What is Dudos? Detailed analysis

The article talks about what is Dudos, why such an attack is used, what is its technical implementation and consequences.

The era of digital technology

More recently, not everyone could afford to have a computer, not to mention the Internet. But fortunately, digital technologies are developing very fast, and nowadays you will not surprise anyone with a PC or a broadband unlimited connection to the Network. Naturally, at all times, even at the dawn of such technologies, there were those who were interested in the undocumented capabilities of equipment or operating systems. That is how hackers appeared - people who exploit system vulnerabilities or create malicious programs. However, in addition to direct infection, the so-called Dudos is often used. So what is dudos and how is such an attack made? This we will understand.


What is Dudos?

For starters, you should turn to official terminology. And correctly say a DoS or DDoS attack, from the English Denial of Service - denial of service. But this name was not to everyone's taste and was quickly changed to the usual β€œhearing” of our hearing. However, not everyone uses it. So what is Dudos?

In fact, this is a remote attack on a particular computer system in order to bring to failure or reboot, as a result of which it will be inaccessible to other users. For a simpler explanation, you need to talk a bit about the principles of server operation and access to them.

When we turn to this or that server on which the site or something else is located, the signal with commands is run on the server itself, and even miserable, but computing power, as well as the bandwidth of the Internet channel are spent on it. Naturally, such systems are very powerful, but when such requests begin to arrive continuously (for example, to refresh the page) from tens of thousands of other computers, the target system is overloaded, and the servers cannot cope with such a stream of requests. As a result, they become inaccessible. So now we know what Dudos is.


program for dudos

The most common way involves the process of creating a "zombie network." Since such an attack requires a lot of different requests from many computers, an attacker or group needs to take them somewhere. And a dozen or even two personal is not enough. To do this, a simple virus is created that infects users' computers all over the Internet and which makes it possible to manage them. Naturally, some are caught by antiviruses, but most remain in the system for a long time. And at the right time, on command, all thousands of "zombie computers" begin an attack on the desired server.

There is another less popular way. It is used mainly on the wave of public resonance and unrest, when people themselves will consciously want to participate in such an attack. A simple Dudos program is created, which users download and run. Her job is also to sit quietly in the system and constantly bombard a particular server with constant, ongoing requests.


dodos attack

There can be many reasons for such actions. Most often it is money. For example, at the request of a certain person, you need to β€œput” a website of competitors in business or politics. And the very first attack in 1999 was carried out on the FBI server after tightening the latest measures against hackers. It is also worth remembering: the visited site is not just entertainment for the owner, but income. On one simple contextual advertising, a really popular platform can have several hundred thousand rubles a day. So a Dudos attack is not just entertainment or a protest.

Now protection methods are being developed and improved, but so far there is no absolute one.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7580/

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