Ficus Ginseng: home care, description with photos, reproduction

Ficus Microcarp or Ginseng is an attractive shrub that is appreciated by gardeners for its dense crown and unusual root shape. But to grow this plant is not so simple, since it can not be called unpretentious. In this material you will find everything about Ginseng ficus: photos, step-by-step care at home, growing problems.

Ficus Microcarp


Ficus Ginseng, which we will take care of at home, belongs to the Mulberry family. In the natural environment, the shrub can be found in the tropical forests of Asia, where it reaches a height of 25 meters. In an apartment, the size of culture is more modest. Nevertheless, with proper care ficus ginseng at home grows to 1.5 meters.

A distinctive feature of this plant is its unique root shape, resembling ginseng or mandrake. The smooth trunk of the culture is gray-brown in color, noticeably thinner than the rhizome. The crown is thick with glossy leaves, 15 cm long and 5 cm wide.

Often ficus is shaped like a bonsai. But to get this type of plant, you have to work hard and create comfortable conditions for the plant. They will be discussed in the next part of the article.

Ficus cultivation


Providing ficus ginseng at home, it is important to create optimal lighting for the culture. The plant loves an abundance of light, while direct sunlight is contraindicated to it. Therefore, install the pot on the east or west window. The south side of the room is also suitable, but here the plant needs to be shaded at noon.


To ensure proper care of Ginseng ficus at home, maintain +18 ° C to +23 ° C indoors. At the same time, try to prevent changes in temperature and drafts. The plant does not like heat, so in the summer regularly ventilate the room. In winter, temperatures are allowed to drop to + 17 ° C. But during this period it is important to keep the culture away from heating appliances and batteries, since hot air is harmful to it.

Ficus Ginseng Bonsai

Watering and humidity

Regular and plentiful hydration is the main rule of care. At home, water the Ginseng ficus as the topsoil dries. Increase irrigation in the summer and reduce it in the winter. Water with warm, settled water. Despite the love of moisture, the shrub does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the pot. From this, its roots quickly rot. Therefore, drain excess fluid from the drip tray.

Ficus feels comfortable in a room with high humidity. To improve this indicator, place water containers next to the pot and spray the foliage of the crop every day. Have a warm shower for Ginseng once a week.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is an important rule of care. At home, feed the Ginseng ficus once every 14 days. At the same time, try to alternate between organic and mineral fertilizers.

adult ficus ginseng


Ficus Ginseng, the care we are taking care of at home, needs regular pruning. Especially if you want to give the bush a bonsai look. Therefore, from the beginning of spring to the end of summer, cut off excess branches and shorten elongated shoots. And also remove the shoots growing deep into the crown. Be sure to treat the places of cuts with garden var. The milky juice of the plant is quite toxic and causes skin irritation. To avoid this, be sure to wear gloves when handling the crop.

These rules are suitable for gardeners who have acquired a shrub with an already formed bonsai look. If you decide to make an oriental tree yourself, then direct the crown according to the growth of the largest branch. To do this, tie the necessary shoots to the trunk with wire. And after 6-7 weeks, carefully cut and remove the "frame", trying not to damage the branches.


If you ensure the proper care of ficus ginseng at home, then the plant will quickly grow and become crowded in an old pot. Therefore, regularly transplant the culture into a container, 4-5 cm larger than the previous one. Conduct this event for young trees at least once a year. Transplant mature plants every 2–3 years. This is best done in late February - early March.

ficus transplant

The soil

Ficus Mikrokarp (Ginseng), home care for which we are interested, is not particularly demanding on the ground. The main thing is that the soil is fertile and slightly acidic. A universal mixture for ficus and palm trees is suitable. If you want to make a substrate yourself, then mix the following components in equal parts:

  • turf;
  • peat;
  • sheet earth;
  • coarse sand.

Before planting or transplanting the plants, be sure to calcine the soil in the oven or hold it for a couple. So you protect the culture from bacteria and pests that live in the soil.

propagation by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings

If desired, you can grow a new ficus from an adult plant. And the easiest way to do this is by cutting. But keep in mind that in any case, the roots of the daughter plants will be different from the mother.

Start the procedure in the middle of spring. Propagate the crop as follows:

  1. Cut a few shoots from the top of 8-10 m long, while making sure that they have at least 2-3 healthy leaves.
  2. Milky juice stands out from the slices for some time. Therefore, put the branches in a container of boiled water for 2-3 hours. It is advisable to periodically change the fluid.
  3. Remove the cuttings from the water and let them dry for 10 minutes, and then treat the cut sites with a root stimulant.
  4. Deepen the cuttings in a moistened peat-pearlite or peat-sand substrate.
  5. Cover the landing with polyethylene or glass to create greenhouse conditions for the plants.
  6. Put the cuttings in a bright place, but without direct sunlight.
  7. Maintain a temperature of +25 ° C in the greenhouse and ventilate the plants daily. In addition, do not allow the soil to dry out and regularly spray the soil with warm water from the spray gun.

One month after planting, carefully tilt the shoots and see if the roots have formed. If they appeared, then cut off all the leaves, leaving only the apical pair. 14 days after pruning, apply diluted fertilizer to the soil. And after three months, plant the cuttings in separate pots with a diameter of 10 cm.

Reproduction by root appendages

A similar method of reproduction is quite simple, and a beginner grower will also cope with it. In addition, you can resort to it at any time of the year, but it is suitable only for adult plants. So how to get a new ficus:

  1. Cut off part of the root near the ficus and put it in water for 2-3 hours to wash the milky juice. It is advisable to change the liquid 3-4 times in the process.
  2. Plant the root in a peat-sand mixture so that 3 cm of the appendage remains above the surface of the soil.
  3. Cover the landing with plastic wrap and place in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
  4. Once a week, pour the soil with warm, settled water and ventilate the greenhouse daily.

When 2-3 leaves appear on the root, remove the film. Continue to care for the plant as an adult. When the culture is strong, transplant it into a separate pot.

breeding ficus

Growing problems

Often, gardeners face such home care problems:

  • On ficus ginseng leaves fell. If this happened, then most likely the plant suffers from insufficient watering. And also a similar phenomenon occurs due to the content of the culture in a cool room, irrigation with cold water and the effect of draft.
  • The leaves and branches of the flower have thinned. So the plant responds to poor indoor lighting or lack of nutrients in the soil.
  • Dark spots formed on the leaves and the roots rotted. This phenomenon may occur due to excessive watering. To save the flower, transplant it into new soil, but before that, remove the rotten roots. Further regulate the irrigation.

Provide proper care for the bonsai ficus ginseng at home, and he will thank you with excellent growth and attractive appearance. To do this is not so easy, however, the efforts will not be in vain, because as a result you will get a plant that will become an ornament and the pride of your collection.


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