Mystery 1488. What is fourteen / eighty eight

If somewhere on the Internet in the comments you come across the number 1488 (what it is, we’ll find out now), and even written via a slash - 14/88, then this sign cannot be confused with anything. Here is a symbol that has a certain popularity on the network. Now it is used by everyone who is not lazy, and very often - in an ironic manner. However, he initially appeared in the correspondence of modern ultraradicals: neo-Nazis, neo-fascists and other adherents of right-wing views. Why exactly 1488, what does this number mean , and why suddenly it is popular among youth correspondence - you will learn from this article.

1488 what is

About White Neo-Nazis and the Internet

Who are these people seriously using 1488? What is Nazism , of course, you know. Despite the events of World War II, which showed the impossibility of allegations of the superiority of one race over another, the views of the Nazi format continue to flourish in the modern world. White neo-Nazis believe that the mixing of races should be stopped, because the number of representatives of the "colored" races has long been ahead of the fair-skinned population of the planet. As an argument, they cite the fact that the growth of mankind has long been carried out at the expense of third world countries, while the birth rate in developed countries, where the mainly Caucasian race lives, is rapidly decreasing.

1488 what does it mean

Like all modern communities, neo-Nazis actively use social networks and the Internet to communicate and spread their views. And, of course, like any social formation with its own history and principles, neo-Nazis have certain concepts and terms, as well as special designations for them, incomprehensible to others. Especially relevant is the existence of such symbolic signs in the Internet era, where the brevity and capacity of the presentation of information is often important, for example, in comments or in status on the social network. Therefore, it is not surprising that 1488 so often came across in Internet correspondence. What does this number mean? In fact, these are two numbers - 14 and 88, the symbolism of which we explain below.

1488. What does fourteen mean?

The number fourteen is the number of words in slogans invented by David Lane, a famous American neo-Nazi. Usually, the following two phrases are given, which in the original spelling - in English - consist of 14 words:

  • "We must protect the existence of our people and the future of white children."
  • "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman should never disappear from the earth"

The second version that pops up in the Russian-speaking community is the initials of Adolf Hitler, implying the first and fourth letters of the Russian alphabet - A and G.

1488 what does it mean

The second part of the slogan 1488. What is eighty-eight

88 is a numerical display of the well-known greeting "Heil Hitler", because the letter H in the Latin alphabet is the eighth in a row. David Lane is also the author of the 88 Commandments manifesto. But it is believed that the commandments are precisely because of the eighty-eight so that it would be possible to correlate them with the already known meaning of the symbol 88 given above.

Swastika on the school desk

What if you find this in your child’s correspondence? Should I take action? Remember the school years: on school desks scribbled by schoolchildren, one could see anything, even a swastika. Has any of your classmates become an ardent Nazi? Unlikely.

So, the Internet for modern students is the same school desk on which you can write all sorts of nonsense, due to the peculiarities of age and the desire to resist generally accepted standards. Of course, you can try to explain that it’s unpleasant for you to know that a teenager uses the sign 1488 in correspondence, that such behavior will become funny for him in a few years. But it’s better to be patient and wait for teenage maximalism to subside.


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