouse soil. The day before planting orchids, such soil must be steamed and spilled with boiling water.

Removal of mealworms

If the orchid becomes infected with a worm, helping her, unfortunately, will be very difficult. The body of these parasites is covered with a thick shell. Therefore, they are poorly taken by both purchased insecticides and folk remedies.

You can try to remove it manually from a sick orchid orchid. Heavily affected shoots should be removed. Next, the plant needs to be treated, for example, with such compounds as Fitoverm, Aktara, Calypso.

Drug Reviews

The wormworm remedies described above, as noted by lovers of ornamental plants, help only in combination with manual processing. Sometimes, unfortunately, judging by the reviews, all these drugs still remain powerless.

If it was not possible to help the plant with the use of Calypso, Fitoverma or Actara, experienced flower growers are advised to process the flower with Actellik. This tool has earned good reviews from lovers of indoor plants for the fact that it almost always destroys worms. However, the drug is very strong and should be used more carefully.

Symptoms of infection

Such pests affect in most cases weakened orchids. Signs of infection with scabies, in addition to white-gray plaque, are:

  • bulges of a brown shade;

  • the appearance of yellow spots, and then drying and dying of leaves;

  • falling of unopened buds.

The leaves of an infected orchid look lethargic and unhealthy.

Infection pathways

Scale and white plaque appear on orchids, usually if they were improperly taken care of. Frequent overmoistening, the use of too much nitrogen fertilizer, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to dry air, etc., can lead to such a disease.

Scales themselves on orchids, like earthworms, usually come from recently acquired plants or soil. Some lovers of home flowers argue that such insects can enter apartments and through open windows. However, in mice, only males can fly. Damage to plants is caused by women.

What does a parasite look like

The appearance of a white sticky coating on the orchid, thus, may indicate infection with its scab. This pest, like the worm, belongs to the coccid family. In females of the insect, not only wings, but also legs, eyes, and antennae are missing. But such an insect has a very well developed oral apparatus. Only young female scale insects with still soft carapace can move in space.

Scale infection

Scale color is white or light brown. The shell of these pests can be either spherical or flat. In any case, his color is usually dark yellow or brown.

Male scale insects in most cases are white. They don’t have a mouth, but they have eyes, legs and wings. On the body of males, the head, abdomen and chest are visible. A shield for males is also available, but small.


As in the case of the worm, new plants purchased at the store should be kept in quarantine for at least 2 weeks in order to avoid infection of orchids with scabies. Of course, it is necessary to do preventive soil treatment in this case.

Spraying orchids

Sometimes with a scab on orchids they struggle with folk remedies. But most lovers of home plants agree that chemical preparations are the most effective in dealing with this parasite. To treat an orchid with a white coating on the leaves when infected with a scale can be, for example, such means as Confidor, Fitoverm, Aktara. As in the case with worms, Actellik also helps very well from scabies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K749/

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