Educator: job description. Duties of the preschool teacher

The person whom we trust our child while busy with work is a kindergarten teacher. It is to him that the highest demands can be made regarding both the level of education and purely human qualities, because he must combine sensitivity, understanding and rigor. Today, a good teacher is worth its weight in gold, because it is a very difficult profession, which requires a person to have a strong spirit, stamina, and the ability to quickly navigate in the most difficult situations, while lovingly loving all the children of the world.

In order to clearly understand who he is - an ideal educator, you should first understand what kind of profession it is.

Who are the educators?

Educators are graduates who work on the mental and physical development of children 3-7 years old. The teacher is obliged to carefully monitor all the children entrusted to him during the period while they are in the preschool. In addition, during this period, he should engage in their pre-school education, feed and put the children to bed in a timely manner, and organize interesting events for children. If the teacher notices some problems with one of the children, he must inform his parents about this and provide recommendations that should help solve the problem.

tutor job description

To simplify the work, a small group of children of approximately the same age should be assigned to each educator. And while the children are in the pre-school, the entire responsibility for their life, well-being and health rests with the teacher.

More about their responsibilities

The job description of the educator should have a list of his duties - both the management and parents are aware of this, therefore, if a question arises regarding the duties of the educator, it is enough to carefully study this document so that all contradictions are resolved.

The duties of the teacher include:

  • Attendance monitoring. The teacher is obliged to take the child from his parents, and at the end of the day to give it directly to his hands.
  • Conducting specialized classes for the development of children (improving motor skills, logic, etc.). In addition to the fact that children in kindergarten have fun and relax, a good teacher must necessarily conduct interesting classes for children in which children will develop.
  • Organization of games, events, holidays. In order for children to be interested, the teacher must know many games that are perfect for the development of children. He also has the responsibility of organizing various holidays and other events at which the children will learn to express themselves, not to be afraid of the public.
  • Control over children visiting doctors and getting the necessary vaccinations. It is the educator who is responsible for ensuring that the children remain healthy, and he has the right to insist that the child visit a doctor with the parents.
  • The job description of the kindergarten teacher also confirms that the teacher is obliged to help children change clothes, comb their hair, and go to the toilet. Of course, children should get used to independence, but the teacher must look after the child, help him and in no case allow him to look messy or be dirty.
  • The teacher is obliged to advise parents on a particular issue that may arise in the process of raising their child.

tutor's job description

Where can a teacher work?

Kindergartens, both public and private, as well as centers for child development, can look for a person as a teacher. For each such employee, a job description for the preschool teacher should be developed. The Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard), which has been enacted since the beginning of 2014, should overlap with the job descriptions of educators, since it is it that allows standardizing the process of preschool education so that children have equal starting skills before starting school education.

job description

About professional skills

It is clear that the person who wants to become a good educator should not only be able to help children or organize a holiday for them. You need to be able to find a common language with completely different children, try to notice the problems and achievements of each baby, even if there are more than two dozen in the group.

The job description of the teacher states that it is necessary to possess such skills:

  • Knowledge of not only child psychology, but also the characteristics of the relationship between parents and children. Each child is unique, but still there is some psychological similarity in each of them: any child needs attention and love. It is also necessary to be able to see the problem in the communication between the child and the parents, to help solve it, this even implies job descriptions of the nursery teacher, because understanding must be from a very tender age.
  • The ability to calm and amuse children is a must. A good teacher knows how to use the game to interest even the most shy and calm kids or how to make a fidget quietly behave. For example, the job description of the camp teacher is based on the fact that the mentor should be able to create a united team of completely different, unfamiliar children.
  • Who should teach children to follow the correct daily routine if not a caregiver? Job description implies that it is his responsibility. Children should understand the importance of hygiene standards.
    job description kindergarten teacher

How to become a good teacher?

A good educator should not see in himself a person working by profession, but a person working by vocation. But despite this, even the job description of the night caregiver implies the availability of appropriate education, so if you feel that you want to work with children, you should first get a diploma that will allow you to do what you love.

How to get a teacher position in a private kindergarten ?

Many educators who work in state-run kindergartens dream of higher paying jobs. Private institutions offer higher wages, but the requirements there are slightly different. Of course, one can not do without work experience, completed education. At the first attempts to get a similar position, you may be offered the position of assistant educator. Job description room. the caregiver involves performing almost the same duties as the caregiver, but the payment will be lower. For starters, this is a good option, because very soon you can count on an increase.

nursery teacher job descriptions

What does the teacher not have to do?

The job description clearly outlines the responsibilities, but sometimes there are some situations in which the interests of the parents and the teacher intersect, and a conflict situation arises . So, parents can complain to the kindergarten management, although they themselves do not understand the boundaries of their rights and obligations. For example, if the parents are late, and the working day is over, who is responsible for the child: mother or caregiver? Job description does not imply that the teacher expects non-punctual parents, so you should not take his free time after work.

Mom is obliged to transfer her child directly into the hands of the teacher. If the parent left the child at the gate, and the baby fell or slipped, the mother is to blame, not the teacher. The job description says that parents are obliged to transfer the child from hand to hand. If the child came by himself, a confirmation document with the signatures of the educator, and after that of one of the parents should be drawn up.

job description

If the teacher refuses leadership requirements

Sometimes situations arise in which the teacher simply refuses to carry out the task of the leadership, for example, if he is required to make repairs in the kindergarten at his own expense. In this case, you need to refer only to your job description. If such a clause is not spelled out in it, you have every right to refuse to carry out such instructions.

What should the educator remember?

Job description is not the only document that regulates the activities of the educator. There is also an employment contract, requirements enshrined at the state level (for example, sanitary-epidemiological). The caregiver must know clearly both his rights and duties, remember that he is trusted by the most precious thing - children, therefore, frivolous and irresponsible people have no place in such a profession.

job description night teacher

A few words about the profession

A good teacher is obliged to love children, both his own and others, to show children with his own example, what an adult should be. It is necessary to be able to discern a person in a small child with his requirements, opinions and desires. In no case is a different attitude to the children from the same group allowed: everyone is equal before the teacher, he loves everything, believes in everyone.

If you want to work as an educator, do everything to become only the best specialist, who causes delight and a desire to be equal to him. Become the superhero admired by little children who will always protect and support.


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