What vitamins are better to take in the winter

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Of course, winter, due to the lack of fresh “fruit and berry” vitamins, is a kind of stress for the body. As a result, a person is overcome by drowsiness, fatigue, bad mood, laziness, and also a decrease in immunity and, as a result, frequent diseases occur.

The question arises: what vitamins are better to take in the winter?

Immunologists believe that in winter you need to take those vitamins that can support the body, help it cope with troubles of a dermatological, trichological nature, increase immunity and restore (or maintain) beauty and youth. Let’s try to figure out which vitamins are responsible for the “well-being” of various organs and systems. This will help to find out which vitamins are important and necessary for us in the winter.

The lack of vitamins A, C, E and group B contributes to the appearance of dryness, peeling and redness of the skin of the face and hands. Hair loss, their dull natural shade, brittle nails - all this indicates a deficiency of B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, copper and iron. Frequent dermatitis is a sign of a deficiency of group B vitamins (in particular B2, B3 and B6) in the body, long non-healing wounds and abrasions on the skin are a deficiency of vitamins C, D, and K. So how can you fill up the deficiency of the elements you need, which vitamins to drink in winter ? After all, vitamins can improve immunity, and therefore, improve health. As a rule, natural vitamins in winter are a rarity. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamins in capsules, which are sold in pharmacies.

In addition, in winter, people most often lack vitamin C or ascorbic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant, plays a huge role in metabolism, enhances immunity and is involved in the synthesis of "hormones of happiness." The fact that the body needs this vitamin in winter is an undeniable fact: during epidemic situations, with colds and other ailments, doctors always prescribe ascorbic acid to us. Where to find this vitamin? Contains ascorbic acid in kiwi, oranges, aronia and in tomato. Well, the richest product in terms of vitamin C is sauerkraut.

Now we turn to the vitamins of group B. In addition to the previously listed consequences of a lack of vitamins of this group, there are also seizures in the corners of the mouth, lips begin to dry and crack and watery eyes, the person becomes irritable, suffers from insomnia. You can find the necessary vitamins if you use foods such as buckwheat, peas, rice, eggs, dairy products, heart, liver, nuts. In addition to the necessary vitamins that a person needs so much in winter, these products contain a record amount of protein, which acts as a kind of "building material" for the cells of our body. In a network of pharmacies, you can purchase B vitamins in ampoules, capsules or tablets.

If you began to notice that your vision brings you more and more often, it means that there is a lack of vitamin A. In addition to vision, it is also useful for strengthening immunity, which is especially important in the cold season, for improving the quality of hair and nails. Of course, in winter, many are limited to taking vitamin supplements, which you can buy in pharmacies. But after all, in the fresh products that we used to stock up since the fall, these vitamins are also enough. Sources - carrots, fish, milk, eggs, parsley, dill and sorrel. In a pharmacy you can ask retinol acetate - this is the same vitamin A.

Does everything fall out of hand? Can't focus on anything? This indicates a lack of vitamin E - tocopherol. He is responsible for immunity, helps to strengthen the supply of oxygen to the body's cells, and makes it easier to cope with high mental stress. It is found in small quantities in cabbage, lettuce, spinach, beef liver, eggs, lean meat, and vegetable oil. Here are some vitamins that are best taken in the winter to be in full shape. However, if you revise the list of vitamins we need (in capsules or tablets), you immediately understand that you will have to eat a handful of pills for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In this case, just get a multivitamin, drink 1 capsule daily.

Now let's talk about the vitamins contained in nourishing masks, creams, balms, which are necessary for our skin and hair. What vitamins are better to take in the winter in order to permanently preserve the youthfulness of our skin and hair and their natural beauty. Even with proper, balanced nutrition, it will not be possible to completely provide the hair and skin with the right amount of vitamins from the inside. And here various creams come to the rescue. A jar of the right product will help change the situation for the better. The favorites of cosmetologists are creams containing vitamins A, E, C and group B. Vitamin A is responsible for the prevention of aging, so it is part of the foundation of anti-aging lines. It has emollient effects and is involved in the restoration of tissues. Vitamin E. Well, vitamin C is the undeniable leader in the fight against dark spots under the eyes, which contributes to the fresh complexion of your face. B vitamins are responsible for restoring the vital functions of cells. Cosmetic products that contain these vitamins can be found in almost all stores and pharmacy stalls.

And finally, five useful tips that will allow you to improve the general condition of your body:

firstly, proper nutrition - give up fast food, limit yourself to the consumption of sausages, animal fats, smoked meats, and flour products;
secondly, regular intake of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements;
thirdly, take more walks in the fresh air, play sports actively, observe the regimen, go to bed no later than 22 hours.
fourthly, give up bad habits, quit smoking, try not to get involved in alcohol;
And fifthly, keep a good mood, because this is undoubtedly the key to good health. And what vitamins are better to take in the winter you already know!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7522/

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