Humidifier Venta LW15: reviews

Owners of Russian apartments often think about improving the environmental friendliness of air circulating in residential premises. It is clear that in an urban environment, the internal atmosphere in the rooms is far from optimal for health. In particular, such an indicator as air humidity in urban apartments is often much lower than the values ​​characteristic of the atmosphere in nature. Devices are appearing on the climate technology market with the help of which, according to manufacturers, they can significantly improve the environmental friendliness of the air inside the apartments in terms of its moisture content. Among them is the Venta LW15 humidifier. What are its features? What do the owners of the device say about its practical effectiveness?

What is a humidifier?

Before studying the specifics of the Venta LW15 device, reviews of which are presented in a wide range on thematic online portals of the Internet, we examine the essence of the corresponding class of devices. What is a humidifier? What is it for?

Air wash Venta LW15 reviews

In urban apartments, the air differs significantly from natural, in which there is an optimal percentage of moisture for people and animals. According to many scientists, this indicator should be about 40-60%. In the event that it is lower, then people living in the apartment may have various health problems, decreased performance, and fatigue. Many researchers believe that the indicated humidity indicator in practice in a city apartment is very difficult to achieve due to the presence in it of various devices that actively drain the air - heating batteries, computers, electric lamps.

LW15 Venta

Thus, it is recommended that residents of modern cities, if possible, monitor the humidity level in apartments using special measuring devices. If it turns out that the indicators do not correspond to the optimal figures indicated by us above, then it will be useful to purchase an air humidifier. Venta LW15, according to many experts in the electronics market, is a great option. What is the reason for the positive assessment of this device by experts?

Features of the Venta LW15 humidifier

We will study some features of the device. The Venta LW15 humidifier is positioned as a technologically simple device, the use of which can be quickly mastered. The device is estimated by experts as one of the quietest - so, the level of noise it produces is about 22 dB. The humidifier is also characterized by low energy consumption - about 3 watts. Both marked indicators are in night mode. It is noteworthy that the manufacturer of the LW15 device - Venta - establishes a 10-year warranty on it.

Venta LW15 Humidifier

LW15 is compact, can be easily accommodated even in small rooms. Its air treatment module is based on a plate drum, and its total area is about 1.4 square meters. m. That is, even taking into account the small dimensions of the device, its performance is sufficient to ensure optimal air humidity in modern apartments. At the same time, according to experts, the Venta LW15 humidifier (the reviews of many of its users confirm this) avoids exceeding the optimal humidity indicator of the indoor atmosphere of the premises, which is typical for many competing devices. Its too high values ​​also do not always positively affect the health of people living in the apartment and their well-being.

Air purification function

The device not only moisturizes the air, but also cleans it. Therefore, in some catalogs it is present as a cleaner-humidifier. The Venta LW15 thus combines two of the most useful features. This makes it especially attractive to the modern consumer. Note that the other name of the device in question for cleaning the internal atmosphere of the premises is widespread - air washing. Venta LW15, reviews of which characterize the corresponding option very positively, uses ordinary water as a washing component. This determines the high quality of air purification.

We will now study the main characteristics of the Venta LW15 device. The reviews of experts characterize them as quite competitive in relation to those of other popular devices on the market.

Device Features

The characteristics of the humidifier can be represented in the following combination:

- Venta LW15 can process a room with an area of ​​about 20 square meters. meters;

- the optimum ceiling height of rooms in which air is humidified or purified - 2.5 m;

- the capacity of the tank with water, which is distributed in the internal atmosphere of the premises - 5 l;

- the area of ​​the drums with which the air is processed - 1.4 square meters. m;

- the volume of air flow is about 2 cubic meters. meters;

- noise level - 22 dB at night, power - 3 or 4 W, depending on the specific mode;

- size - 26 x 28 x 31 cm;

- device weight - 3 kg;

- the device operates in a network of 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz;

- there are indicators: work, topping up water.

The specifics of the device

We will study some functional features of the device. Humidifier Venta LW 15, reviews of which, in general, are quite positive, does not imply the use of expensive filters, since water acts as an air purifier in it. Moreover, in the corresponding mode, the energy consumption of the device does not exceed 4 watts.

Humidifier Venta LW15 reviews

There are some features of the device in a mode called “air washing”. Venta LW15 (user reviews characterize this aspect very positively) is equipped with indicators that show the current water level in the tanks. If the device is automatically turned off, it means that the protection mechanism provided for by its design has worked. You need to add water to the tank.

The principle of operation of the device

Let us now examine the actual principle of operation of the Venta LW15 device, reviews of which characterize it as a very useful and easy-to-use device. Venta LW15 works, as we noted above, in two modes - humidification and air purification. We study the specifics of both.

As for the first mode, the Venta LW15 humidifier (reviews by many experts characterize the technological solutions implemented in it as very effective) works on the principle of cold evaporation. This approach avoids the formation of condensate, as well as plaque on objects that surround the working elements of the device.

Air that is drawn into the inside of the device by a fan enters the humidified drums. Dust particles that are present in it settle on the surface of the plates. The air itself, cleaned and moistened, again enters the room. The dust remaining on the drums settles in a special tank. Thus, both functions of the device work simultaneously - humidification and "air washing". Venta LW15 (reviews of many users and specialists in the field of climate technology confirm this) effectively solves two problems at once.

Management and Maintenance

We will learn how the device is controlled and how to properly service it. The Venta LW15 air purifier incorporates a control panel with buttons illuminated by an LED. The involvement of certain operating modes of the device is very simple. As for the maintenance of the device, all that the user needs to do is regularly replenish the water used to humidify the air (its level is displayed on the indicator), and also periodically rinse the drums on which dust particles can settle. Also, it is sometimes necessary to clean the tank in which dust accumulates.

Venta LW15 air purifier

It is sufficient to perform the indicated procedures approximately every 3 days. Note that the Venta LW15 humidifier (reviews by many users exclusively positively characterize this option) can be used with branded hygiene additives. This allows you to significantly increase the interval for the necessary cleaning of the elements of its structure - up to about 2 weeks. Once every 6 months, experts recommend a complete cleaning of the device. To do this, it is recommended to use a proprietary product from the brand-manufacturer of the device. Among other noteworthy Venta products that can be used with a humidifier are air-conditioning additives.


We will study in more detail the opinions of users characterizing such a device as a Venta LW15 air washer. User reviews can be classified into several categories:

- those that reflect the assessment of the appearance, ease of use of the device;

- related to the functionality of the humidifier;

- evaluating the practical efficiency of the device.

We will study the noted categories of reviews in more detail.

Convenience of operation of the device

Regarding this aspect, the opinions of users are generally positive. The owners of the device note, first of all, the simplicity of using the main modes. Users positively appreciate the fact that the device does not require laborious care. Many are impressed by the possibility of using additional products from Venta, such as, for example, air fragrance.

Air humidifier venta lw15 reviews

Regarding the appearance and design of the device, the ratings are also positive. The humidifier is available in black and white colors. Both options fit perfectly into the interior of the apartments, as noted by users. As for the white modification of such a device as the Venta LW15 (White) air washer, the reviews are extremely positive in terms of placing it in the kitchen, in the hallway, in the guest room. A more rigorous option - the black device, as its owners believe, is optimal for placement in rooms with a classic interior.


The owners of the device are impressed by the fact that it combines two most important functions - humidification and air purification. Users positively assess the opportunity to immediately improve two environmental indicators of the indoor atmosphere of the premises. Many owners of the device are also impressed with the options for using fragrances and cleansers provided by the brand’s technologies.

Practical effectiveness

The Venta LW15 humidifier, according to users, in practice is fully consistent with the capabilities that are declared by the manufacturer. The device really moisturizes and purifies the air in rooms with an area of ​​about 20 square meters. m, characterized by a low level of noise and energy consumption. Many owners of the humidifier note that it is easier to breathe after processing the rooms, and their well-being improves. This means that the main task that determines the acquisition of this device is being successfully solved - improving air quality, increasing its environmental friendliness, and, as a result, ensuring its positive effect on the body. Users praise the device and recommend it to others.

Venta LW15 reviews

Many owners of the humidifier evaluate its effectiveness not only on the basis of subjective sensations, but also when using special devices that measure the level of moisture in the air. Appropriate tests, judging by the reviews, allow us to say that the device is quite capable of providing the optimal humidity indicators indicated by us at the beginning of the article - in 40-60%. Thus, the practical effectiveness of the device is observed not only in the aspect of the well-being of its owners, but also at the level of technical measurements. Provided, of course, that the device will be correctly operated.


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