Google Alert: all the details

Google Alert is an alert system with great potential. However, you should learn how to properly apply it to solve various problems. Today we will look at examples of how this device works.

Features briefly

google alert
A service from Alerts allows you to perform various actions, among them: quick detection of plagiarism, monitoring backlinks, tracking social signals, searching for spam.

Why did Google have the indicated tool?

google alerts what is it
The resource went far beyond the search engine. At the same time, Google collects most of the information about its own users from a corporate browser, as well as the Android mobile OS. In fact, we are dealing with the largest analytical company in the world. Google Alert is directly related to search. The system robot is not too selective. Thus, everything that the special algorithm could recognize was included in the search service. Then the data goes through the site evaluation phase. The instrument we talked about today will help to understand all this and help.

Google Alerts: what it is and how to use it

google com alerts
In fact, before us is an add-on over search, which allows you to instantly track the occurrence of information of interest to the user on the entire Internet, or on a specific resource. The tool informs about all the news that enter the search engine index. Google Alert also allows you to use operators. To work, you need an account that is common for all services of the company. For example, if you need to spend your vacation as economically as possible, a notification about the appearance of hot tours is suitable. You can use a number of additional settings using the "More options" function.

The item "Frequency of sending" is responsible for the schedule of receipt of letters with news from the system. It’s not always convenient to get alerts every time results appear. Well-established daily reports. The Sources parameter allows you to select the type of content among which information will be searched on a topic of interest. For example, the appearance of a new video, a blog post or a book of the desired subject.

If you need to track records only on YouTube, this can be done by adding a special operator Site to the entered request. “Language, Country” - we select these parameters to track only those resources from which information can be read without using dictionaries.

The “Quality” parameter allows you to ask the Google Alerts tool to send new information received only on verified resources or at all. “Delivery” - you can choose the option of receiving news on the necessary topic. This is the email address in the RSS feed. After completing the settings, click "Create Alert". You can proceed to the next request. In total, one account can have up to 1000 such applications. Buttons for editing and deleting ads are located on the right side of them. Thanks to the service, developers of virtual resources can receive information about new links on the Internet that lead to their sites. You can also track the mentions of your own project on the pages of social networks.


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