The long-awaited maternity leave: payments - a good help for the family budget

Waiting for a baby is accompanied by many pleasant troubles associated with his birth. In addition to taking care of her health and buying everything necessary for the child, the expectant mother should not forget to take care of such an important moment as receiving various benefits related to this event. This help from the state is relied on to all mothers without exception, only its size will vary depending on various factors.

Maternity leave, payments
Maternity leave, the payment of which can be received, begins a few months before birth and lasts 3 years from the moment the baby is born.

The first is maternity leave. For mothers expecting one baby, its duration is 140 days (starts from 30 weeks of pregnancy). If there were complications in childbirth, it increases to 156 days. Well, if twins or more children are expected, the duration of the vacation is 194 days. In this case, it will be possible to finish work at the 28th week of pregnancy. Next comes the leave to care for the child, which is paid until the baby is one and a half years old, and up to three years only monthly 50 ruble compensation is received. The greatest number of questions arises precisely in the first period.

Payment of maternity benefits under the new rules (entered into force with the onset of 2013)

It was from this date that amendments adopted in 2011 began to operate. Now the basis for calculating the amount of payments will be the salary for two years of work preceding the departure on vacation, and not one, as it was before.

Work on maternity leave
Another change concerns the procedure for calculating the average value of wages to determine the size of benefits. So, periods of another maternity leave, sick leave, non-tax payments (material assistance up to 4000 rubles, allowances, etc.) will not be taken into account.

Working on maternity leave is not a reason to reduce the amount of assistance received associated with it. So a mother who started her work early after the birth of a baby receives an allowance in the same amount as one that has not yet gone to work.

For maternity leave, payments are paid at a time. They equal the average salary of a woman for the same period of time, but are legally limited by the amount of 186986.80 rubles. Thus, women who receive a sufficiently large salary, go on maternity leave, lose in money, namely, if in the billing period it exceeded the values ​​(basis for calculation):

  • for 2010 and earlier years - 415,000 rubles;
  • for 2011 - 463,000 rubles;
  • for 2012 - 512,000 rubles.

Things are a little different with those whose total work experience is less than 6 months. For them, the amount of payment for one month will be 4661 rubles.

Maternity leave - benefits for a child under the age of 1.5

The second stage of the β€œdecree" is parental leave, the minimum wage of which is 2453.93 rubles per month for the first baby, 4907.85 for the second and subsequent.

Maternity allowance
The allowance for everyone else is defined as 40% of the average wage for two years (calculated similarly to the case of maternity leave), its maximum is limited to 16,241.14 rubles.

Maternity leave: payments that can be received additionally

A small compensation can be obtained for early registration for pregnancy. At the birth of a child, a one-time allowance is paid in the amount of 12,405.32 rubles.

Mom, whose second baby was born, has the right to a one-time receipt of maternity capital, the amount of which in 2013 is 408960.50 rubles.

In addition to the described federal payments, you can get compensation from the regional budget at the place of residence. For example, in Moscow these are the so-called Luzhkov payments, and in the Moscow region - Gromovsky payments .


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