Umbrella Zest - excellent weather protection

Autumn is the most beautiful time. The street is full of colors, a pleasant, not hot sun shines. However, this is only one side. If you look at this time of year in a different way, it is the autumn months that bring dampness and constant rains, during which the desire to walk along the street disappears. But what to do if you need to go to work or study? There is only one answer: purchase a Zest umbrella.

umbrella zest

Many will ask why preference should be given to this brand. As a rule, everyone is accustomed to the fact that an umbrella is an integral attribute that should be in every home. However, not everyone knows how to choose it correctly so that it lasts for many years and does not break at the first gust of wind. Basically, the most common criterion affecting the purchase of a particular umbrella is design. Of course, this is very important, any accessory should be in perfect harmony with the outfits. But a beautiful umbrella is not a guarantee of quality. There are a lot of subtleties in this question, which will be discussed in this article.

Trusted Brand - Quality Guarantor

So, the first thing we pay attention to is the manufacturer. Proven companies that have been supplying products to the market for a long time have earned a certain reputation. As a rule, their products are somewhat more expensive due to the promoted brand, but this is fully justified by the quality. One of these trusted brands is Zest. Umbrellas, reviews of which are more positive, fairly high quality and comfortable, easily fit in a handbag. The lineup is represented by a variety of design solutions. That is why it will be quite easy to choose the most suitable option. Zest offers women's, men's and children's umbrellas.

zest umbrellas reviews

Pay attention to the pen

If we consider the design of the umbrella, then the handle deserves special attention. There are two criteria for evaluating it:

  1. material;
  2. strength.

The Zest umbrella is made with rubberized, wooden and leather handles. They are comfortable to hold in your hand, and they do not slide off. No need to chase painted or gold-plated handles, as they will lose their luster over time. And if low-quality material was used for this process, then there is a high probability that the paint will leave marks on the hands. When choosing an umbrella with a wooden handle, you need to check for defects and damage. It is very important that it be covered with high-quality varnish.

umbrellas for men zest

Design features

Zest umbrella can be equipped with one of three types of opening:

  1. classical mechanics;
  2. semiautomatic device;
  3. fully automatic system (automatic).

It is also worth paying attention that the collections of the Zest trademark are represented by models of different sizes. This cane, standard models in 3 additions, mini umbrellas and pocket ones.

Stud and knitting needles

Shiny steel rods and knitting needles are the least flexible and add weight to the product, but they are the most durable, which will prevent the structure from breaking even in strong winds. Fiberglass is a modern, resilient, flexible, but strong material that is used in many umbrellas. However, there are also such models where the frame is made of aluminum and steel.

The number of spokes affects how strong the Zest umbrella is. However, you need to understand that the more they are, the more round, domed the shape will be. Knitting needles should be attached with a concave surface up. If they are fixed on the contrary, then the frame will break at the slightest gust of wind.

Umbrella canes are very strong and have a long service life. If it was decided to buy a folding umbrella, then preference should be given to the one whose core will have the most faces.

umbrella frame


When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. For Zest umbrellas, the dome is made of polyester. This material is quite durable and high quality, especially in comparison with nylon. Polyester is often impregnated with a special composition with water-repellent ability. However, there is one drawback: unfortunately, it is quickly washed off. The shape of the mushroom cap at the dome contributes to the quick drying and rolling of the water. Also, do not forget about the seams. They should be even and not have any gaps.

Umbrellas for men Zest are presented, as a rule, in black colors, but women’s umbrellas in a variety of colors. Here are the most common collections:

  • Yarn Dye series - checkered design associated with classical England;
  • Satin - silk models with a refined and original appearance;
  • Photo series - a series of paintings by the famous artist Van Gogh;
  • Sparkle series - strict, but at the same time magnificent umbrellas with a brilliant dome, most often monophonic.


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