How to clear history in Skype without extra efforts?

Skype is a program that makes our life easier and more convenient. Through it, you can make calls around the world, and for free. You only need to have an internet connection. This article will talk about how to erase a story on Skype. You may not want other computer users to read your messages, or there is some other reason. This can be done quickly and effortlessly. First you need to figure out where the Skype history settings are. Only having reached them, we can gain access to its removal.

Where can I find the Skype story?

how to clear skype history
First you need to figure out where is the message history on Skype. In order to find it, you need to select the "Tools" section in the upper panel. By clicking on it, you need to select the "Settings" item. You can also use hot keys to save time. Skype has many of these. In this case, just press the combination "Ctrl" + ",". In this case, the result will be the same as if you enter manually.

So, here is the Skype settings menu. Different functions can be changed here. But we are interested in how to clear the history in Skype, so we select the "Security" section. There you can see information about the standard settings, as well as change them. Including there you can clear the message history in Skype.

Security Settings

In the security settings you can set many different functions. Suppose you can set whether you want to receive calls from all Skype users or only from those you have accepted into your contacts. You can determine from whom to automatically receive videos or chats. And also see what happens to your story. On Skype, it may be up to you to delete a story every week, month. And you can not delete it at all. You can also make Skype not save your message history at all. In the second security tab, you can see a list of all blocked users (from whom you do not want to receive messages). Also in this section you can block any of your contacts, if you need it.

how to clear Skype history of one contact

How to clear history on Skype?

To do this, you need to follow the steps above. That is, go to the "Tools", then - in the "Settings", and, choosing "Security", get to the story. There you can clean it. Before you click on the clear history button, you should decide how long you want to delete it. Having decided on this issue, you can safely click the "Clear History" button. Sometimes this can take some time, because there can be quite a lot of messages on Skype, and it may take several minutes to delete all of them. But before you clear the whole story, it’s worth considering several times. Perhaps there is information that would need to be stored. Therefore, it is worth remembering whether you have stored data that may be useful to you in the future. When you have already figured out how to clear the history in Skype, you may have a question about how to delete the history of only one contact. This will be discussed in the following sections of the article.

How to clear Skype history of one contact?

clear skype message history
Maybe you are interested in how to delete only the history of communication with one of your friend? Unfortunately, this feature is not available in Skype. Often on the Internet you can find programs that offer this service. But there is no remedy that really works. Therefore, unfortunately, this is not possible. But there is one way out. In Skype, you can delete individual messages sent by you. This way you can erase all your messages. Of course, this will take a lot of time, but if you really need it, you have only such an option. If this does not suit you, you will have to clear the history of all of Skype. And it is desirable for the future, so that such situations do not arise, turn off the preservation of history.

How to delete or correct one message?

how to erase skype history
As already mentioned in the article, in Skype you can delete messages sent by you. They can also be edited. If you made a mistake while writing the message, you can, by pressing the right mouse button, call the context menu and, choosing “Edit message”, correct it. If you need to completely delete this message, you can also do this. Moreover, it will be deleted not only in your "Skype". The user to whom you sent this message will also not be able to read it. To do this, right-click on the message you need and select the "Delete" section. After you will see a window confirming your actions. Thus, it is possible to delete messages and correct them.

We hope this article helped you sort out the question of how to clear the history on Skype, and you can perform this action without any problems.


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