An example of a separate diet menu for weight loss, reviews

Ahead - spring holidays. All of us are waiting for a bunch of weekends. There are so many things to do: congratulate the women, then celebrate Easter, then the May holidays. It is necessary to congratulate relatives, friends and acquaintances, to invite guests and to visit themselves, to sit in a cafe or restaurant and much more. And everywhere we will find a rich treat, so it is not surprising that right after the end of the long spring break half the country is on a diet. In this article, you will learn about menus and reviews on a separate diet.

General tips

What to do if jeans hardly converge at the waist (if they converge at all)? Is it possible to avoid this without giving up guests and a festive feast? Imagine you can. Just use the following tips:

  • eat carbohydrate food separately from protein, observing a two-hour time interval between their intake;
  • late dinner - the reason for gaining excess weight, you need to eat at least 3 hours before bedtime;
  • give up mayonnaise dressings and spicy Korean salads - pepper fuels the appetite.

Separate nutrition will be effective in weight loss after the holiday, which will be discussed later.

separate food

Separate food

For several centuries, scientists have noticed that some combinations of foods can cause heaviness in the stomach and drowsiness. At the end of the last century, the same theory of the separate nutrition menu was finally formed by the natural scientist Herbert Shelton. In his theory, Shelton reflected the results of a study of the physiology of the digestive system of the Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov. Hundreds of thousands of people who had many serious illnesses became evidence of the effectiveness of this theory. Shelton's graduation of the Separate Nutrition School resulted in a significant improvement in the health status of participants.

A little theory about diet

What is the correct power distribution? The theory itself is simple: eating foods that are incompatible with each other makes it difficult to digest food. As a result, fats and carbohydrates that are not oxidized are converted to subcutaneous fat. To avoid this, a separate endurance is necessary to maintain a two-hour interval between doses in foods that are incompatible. You can learn about the compatibility of certain ingredients using a special separate food table that shows the perfect combination of products that are allowed and forbidden. Herbert Shelton believes that eating food that is not absorbed by the body does not make sense. This is just a waste of food resources. Lingering in the digestive system, the products begin to break down and form toxins, which are extremely harmful to the body. In the fight against these toxic substances, our body spends a lot of energy, which is intended for other purposes. This effect can be achieved with separate nutrition. Many speak of switching to such a diet as follows: the body becomes light, and there is a lot of energy. This is due to the fact that on a separate diet, the body ceases to spend reserve forces on the processing and elimination of toxins, which clutters the body with improper nutrition. And all this free energy is available to you.

fruits and vegetables separate nutrition

Benefits of Separate Power

  • Decreased intoxication of the body.
  • Significantly improved health status.
  • Halitosis (bad breath) disappears.
  • The intestines are cleansed of mucus.
  • Problems such as dysbiosis and constipation disappear.
  • Another advantage is that you forget about gastritis.
  • Gradual weight loss.
  • Maintaining normal weight.

Disadvantages of Separate Power

  • It’s hard enough to change the habit of combining products.
  • Feeling of hunger in the early days.
  • The difficulty of choosing dishes for the festive table.
  • Stomach problems when returning to a previous diet.

Separate nutrition for weight loss: menu

Following the separate nutrition menu, it is worth giving up sugar, flour, salty, fatty and fried in oil. Prefer foods rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, separating them correctly.

Allowed Products:

  1. Cereals. Buckwheat, corn, oat, spelled, pearl barley, rice (preferably brown or mixed), peas.
  2. Legumes. Chickpeas, beans, beans (white and red).
  3. Fruits. All fruits except bananas and grapes (which contain a lot of sugar).
  4. Non-starchy vegetables: peppers, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, asparagus, green beans, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.
  5. Nuts (any nuts in moderation - they are very high in calories).
  6. Sour-milk products - sour cream, low-fat cottage cheese, etc.

Using this memo, you can create a personalized separate meals menu for 21 days. Stew foods, cook, steam or bake in the oven.

How to fill the glasses?

For most, meeting the holidays without alcohol is impossible. Just do not forget that these are also extra calories, and in a stronger drink there are, accordingly, more of them. In this regard, it is better to choose dry or semi-dry champagne, as well as dry wine. If you are an opponent of alcohol, opt for mineral water or juices. It is better to completely exclude sweet carbonated drinks, because the amount of carbohydrates in a glass of such water is comparable to 8 tablespoons of sugar. However, the split menus for men allow alcohol without a snack.

Separate food

Separate Nutrition Reviews

Let us consider the reviews of girls who lost weight on separate nutrition: both from forums and sites, and those who lost weight in special schools of separate nutrition. What do people say?

Many women claim that when they started to lose weight on a separate diet, it was very hungry in the first few weeks. Before that, they could go to McDonald's and order a huge burger with potatoes, Coca-Cola and a pie for dessert. But, having stumbled upon an article on the separation of products, we decided that in this way they could easily lose the extra 7 kilograms, because you can eat almost anything!

Many, having learned about the diet, started the next day. They say that this is not at all easy. This is hellish work if you are used to eating everything you want without thinking about the consequences. But women are coping. There are disruptions at first, but then many simply realize for themselves that this way the body will be better. Get used to it, they even like it. They lose about 10 kilograms in six months, and after that they adhere to this system for more than a year. This is the choice of women, and they are satisfied - it really becomes easier.

Young girls try to adhere to separate nutrition, as they follow the figure. They succeed.

Some men also argue that eating separately is wonderful. Adhering to it for about 10 years, they can no longer live in a different way. Feel good, besides losing weight.

Separate Power Menu Basics

Introducing a simple dietary principle called separate nutrition can cause your body to automatically and quickly lose weight - without having to change what (and how much) you eat. The proper nutritional diet menu for weight loss does not encourage you to starve.

If you are trying to lose weight, the first and most important thing to do is to include low-fat foods in your diet and start counting calories. A sample menu of separate meals for the week includes all the necessary products for weight loss.

fruits on the separate food menu

β€œYou can initially lose 5-10% of your weight by following as many diets as you like, but then the weight will return,” says Traci Mann, associate professor of psychology at UCLA and lead author of a large-scale study of diets published in American Psychologist, the journal of the American Psychological Association. - We found that most people returned to their previous weight. Even more. Sustained weight loss was found in only a small percentage of participants, while complete weight loss was found in most. Diets do not lead to sustained weight loss or do not have the health benefits of most people. ”

The separation of food is based on the principle that some foods simply cannot be digested properly when they are eaten together in the same meal. And their consumption together hinders your attempts to lose weight. It is necessary to adhere to the separate nutrition menu for comfortable digestion.

Using the food separation method, you eat the right foods at the right time for optimal digestion and fast metabolism. The benefits of proper food separation provide better digestion, increased energy, faster metabolism, permanent fat loss and improved overall health.

proper nutrition

Basic Rules

The basics of food separation are simple. Digestion is the result of chemical reactions that occur when our body absorbs food and absorbs nutrients.

Many popular weight loss systems, such as the Atkins diet and the "-60" system, do not take into account the synergy of macronutrients during the digestive process.

To increase your metabolism and ensure that your food is digested as efficiently and safely as possible, simply follow these two basic rules:

  1. Eat carbohydrates only with other carbohydrates - NEVER with proteins and fats.
  2. Eat protein and fat together without carbohydrates. (The only carbohydrates that are acceptable for consumption with proteins and fats are greens and non-starchy vegetables, or slow carbohydrates.) Proteins - meat, chicken, fish, eggs and nuts - need an acidic digestive environment. Carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes need an alkaline environment for proper absorption.
separate power menu reviews

Separate Power Menu Example

  • Breakfast: fruit salad or porridge with herbs without butter and milk.
  • Snack: dried or soaked dried fruits and nuts during the day.
  • Lunch: You should give preference to protein foods - you can bake a piece of chicken and serve with vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: Dinner on the separate meal menu should be easy for the stomach. At night, the body should rest, and not engage in the digestion of heavy food. A glass of freshly squeezed juice or salad is perfect for the last meal.

Based on this menu, you can create a personalized separate diet menu for weight loss for a month, you just need to turn on a little imagination.

Separate power principle

Harm of split power

Despite all the advantages of a separate diet, there may be a risk of not getting the necessary nutrients in the right amount. The separate meals menu should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the correct ratio:

  • proteins - 35%;
  • fats - 20%;
  • carbohydrates - 45%.

These figures may deviate slightly, but the total should be the same. If you are lacking in minerals, take special vitamins to help you get everything you need.

Let these tips help you not to gain a lot of extra pounds and stay in good shape and mood.


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