How to remove ears on the hips: an integrated approach

Ears on the hips or, as they are also called, breeches - this is a problem that quite young and slender girls face . Improper diet, sedentary work and an inactive lifestyle contribute to the deposition of fat in these areas of the legs. Fighting these โ€œspotsโ€ is quite difficult: even with active sports loads they โ€œleave lastโ€. So, how to remove the ears on the hips? Any fitness trainer or nutritionist will say that the approach to solving this problem should be comprehensive: nutrition, activity and cosmetic procedures.

how to clean the ears on the hips
Proper nutrition is the key to success

So, first of all, it is recommended to reconsider your diet and water-salt balance. As you know, water consumed by humans contributes to metabolism and accelerate metabolic processes. Accordingly, at least 2 liters of pure water should be drunk per day (this is not taking into account teas, coffee, compotes, etc.). As for salt, it is able to retain fluid in the body, thereby provoking swelling and increasing the weight and volume of a person. Accordingly, salt intake should be reduced. As for nutrition, here's how to remove the ears on the hips: to exclude harmful, but unfortunately such tasty foods from the diet: pastries, sweets, fatty and smoked, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Of all types of heat treatment, give preference to baked, boiled, stewed or steamed dishes.

How to clean your ears on your hips with exercise

against the ears on the hips

If you are interested in losing weight all over the body, starting from the neck and ending with the calves, you need to go for water aerobics, fitness, arrange jogging over rough terrain (well, or at least long walks), or ride a bicycle. If you think that your only and main problem is how to remove the ears on your hips, then you should go to the gym. It is with the help of strength exercises that you can work out these problem areas. If you prefer to practice at home, the best exercises are squats, swing legs back and side, lunges forward, back and side. In any case, you should perform exercises that promote accelerated blood circulation and outflow of lymph. Blood, saturating the subcutaneous fat cells with oxygen, contributes to its burning.

massage from the ears on the hips

Cosmetic procedures against the ears on the hips

As mentioned above, one of the causes of fat deposition in the form of ears on the hips is blood stasis. And for fats to begin to be actively burned, oxygen must be provided to these deposits. You can activate the outflow of lymph and blood flow using inexpensive, but effective cosmetic procedures. Most of them you can do at home, having independently made a schedule and their duration. And the most effective and popular treatments are body wraps, scrubs and massages.

  • You can make your own scrub. It should include elements that fall into two categories: abrasive particles and softening components. The first category is ground coffee, sea salt, brown sugar and crushed cereals (mainly rice, buckwheat or oatmeal). The second category is clay, honey, sour cream, cream, cream or gel - in short, all that can soften the effect of abrasive particles on the skin.
  • Wraps are one of the most enjoyable ways to fight body fat. This procedure can be carried out at home, using inexpensive pharmacy drugs and almost everything you will find in the kitchen. Usually, blue clay, natural soft honey, sea salt, ground coffee, anti-cellulite essential oils (coniferous and citrus), mustard powder, and cinnamon are part of the mixtures.
  • Ear massage on the hips is the most effective method. The course of procedures can be done in the massage room or at home, on your own, using vacuum cans, massagers or a spoon. Massage is necessarily done with the use of oils that enhance the effect.


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