Reviews of real estate developers "Dalperstroy" about the developer

Those who decide to buy real estate in a new building should give preference to proven construction companies that have been working on the market for more than a year and can boast of a large number of positive reviews. These firms include LLC Dalperstroy. The company provides a wide range of construction services in the market of St. Petersburg. The feedback from the Dalpeterstroy investors is self-explanatory.

Information about the company

The history of the construction company began back in 1998. For 15 years, the developer really managed to win the trust of customers. Today it is one of the largest organizations in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. In the construction market of Russia, the company acts as a developer, customer, general contractor, as well as general designer. Thanks to the company's specialists, residential buildings of economy and business class are appearing in the Northern capital. Buildings in the city center are carried out in compliance with the architectural style. According to an individual project, suburban construction can be carried out.

reviews of real estate investors dalpeterstroy

Thanks to the builder, whole residential areas appear in St. Petersburg and the region. These are not only high-level houses, but also administrative buildings. Developers make sure that people live in areas with well-developed infrastructure. Shopping and entertainment complexes, shops, kindergartens, schools and clinics are planned in advance. Thanks to the developer, several sports complexes with pools have already appeared.

Today the company "Dalperiterstroy" has already commissioned 73 facilities. Reviews show that these are high-quality buildings with an original design. People who managed to move into houses built by the company, note the good work of engineers. Pleasant cozy layouts. There is no dampness in the houses. It is warm enough in winter, and pleasant coolness in summer. In the buildings of the company "Dalpeterstroy" there are such large organizations as the "Federal Treasury" and "Petersburggaz".

The work of the company is carried out at an accelerated pace. Today, construction and design of 65 objects is underway. These are residential and administrative buildings, educational institutions and entertainment complexes.

Construction technology

In their work, only the latest techniques and high-quality materials are used by specialists of LLC Dalpeterstroy. The reviews of experts show that the buildings built by the company can last more than 100 years, subject to regular overhaul and compliance with safety regulations. When cocking high-rise buildings, a monolithic-tape foundation is used, which allows you to reliably hold a large weight. All houses are being built using piles. Thanks to this, the buildings are more stable. For load-bearing walls, a monolithic-frame technology is used. Purely monolithic technology is used only in the construction of one-story houses.

dalpeterstroy reviews

Any specialist will say that high-quality ventilation plays a decisive role for the comfort of living in a building. The feedback from the Dalpeterstroy interest holders shows that the developer pays great attention to ventilation. Everyone who invests money has the opportunity to study project documentation, to receive detailed information from company specialists. Residential buildings are designed in such a way that fresh air enters the room not only through the ventilation shafts, but also through special breathing building materials.

Offers not only high-quality, but also beautiful real estate developer "Dalpeterstroy". Responses of local residents show that the buildings in the city center do not stand out from the overall architectural picture. Residential buildings look harmonious even in the historical areas of the Northern capital. In construction, not only high-quality, but also attractive finishing materials are used.

Shushary District

In the southern part of St. Petersburg, the Shushary microdistrict is actively developing. This is a very convenient place to stay. After all, excellent transport interchange allows you to get to anywhere in the city in the shortest possible time. In the immediate vicinity is the Shushary railway station, where local trains regularly stop. In just 20 minutes you can reach the historic center of the Northern capital.

dalpeterstroy shushary plot 463 reviews

Feedback from Dalpeterstroy equity holders shows that the microdistrict is developing at a tremendous pace. The developer erects residential and administrative buildings, builds shopping and entertainment centers. More recently, thanks to the construction company, new roads were opened along the streets of Pervomaiskaya, Shkolnaya, Visherskaya, Valdayaya. The Novgorod Avenue was restored. The first residential premises were commissioned in the second half of 2008. Construction is actively ongoing to this day. 23 properties have already been designed, 9 of them are multi-storey residential buildings. The rest of the buildings are shops, schools, kindergartens, and other administrative buildings that can provide residents with all the necessary amenities.

Completed real estate of Shushary microdistrict

About the completed real estate you can already study the feedback from real estate investors. Dalpeterstroy today is actively selling apartments in commissioned houses. Administrative buildings are already operating. A lot of good reviews can be heard about the parking lot, which is located on Visherskaya street, 10. This four-story building is located in a place with well-developed infrastructure. A car seat with a one-time payment can be purchased for 730 thousand rubles. Parking will be especially convenient for people living in the immediate vicinity. Cars located here are guarded around the clock.

daliperstroy enlightenment 85 reviews

A children's clinic located at 40 Pushkinskaya Street has already been commissioned. Many reviews of Dalpeterstroy in Shushary relate to this particular structure. Construction began in 2005. And in 2007, the building was already commissioned. The medical facility has been functioning for local residents for more than 5 years.

If you study the reviews about the company "Dalpeterstroy", then a lot of good comments can be read about the residential building located on Pervomaiskaya Street 15. This is a quality building in a modern architectural style. Interest holders are pleased with the ceiling height, which is 2.65 meters. People who buy apartments here have to do only minimal cosmetic repairs. At the entrance there are metal doors with intercoms, high-quality double-glazed windows with sound insulation are inserted. The building is located in a place with well-developed infrastructure. In the immediate vicinity there is a kindergarten, school, clinic, many shops.

Many can already feel the benefits of living in Zhushar Shushary (Dalpeterstroy). Reviews about the houses put into operation can be heard only positive. It was possible to save significantly those who concluded a contract with the developer at the stage of building houses. If you have the opportunity to wait or there is another option for temporary residence, you should pay attention to real estate that is still under construction.

Future buildings of residential complex "Shushary"

A lot of attention is riveted to section 463 of the residential complex "Shushary", located on Enlightenment Street. It will be a complex consisting of two high-rise buildings. Already today there is the possibility of concluding an agreement with the company "Dalperstroy". Shushary (plot 463) reviews are mixed. A really chic complex with a well-developed infrastructure is planned. But when the houses will be commissioned, today it is not reliably known. Specialists of the construction company claim that residential buildings will be commissioned in early 2016. But at the moment only two-thirds of all the work has been completed.

lcd shushary dalpeterstroy reviews

What does the company “Dalperstroy” offer to its customers (Shushary, section 463, building 2)? Reviews of experts show that it will be a multi-storey building with comfortable apartments. It will be possible to purchase real estate for finishing. Construction can be classified as an economy class. Clients will be offered one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments. The smallest premises will have an area of ​​32 square meters. m. The maximum area will reach 88 square meters. m

Offers houses located in an area with well-developed infrastructure, the company "Dalperstroy". Enlightenment, 85 reviews has very good. The street is characterized by excellent traffic intersection. There are many shops, a post office, a kindergarten and a school. A polyclinic operates at several bus stops.

Pargolovo District

The northern part of St. Petersburg is the most picturesque. It is here that the Pargolovo district is located, in which the Dalnostroy company is also building. The area is famous for its extraordinary beauty and rich history. At the end of the 18th century, Pargolovo was considered a holiday village, which was very popular with the local aristocracy. In ancient times, such famous people as Pushkin, Nekrasov and Maykov rested here. Today, the Pargolovo district almost does not resemble a holiday village. This is an area with beautiful high-rise buildings and well-developed infrastructure. The company “Dalpeterstroy” also contributed to the development of the region. Reviews from real estate investors show that real estate is very popular here.

company reviews dalpeterstroy

Many properties have already been commissioned. In early 2014, the first tenants moved into a house located on Tikhookeanskaya Street 1. The building is characterized by comfortable apartments with high ceilings. The object belongs to a number of economy classes. Each apartment, regardless of area, has a balcony. Concierges work in the entrances, video surveillance is conducted. On the first floors of the building are commercial premises. There are pharmacies, beauty salons and grocery stores.

The Dalpeterstroy company takes care of the comfort of its shareholders. Pargolovo reviews are mostly positive. This is due to the well-developed infrastructure that the construction company creates. Even before the first residential buildings were commissioned, a kindergarten on Pacific Street began to function. The building was commissioned at the end of 2013. Some kids have already managed to graduate from preschool. At the end of 2010, thanks to the company Dalpeterstroy, a clinic began to operate in the Pargolovo district. Today, almost all residents of nearby houses turn here.

Properties that have not yet been commissioned

In the Pargolovo district, five more high-rise residential buildings are currently under construction. All these buildings belong to the category of economy class. Interest holders will be offered comfortable apartments with different layouts. The height of the ceilings will be 2.65 m. It is possible to conclude a contract for the purchase of one-, two- and three-room apartments. The Dalperiterstroy company offers comfortable housing. Feedback from equity holders (Pargolovo) shows that structures in this area are being built quite quickly. The developer promises to put into operation all the houses under construction by the end of 2016.

The properties are large in size. It is possible to conclude a contract for the purchase of a three-room apartment with a total area of ​​more than 100 square meters. m. The minimum area of ​​one-room apartments is 46.5 square meters. The rooms are characterized by large kitchens and bathrooms. Those who conclude a contract at the construction stage manage to save significantly. After all, after putting a house into operation, the price of real estate can increase by 25-30%.

Lensoviet microdistrict

The Pushkin district of the Northern capital is characterized by beautiful nature and well-developed infrastructure. Here is the Lensovetsky microdistrict, in which the Dalpeterstroy company is also building. Lensovetsky feedback from equity holders is at least pretty good. Most of the planned facilities have already been commissioned. Comfortable seven- and ten-story houses with loggias in each apartment are offered. The property comes into operation already fully finished. The buyer does not need to make repairs. You can move right after processing documents and receiving keys.

In the Lensovetsky microdistrict, the construction company Dalpeterstroy is building monolithic and panel houses. The second option is less popular with equity holders, although it costs much less. This is due to the fact that panel houses hold temperatures worse. In winter, you have to spend more energy to keep the room warm.

Buildings created by Dalperterstroy are located in places with well-developed infrastructure. In 15 minutes you can take a minibus to the Zvezdnaya metro station. In the same time, you can walk to Pushkin Park, a favorite of young couples and mothers with children. Lensoviet microdistrict is perfect for a quiet family life. It is no coincidence that the investors of the Dalperstroy company choose houses in this particular area.

Mortgage program from the company "Dalperstroy"

Any construction company is interested in an influx of new customers. However, the unstable economic situation is not in favor of business. Many young couples do not have material opportunities to purchase housing. That is why the company has developed a special mortgage program that allows everyone to acquire a property. The Affordable Housing mortgage lending program is only valid if a contract is entered into in the primary market. At the same time, loyal conditions are offered. Customers are pleased that the loan currency is the Russian ruble. The amount of the mortgage is not limited, provided that the down payment is 10%. Regardless of the loan term, a fixed interest rate is set, which is charged on the balance of the debt and amounts to 15%. It is possible to conclude a contract for a period of 5 to 25. A penalty for early repayment of the loan is not provided.

dalpeterstroy shushary plot 463 building 2 reviews

When concluding a loan, an insurance contract is also signed. If the borrower becomes incapable of working, the obligation to repay the loan rests with the insurance company. Additionally, the property is also insured in case of any damage in case of force majeure.

On promotional terms, the company “Dalpeterstroy” proposes to conclude an agreement (Shushary, plot 463). Reviews of experts show that a loan can be issued at a rate of 9.5% per annum, subject to an initial payment of 30%. The interest rate is fixed and is set for the entire duration of the contract. The amount of overpayment directly depends on the loan term.

Dalpeterstroy. Shareholders Reviews

Shushary is a residential complex that is most popular, according to the reviews of real estate investors. The first real estate was commissioned here in 2007. At the same time, construction began in 2005. This means that the developer managed to bring some of the projects to their logical conclusion in just a few years. LCD Shushary is characterized by comfortable apartments and excellent infrastructure. Already today there are such social buildings as a clinic and a kindergarten. Residents of the microdistrict do not need to travel by transport to other areas of St. Petersburg.

The unstable economic situation, unfortunately, took by surprise many areas of business. Construction is no exception. The company Dalperiterstroy also has losses. Perhaps this is due to delays in the construction of some objects of the residential complex of Shushary. However, company specialists are in a hurry to reassure equity holders. The completion of the construction of residential buildings on site 463 is planned at the end of 2016.

Excellent real estate properties are also being built in other neighborhoods of the Northern capital. Interest holders note that the construction company concludes the contract completely transparently. And if any questions arise, experts are happy to give answers to them. You can get any information by calling the hotline number +7 (918) 305 36 36. In addition, there is an official website that describes facilities under construction, as well as buildings that have already been commissioned.


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