What is the dream of the suitcase for? Why dream of packing things in a suitcase?

In our night visions, we sometimes encounter very unusual things and phenomena, as well as simple and familiar objects. Here, take, for example, a suitcase. Each person relates this thing to a trip or journey. But how should you interpret the dream in which you dreamed? Is it worth going on the road or is its meaning different? So, in order to find out what the suitcase is dreaming of, we suggest that you turn to several popular and most accurate collections of interpretations of night visions.

what is the dream of the suitcase

Miller's Dream Book

Why dream of a suitcase with things according to the interpretation of this very popular source? It is interesting that this dream book considers such a vision both as an omen of the fact that you will soon go on a trip, and as a harbinger of some failures. If you dream about how you pack your bags, you will have a pleasant trip. The vision in which you found a terrible mess in your travel bag promises quarrels with loved ones and a short trip, which will turn out to be very stupid. An empty travel accessory promises disappointment in love and family life.

Why do I dream of a suitcase for a person who often travels on business? If he imagines that he is checking if his things are in place, then the next trip will be very successful. If you dreamed that the suitcase is too small, and therefore you can’t fit all the things into it, then you should expect to move up the career ladder and a decent reward for hard work.

What can a young lady dream of a suitcase? So, if a girl dreamed that she was trying to unlock this item, but she didn’t succeed, then in reality she would try to win the heart of a very influential man, but she would fail. A dream in which a lady cannot lock her suitcase in any way promises her a trip that will bring only disappointments.

why dream of packing a suitcase

Freud's Dream Book

Why dream of packing a suitcase in accordance with the interpretation of the ancestor of psychoanalysis? Such a vision promises a quarrel with a loved one, during which you can tell each other a lot of unnecessary things, which you will later regret. Buying a suitcase in a dream suggests that in real life you find yourself in a very difficult situation and count on the help of a friend who will allow you to cope with all the problems. If you dream that you are carrying heavy trunks with things, then most likely you have a lot of complexes that prevent you from enjoying life. Try to get rid of at least some of them, otherwise you run the risk of getting stuck in problems for a long time.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

According to information from this collection, the vision in which you received a suitcase full of gifts promises you love joy. However, this interpretation is more relevant for representatives of the weak half of humanity. Why do I have a man on a wheeled suitcase? If it seems to you that you are buying this item in the store, then you will have a new acquaintance with whom you may have a close relationship. If the lady dreamed of a suitcase in a suitcase, then in real life she either really wants to have a baby, or is about to get pregnant.

what is the dream of a suitcase with things

Vintage French dream book

The vision in which the suitcase appears is considered by the compilers of this collection as a symbol of the fact that in case of difficulties you will be able to help your loved ones, which will give you great satisfaction. A bag filled with clothes and other things promises a pleasant journey. If in your dream the suitcase was empty, then you should be careful and be careful about things and people.

what does the wheeled suitcase dream of

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you had the impression that you were packing things while planning a long trip, then in real life you have a strained relationship with your bosses. Sitting on your luggage, as they say, on the track - to a delay in receiving the money due to you. Carry a very heavy bag - the need to do work that is not your responsibility. Oddly enough, a suitcase full of money promises disappointment in life. A bag thrown into the garbage bin predicts difficulties or even discord with your business partners. Why dream of losing a suitcase? Such a vision warns that in reality you risk losing something very valuable to you. If in a dream you find someone's suitcase, then you will expect a slight joy. You can also begin to regret the unused chance and indulge in nostalgic feelings.

Dream Interpretation

This source considers the suitcase a kind of storehouse of life experience, our feelings and memories. This item may also reflect your desire to change something. Sometimes this image is also associated with female sexuality. Why dream of packing things in a suitcase? This vision reflects the need to put your affairs and thoughts in order. If you dreamed that you could hardly drag a heavy suitcase, then in reality you cannot cope with the circumstances. An empty travel bag promises an unsuccessful trip, all sorts of problems and a breakdown in relations with a partner (both in business and in personal terms).

why dream of packing things in a suitcase

Esoteric dream book

What is the dream of a suitcase according to the authors of this collection? So, if it seems to you that you are acquiring a new empty bag, then you will have the opportunity to replenish your intellectual baggage. If the suitcase in your dream is large and very heavy, then the reserves of your life experience are great - it's time to free yourself from the overwhelming burden. You can do this by engaging in teaching or literary creation, which will allow you to share your knowledge and experience with other people. If in a dream your suitcase was stolen, forgotten or lost, then someone can shamelessly take advantage of the results of your labors by appropriating them. If it seemed to you that you took someone else's bag, then you did a bad thing in moral terms with your predecessor.

why dream of losing a suitcase

Collection of tips received in a dream

We offer you to find out how this source answers the question: "Why is the suitcase dreaming?" As a rule, this subject in night vision is a harbinger of some changes. It is likely that very soon a new stage will begin in your life. However, most often, such dreams portend a simple change of scenery. If things in a suitcase are in a mess, then changes in life will be unexpected and rapid. It is also likely that the cause of these changes will be your same lack of care or fussiness. An empty suitcase symbolizes a hopeless business and undertaking. If you saw such a dream, then perhaps it makes sense to postpone the plan and think it over again. The vision in which you discovered someone else's suitcases in your own home suggests that someone outsiders may become the culprit of the changes in your life. In exactly the same way, a dream is interpreted in which you accompany or, conversely, meet a person carrying suitcases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7609/

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