"Epin" for indoor plants: application and reviews

In our modern world, almost every apartment or apartment house has indoor plants that must be regularly looked after. In order for plants to better take root in a new place, and also in order to increase their resistance to various diseases, it is recommended to use phytohormones, which act as immunomodulators for representatives of the flora. The planting material treated with these means rises much faster, and the root system is also better formed in the plant. To date, there is a fairly large number of different phytohormones on sale. But the most widespread was "Epin" for indoor plants, the use of which greatly simplifies the process of breeding and flower care.

Growth Regulator Composition

The main active component of this biostimulator is concentrated epibrassinolide, developed according to modern technologies. Despite the fact that the substance is synthetic, nevertheless it is completely safe for flowers. It does not pose any threat.

epin for indoor plants application

"Epin" for indoor plants, the use of which makes the flower healthier and stronger, is an alcohol solution. It is worth noting that for some time the phytohormone completely disappeared from the sale due to the large number of fakes, but in 2003 production was resumed. And the tool received a new name "Epin Extra." In addition to the name, the chemical formula of epibrassinolide has also changed. The substance has become more effective, due to which its concentration in the growth regulator has been reduced. Also, shampoo was added to the composition of the drug, due to which growth hormone is better retained on the leaves. "Epin" (instructions for use for indoor plants comes with the product) is produced using microbiological technologies based on the use of microbiological microorganisms and their metabolic products.

Biological Stimulator Properties

Using the growth regulator "Epin" allows you to achieve the following:

  • accelerate the germination of planting material and plant growth;
  • increase the duration of the flowering period;
  • increase plant resistance to negative environmental factors, as well as accelerate survival during transplantation;
  • increase plant resistance to various fungal and viral diseases;
  • increase the yield of vegetable and fruit crops.

If "Epin Extra" is used for indoor plants, watering can be done less frequently. It has good compatibility with any mineral fertilizers and top dressings, so you can combine them to achieve the best results.

Preparation of working solution

The Epin phytohormone for indoor plants (the instructions for use and reviews are recommended to be studied before using it) must be diluted in water. One ampoule of growth regulator is enough to prepare five liters of working solution. In one ampoule of 40 drops, therefore, if you need very little solution, then you can easily calculate the necessary proportion.

the use of epin for indoor plants

When preparing a working solution, the goals of using a biostimulant should be considered. For example, if you want to soak a bulb or cuttings, then one ampoule is diluted in 2 liters of water. And for the treatment of seeds, a ratio of 1 to 1 is used, i.e., the ampoule is diluted per liter of water. It is recommended to process not only plants, but also the soil on which it is transplanted.

Features of the use of phytohormone

The treatment of plants with the biological growth stimulator "Epin" should be carried out with a working solution that was prepared in strict compliance with the proportions specified by the manufacturer in the instructions. The thing is that if the concentration of the solution is too high, it can slow down the development of the plant. A working solution made according to the instructions does not pose any danger to human health. It should be stored in a dark place, and the use of "Epin" for indoor plants is possible within the first 48 hours from the time the solution was prepared. Later - no point.

General tips and advice on working with the Epin solution for indoor plants. Application

Note. The plants should be treated with the Epin growth regulator in agents that protect the body and respiratory tract.

epin instructions for use for indoor plants

For everything to go well, follow these tips and tricks:

  1. Do not smoke, drink or eat while spraying.
  2. After completing work, wash your hands and face thoroughly, and rinse your mouth.
  3. It is forbidden to store the biostimulant in the immediate vicinity of medicines, as well as in places accessible to children and pets.
  4. Keep ampoules with phytohormone away from open flame, as it is dangerous for the product.

If you use the Epin preparation for indoor plants, the use of which can greatly accelerate the process of flower growth, it is forbidden to mix it with any other means intended for flower care. Since this can cause a chemical reaction.

Difference of "Epin" from existing analogues

"Epin" is a more effective tool compared to its counterparts on the market today, since it has a completely different effect on plants. For example, "Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin" forcefully stimulate plant growth, while "Epin" activates the natural processes of plants, while increasing its protective functions. Due to this, the plant has a more gentle effect, since there is no forced start of the flowering period.

Epin Extra Indoor Use

When used correctly, "Epin Extra" method of application for indoor plants is the same as for vegetable or fruit crops. The drug allows you to accelerate the survival of plants in a new place when transplanting, as well as to achieve their faster growth and development. But at the same time, it is very important to ensure proper care for the flowers, because without it the plant can die, and not a single biostimulant will help here.

Growth Regulator Cost, Where to Buy

When buying Epin, great attention should be paid to the expiration date and the conditions under which the product is stored in the store. If a showcase with a biostimulant is in direct sunlight, the drug will lose its effectiveness.

epin extra application method for indoor plants

The growth activator is available in ampoules of 1, 2, 50 and 1000 milliliters in volume. For a single treatment of indoor plants, an ampoule of the smallest volume will be enough. You can buy phytohormone in any store selling goods for gardeners and gardeners. As for the cost of the product, the price of one ampoule varies from 10 to 35 rubles.

Precautionary measures

One of the most effective biological growth regulators to date is Epin Extra. Application for indoor plants should be carried out using personal protective equipment. If you sprayed a solution of water on your hands or face, wash them thoroughly with warm water and soap and rinse your mouth well. If the working solution suddenly enters the digestive tract and causes poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Used ampoules are not recommended to be immediately dumped in a landfill. They need to be washed with a solution of ordinary baking soda, rinsed under running water and only then discarded.

Florist reviews

As mentioned earlier, one of the most effective biostimulants is Epin for indoor plants. The reviews of experienced flower growers involved in flower breeding fully confirm this. Regular treatment of plants with this tool allows you to increase the immunity of plants, as a result of which they are much less likely to get sick. In addition, flowers are less stressed during transplantation, especially in winter.

epin indoor plants application reviews

Many flower growers note that "Epin" allows you to reduce the number of irrigations and increase the resistance of plants to the effects of negative environmental factors. If flower pots are on the windows, they will not be afraid of drafts, heat from heating elements, or too dry air. In addition, this growth regulator promotes the rejuvenation of plants, so with it you can even bring back to life those plants whose survival rate is quite low.


"Epin" for indoor plants, the use of which was discussed in this article, is not a magical tool that can protect flowers from all diseases. This drug is only able to reduce the negative effects of external factors, due to which the flowers will grow better and be able to withstand many stressful situations - such as lack of water, poor lighting, frost, fungal and viral diseases, poor environmental conditions, lack of minerals and macronutrients necessary for normal growth and development of flowers, and many others.

epin for indoor plants instructions for use and reviews

Therefore, according to reviews, the use of "Epin" for indoor plants at home will greatly facilitate the care of them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7514/

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