Vitamins "Pikovit Unik": reviews, instructions for use, composition

Perhaps every parent is periodically puzzled by the state of health of his child. For example, when going to kindergarten, numerous colds begin. Also, many are familiar with the situation when their son or daughter suddenly ceases to eat food or does it in negligible amounts. It also happens that the once cheerful and active baby suddenly becomes lethargic or lethargic.

All of these may be signs of a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the child's body. In such cases, the Pikovit Unik vitamin and mineral complex will come to the rescue (reviews, instructions are presented in the article). The production of this product is carried out by the pharmaceutical company "Krka" (Slovenia). Let's talk about these vitamins in more detail.


"Pikovit Unik" is a complex consisting of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. In it, all components are perfectly matched, each added in a strictly necessary dosage. The product is intended for children over three years of age and is available in the form of white chewable tablets that taste good and look like muzzles of bears.

pikovit vitamins unique reviews


In addition, the tool contains a number of useful and vital compounds. These include:

  1. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) plays a leading role in the process of forming immunity against viral infections, and also reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Calcium and phosphorus are two minerals essential for bone health. In addition, calcium and ascorbic acid form complexes that improve the absorption of beneficial compounds into the blood.
  3. The composition of the drug also contains fat-soluble vitamins, such as A and E. They are natural antioxidants that are responsible for the health of hair and nails, and also provide a protective function of the skin. In addition, everyone knows the beneficial effects of vitamin A (retinol acetate) on the organs of vision. This substance is responsible for the healthy perception of visual sensations.
    Healthy children
  4. Pikovit Unique is rich in B vitamins. The healthy functioning of the nervous system and the conduction of impulses in the body are completely dependent on them.
  5. Iron is responsible for the transfer of oxygen to tissues, as well as for the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  6. Another useful component of the drug is iodine. Its flaw is always dangerous. This is especially true for children from the age of four, when the formation of mental abilities occurs. With a lack of iodine, the thyroid gland is not able to fully produce all the necessary hormones. As a result, attention drops significantly, memory worsens, the child's vitality and energy disappear. Parental reviews of Pikovit Unique confirm that when taking a course of vitamins, these symptoms disappear in their children.
  7. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant microelement that is necessary for the proper division of healthy body cells.
  8. Copper is the basis of strong immunity and coordinated work of the hematopoietic system.
  9. Magnesium is necessary for the health of the nervous system, takes an active part in the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to organs, tissues and vice versa.
    Pikovit Unique

Indications for use

According to the instructions "Pikovit Unik" is used for the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency of many vitamins and minerals. Its use will be relevant for children older than three years:

  • During a period of intensive growth, high physical and emotional stress (kindergarten, school, some sports and much more).
  • With insufficient nutrition (especially if the child eats little vegetables and fruits).
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  1. Children's age up to three years. The fact is that the amounts of vitamins and minerals contained in Pikovit Unique exceed the maximum allowable dosages for young children (under three years old), and an overabundance of elements is often much more dangerous than their lack.
  2. Another contraindication is the presence of an allergy to one of the components of the complex. Otherwise, a powerful reaction in the form of itching and rash on the skin and mucous membranes is possible.

Side effects

According to reviews of "Pikovit Unique," side effects are quite rare. But you need to keep in mind that, like any other pharmaceutical product, Pikovit has a systemic effect on the body. Therefore, it can cause a number of undesirable side reactions. Fortunately, this list is very small:

  1. Rarely, but allergy is possible. Its symptoms appear, as a rule, on the first or second day from the start of taking the complex. A child may have an itchy rash on his face, arms, and trunk. The occurrence of urticaria, swelling of the mucous membranes and so on is not excluded. If such signs appear, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for advice. Typically, in such cases, the pediatrician prescribes an antihistamine to relieve allergy symptoms and replaces vitamins.
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  2. In addition, it is possible to stain urine in a bright yellow color. It's not worth being scared. Such a reaction is caused by the presence of a complex B vitamin such as riboflavin in the complex.
  3. Also, feces can be painted black. This is due to the presence of iron in the composition.

Dosage and administration

The standard vitamin intake is as follows: the child must take two chewable tablets per day inside. It is better to do this with meals or immediately after eating (breakfast and dinner). So the components included in the composition are better and faster absorbed.

The standard course duration is one month (30 days), after which you need to take a break. From two to four such courses are allowed per year.

The cost of vitamins

One package containing 27 chewable tablets will cost the buyer about 270-320 rubles. While the package with 54 tablets is 350-400 rubles. Therefore, taking larger packaging is more profitable. It will be enough for a whole month course for one child. Reviews of โ€œPikovit Uniqueโ€ confirm that it fully justifies the cost of its acquisition, providing a quick and noticeable therapeutic effect.

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Reviews about vitamins "Pikovit Unique"

Many parents, before buying vitamins for their child, prefer to read reviews about them. If your pediatrician has prescribed a children's "Pikovit", you can be calm by purchasing this complex in a pharmacy for children. Reviews about "Pikovit Unic 3+" in most cases are words of satisfied mothers and fathers, grandparents. Let's consider them in more detail.

More often than others, such dignity as ease of administration is noted. Children are happy to use soft and tasty chewable tablets, taking them for sweets. There is no problem, as it happens, if you need to give your child a not very tasty syrup or capsule.

Another plus - the daily dose of all the necessary vitamins and minerals is contained in only two tablets. Therefore, there is no need to take the drug many times a day, as is often the case with the use of other similar complexes for children. It is enough to give the child one tablet for breakfast, and another for dinner.

In reviews of "Pikovit Unique 3+", an acceptable cost is also especially often noted. In just a couple of hundred rubles, parents have the opportunity to provide their child with a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Another advantage is accessibility. "Pikovit Unique" is a well-known and popular vitamins, so they can easily be found in almost any pharmacy organization.

Among the shortcomings, the presence in the composition of a number of flavorings is noted, which is not very acceptable for some parents and their children. But it is worth noting that all these additives are of natural origin and do not pose any danger. True, children with bronchial asthma should be prescribed with caution.

Also, in some reviews of Pikovit Unique (from 3 years old children can already take the drug), pediatricians and parents indicate that the effect is noticeable not immediately, but closer to the middle or even towards the end of the course. This is due to the properties of vitamins and minerals that make up the composition. The fact is that in order to feel better health and better health, the body must accumulate all the beneficial substances. And in a couple of days of taking the complex this will not happen, it takes time. As a rule, the process takes 3-4 weeks.

A happy family


"Pikovit Unique" - high-quality, effective and relatively inexpensive vitamins for children over three years old. They help a small body grow and develop, strengthen immunity and bone tissue, improve memory and attention. And this is confirmed by thousands of satisfied parents. Approximately 90-95% of all reviews are positive. The instruction "Pikovita Unik" is the first thing that every dad and mother should familiarize themselves with before starting to give the complex to their child. Also, do not forget that before starting an appointment you need to get advice from a pediatrician or pharmacist.


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