Endomorph Weight Loss Workout

We are all different. Some can easily eat sweets in unlimited quantities, but even without visiting the gym look like a star. To the other, on the contrary, each bun is reminiscent of itself, laying on its already wide sides. Such people are called endomorphs, and they have a number of features. To begin with, they are genetically prone to accumulate excess fat. Moreover, their muscles respond well to anaerobic stress, but along with muscle growth, the thickness of the fat layer also increases. To avoid this, endomorph training should take place according to a special program.

slimming endomorph workout

Typical symptoms

It is not difficult to recognize such a person, for sure you yourself have met them in life. The subcutaneous fat layer is thicker than the rest. They are also characterized by a wide bone, which further adds to the massiveness of the figure. In addition, the following features are characteristic of endomorph:

  • Short stature.
  • Female type obesity.
  • Fat deposits on the stomach.

Of course, all these signs are characteristic of 100% endomorph, which in nature is practically nonexistent. In practice, something often occurs between the endo- and mesomorphs. With the right approach to nutrition and the right loads, a person will look great. But endomorph training should be supervised by an instructor to make fewer mistakes and avoid disappointment.

The earlier the better

In youth, a person can be little different from peers. Yes, it is a little more squat and wide, but it can look very profitable, especially if the muscles are pumped up and embossed. But if a person eats sweets and french fries with pleasure, as a result he has every chance to turn into a fat endomorph. Correcting the situation in this case can be quite difficult. Therefore, endomorph training is all the more effective the sooner you start it. Minimal physical activity leads to partial muscle atrophy. As a result, it’s hard for a person to deal with, and energy costs in the hall will be minimal.

Endomorph gym training

Program features

There are two stages in building a body:

  • A set of muscle mass.
  • Drying.

Remove at least one of them, and the process will be ineffective. In addition, both stages depend on how much a person consumes and spends. Now we will consider the basics of building an endomorph training so that it does not become thicker, but rather, put the figure in order.

endomorph training and nutrition

What to focus on

At first glance, what is complicated here. Run more, eat less, that's all wisdom. In practice, everything is a little more complicated. Cardio should be performed as slowly as possible, this will reduce the load on the heart system and increase endurance. But it is possible to increase the volume of loads of this type if the weight on the dryer stands still.

The endomorph workout program places particular emphasis on basic exercises that are classic for any activity in the fitness center. It:

  • Squat with a barbell.
  • Bench presses and dumbbells from a prone position.
  • Push ups.

Exercise effectiveness

Endomorph slimming workout provides maximum workload for all large muscle groups. They stimulate the production of hormones, and during the drying period interfere with muscle burning. The base below should be approximately 80% of the workout. The remaining 20% ​​can be filled with exercises to work out individual muscles and improve the relief.

outdoor training

Cardio training

This is an essential part of every activity. You can choose what will be a more pleasant workout for you. Easy, as the end of the main program, or a full workout. Jogging in the park, cycling, similar simulator exercises - there can be quite a few options. If you want to spend more calories and make the process of burning fat more intense, then you just need to do more cardio, as well as make it more intense. Do not forget that the body gets used to the loads, that is, they gradually need to be increased.

If the result does not suit

Training in the endomorph room should be a way of life. Only then you will notice noticeable changes and get a result that will consolidate for a long time. Take your time to make changes to your class program. The body must get used to the loads, metabolism accelerate, and muscle mass increase. Then the process will be more fun.

Now you don’t have to strive to give yourself a double load. Raise it slowly, literally with a few extra exercises per week. A person’s heart with heavy weight is already overloaded. In order to prevent, you can take calcium and magnesium preparations.

If desired, you can replace most of the work in the hall with crossfit. Excess fat will burn, and the muscles will gradually build up. Jumping rope, jerking and pushing the bar, lifting legs in the hang - all this gives a tremendous load on all muscle groups and rewards the release of endorphin.

Things to remember

Training for a male endomorph should be intense and fairly lengthy, but that’s not the most important thing. If you work a week until you drop in the hall, and then forget the road to the hall for a month, the effect will be minimal. The process of body formation itself will take not three months or even six months. Get ready to train for years. But there is good news, it will soon become a habit, and the results achieved will motivate further achievements.

endomorph training program


Endomorph training should be built on the background of a proper diet. And the basic rule is to limit your intake of fatty foods. It is necessary to monitor the proportion of BZHU:

  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%.
  • Proteins - 20-30%.
  • Fats - 10-20%.

This proportion is optimal for maintaining health, and for building muscle. Proteins must be ingested from low-fat foods. It can be chicken breasts without skin, egg white, lean fish. Carbohydrates should only be slow. This is rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. And completely eliminate sweets, sources of simple carbohydrates. That is, cookies, cakes, sweets.

In the afternoon, you need to completely eliminate carbohydrates, this also applies to sweet fruits. But vegetables - as much as you like. The frequency of food intake after 2-3 hours, 5-7 times a day. Of course, the portions should be small. This will normalize the metabolism and maintain it at a sufficient level. Of course, life without sweets seems boring, but learn to see pleasure in something else. Sometimes a good walk and positive emotions are enough to forget about cakes for a long time.

proper nutrition

Instead of a conclusion

If you want to have a slim and fit figure, then nothing can get in your way. Addictions and genetic characteristics play a role, they must be taken into account when building an individual nutrition system and training. But this is not a sentence at all. If you can cope with your laziness, then you will achieve no worse results than an ascetic person. Or maybe even better.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7523/

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