What does strawberry dream of: a dream book

We have all kinds of dreams. And each of them has its own explanation. A very interesting explanation is the vision in which there was such a berry as strawberries. The 21st century dream book assures: soon a person will experience great joy. All his cherished dreams and desires will begin to come true, but for this it will be necessary to make a lot of effort. But this is only one interpretation of the many existing ones. The rest also need to be told.

wild strawberry dream book

French dream book

This book of interpretations assures us that seeing strawberries is good. If a person is sick, then he will certainly recover. And yet such a vision promises to make good profits. Perhaps she will even come unexpectedly. And this means that there will be twice as much joy.

And what does it mean if a person picked a berry like strawberries? Dream Interpretation claims - this is to mutual love. Another vision portends the implementation of goals and plans. By the way, if the weather was sunny while the dreamer was picking berries, it means that some pleasant gift will await him soon. Changes for the better are also possible.

Interestingly, if such a vision was dreamed by a farmer, then a good harvest awaits him. Even better if, after picking a berry, he went to sell it. Such a dream assures - the harvest will be so good that the revenue will be twice as much as last year.

Strawberry Miller's Dream Book

According to Tsvetkov

This dream book can tell a lot of interesting things. Red strawberries, ripe, which a person first collects and then eats, promises him love. Just picking berries and putting them in some kind of container - to erotic pleasures. If a person just looked at strawberries, you should expect a romantic dinner or some kind of surprise, a gift from your soulmate. Another such vision usually promises the fulfillment of different desires.

Still interesting is the meaning that the White Mage's dream book offers. According to this book of interpretations, the vision in which a person gathered strawberries is a harbinger of success in his personal life. If he had long wanted to start a relationship with someone, but was afraid to be rejected, then he should throw aside any doubts - everything will work out. The dreamer will look at his life from the other side, see personal flaws that he has not seen before, and correct them. We can say that a new stage in life awaits him.

But this is not all that strawberries can dream of. The dream book assures that if a person picked berries, and after that distributed them to other people, that means that the personalities around him appreciate the dreamer in reality. Perhaps his authority in the eyes of others is much higher than he himself thought.

Esoteric Book of Interpretations

They say that if a person gave strawberries to someone in a dream, then this is not good. And to be more precise, then to the disease. But to eat these berries with appetite is to fall in love. If a person is already in a relationship, then a new romantic stage awaits him. Gathering berries is a minor but pleasant change in life.

Another interesting point that is worth noting when talking about such a symbol as strawberries. The dream interpretation assures us that when a person sees a whole clearing strewn with these berries, he will soon succeed. Perhaps he would be informed of some good news. Making jam from these berries - to the speedy implementation of all plans. Moreover, luck and favorable circumstances will play a significant role in this. Perhaps the dreamer will even be helped. Moreover, he will not ask about it.

wild strawberry dream book of Freud

According to Miller

This book of interpretations assures that berries are a good sign, especially strawberries. Miller's dream book promises that if a person saw himself collecting it in a basket, then soon he will be waiting for great joy. The more berries, the better things will turn out in his life. And if a person also sold part of them in his dream, then he would be provided with a profit (bonus, promotion at work).

When the dreamer managed to enjoy the wild strawberries in his night dreams, do not worry. This vision promises a change in real life. Eat it actively - to mutual feelings and strong love. But the garden berry usually dreams of erotic pleasures. If you want to bring your relationship with a soul mate to a new level, then you should make some pleasant surprise. You can be sure - this will certainly affect the feelings.

By the way, if a girl sees herself wandering in a clearing and plucking wild strawberries, then she should wait for a fatal meeting.

dream book strawberry red

According to Freud

This book of interpretations assures: strawberries are the personification of love joys and pleasures. A person who was lucky enough to taste this berry knows the joy of mutual love. So it’s worth rejoicing if you dreamed about strawberries.

Freud's dream book also assures that if the berries turned out to be small, like peas, a person will soon expect a big profit. He may not become a millionaire, but he will gain material prosperity.

Carefully select the berries and put them in a basket - to the fact that soon the human works will be appreciated and awarded. If strawberries turned out to be sweet and fragrant, then you should expect a dizzying romance. But to eat it with someone - to a pleasant acquaintance. Who knows, maybe it is she who will change the dreamer's life.

dream book strawberries why dream

Other interpretations

In general, as you can see, each interpretation gives different interpretations. Strawberries - what else does this berry dream of? What interpretations, in addition to the above, deserve attention? So, for example, the modern dream book assures - this berry for good does not dream. Because strawberries are associated with tears. If a person feels this berry in a dream, then in reality he will become the main character of various gossip and discussions.

According to the family dream book, this berry promises joy and a pleasant pastime. And yet - the fulfillment of desires. According to the dream book of the Wanderer, strawberries are a symbol of gifts and love meetings. The book of interpretations of Simon Kananita assures - this berry is considered the harbinger of good news. And the lunar dream book says that after such a vision a person will have a white streak in life. And luck and fortune will become his constant friends.

In principle, such berry vision does not portend any bad events in most interpretations. Therefore, you should not worry about such a dream.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7543/

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