Rewindless roach. Winter fishing rods

All winter fishing enthusiasts for roach can be divided into two categories: the former are fishing for bait and the latter prefer fishing without it. In the latter case, of course, some skill and skills are required, however, to understand the basics of such fishing, it is enough to familiarize yourself with its theory.

Winter Mormyshka

Mormyshka is a bait for winter fishing from ice, which is a small hook fused into a lead or tungsten weight. The cargo itself can be made in various forms and painted in any color suitable for certain fishing conditions.


Mormyshki are used to catch both peaceful and some predatory fish. Most often, such baits are used for winter fishing of roach, scavenger, perch, ruff, less often perch, bream and crucian carp. In size and weight, mormyshki are divided into three groups:

  • small ones;
  • medium;
  • large.

Large weighted models are used for catching large perch, zander and bream. Winter tackle for roach, scavenger, “sailor” is equipped with medium or small mormyshki.

Varieties of winter mormyshek

There are dozens of varieties of winter lures. But all of them are primarily classified by purpose:

  • for fishing with bait;
  • for fishing without bait (winderless).

In the first case, mormyshka on tackle is used in tandem with an animal or vegetable nozzle. Most often in her role are:

  • bloodworm;
  • caddis flies or burdock moth larvae ;
  • maggot;
  • worm slices;
  • dough;
  • barley porridge, etc.

Winter fishing rods

The main function of the bait is to attract fish with its aroma and make it pay attention to the bait. Fishing using mormyshka with a nozzle usually does not require special skills of fishing (wiring). Most often, the bait drops to a certain depth, and the fishing rod is simply mounted above the hole on a stand.

When fishing on a rewinder, no bait is used. To attract fish using special types of posting, called the game. Mormyshka-claws are mainly made in the form of various insects or crustaceans, which are the natural food of a particular fish. They can be sold both painted and designed for self-coloring.

In winter, roach reacts no less to a rewinder than to a bait with animal bait, and sometimes even better. It all depends on the experience of the fisherman, as well as on the game mormyshki.

The main criteria for choosing a roach reel for fishing

It is known that any fish, including roach, is not active all winter. Its greatest activity is observed immediately after the establishment of the first ice. During this period, it is recommended to use large mormyshki bright colors.

Winter roach tackle

During the dead end of the year, which occurs in the second half of January and February, when there is a critical lack of oxygen in the water, roach falls into a peculiar stupor. At this time, she can only awaken her appetite by the ideal bait, which is distinguished by an excellent game.

In addition to taking into account the seasonal factor, roach winding is selected based on the depth and characteristics of the reservoir: bottom structure, vegetation, course, etc. Weather conditions, water transparency, and the natural fauna of a reservoir, river, or lake are also taken into account.

Mormyshki-claws for winter roach fishing

Catching roaches in winter on a rewinder is a simple task, but at the same time very exciting. However, this unpretentious fish always behaves cautiously, so an improperly selected bait or an incorrect game will certainly alert or frighten it. Let's start with mormyshka.

Nods for uncoil
The natural diet of roach is approximately half composed of insects and their larvae. Therefore, a roach-less thing simply must be like one of their representatives. To catch this fish, you can use the following models:

  • The "devil" is ordinary;
  • compound "devil"
  • "Mini-devil";
  • "ant";
  • "goat";
  • mobile "goat";
  • "jellyfish";
  • "Shadow";
  • "Moth" and others.

All these hooks are on sale, and any self-respecting lover of winter fishing should have a whole set of such mormyshki with him.

Which uncoil best

Roach in winter on a rewinder

There is no single answer to this question. Each angler uses mormyshki at his discretion. But still, when buying these baits, you need to know which one is intended for what.

  1. A simple “little devil” is a three-hook winter rewind that is the most popular bait for most anglers. Depending on the size, its weight varies from 0.3 to 1.5 g. Suitable for winter fishing of large roach and other active fish, including predatory (perch, pike perch) in water bodies with a small current or with standing water.
  2. The composite “devil” is intended for fishing at great depths and in strong currents.
  3. "Mini-devil" is used for fishing for small fish in coastal areas. It perfectly attracts roaches with its shape, even without skillful play.
  4. "Ant" is more suitable for fishing in the stream at a shallow depth. For a strong water flow, a flat modification of this mormyshka is used.
  5. “Goat” is a popular and widespread roach, scavenger and perch without a hook with two hooks, shaped like a goat’s head with horns. The correct play of this bait is reminiscent of the natural movements of the amphipod. Suitable for all winter fishing conditions.
  6. The mobile goat is characterized by a more diverse game.
  7. "Medusa" is intended for fishing on large roach, scavenger, ide and other peaceful fish both in stagnant water and in the course. It resembles a “mini-devil” in form.
  8. "Shade" - a large weighted mormyshka, in shape resembling a small spoon-bait. It is used for catching various peaceful fish from large roach to bream and ide on the last ice.
  9. "Moth" is a small mormyshka, in shape resembling the body of a bloodworm. It uses a hook with an extended forearm.

There are also other types of bezootylki, as well as varieties of given mormyshki, however, they are rarely used for fishing roaches.

What winter tackle consists of

But besides the bait, which plays the main role in winter fishing, the tackle itself is of great importance. Incorrectly selected components or improper installation may leave you without the desired catch.

Fishing for roach in winter

To avoid this, let's figure out what a standard winter gear consists of. For roach and other medium-sized peaceful fish, a kit for non-stick hole fishing consists of:

  • fishing rod with reel;
  • a set of interchangeable nods;
  • main fishing line.

Fishing rod

Winter fishing rods for fishing using reelless beads should be easy and convenient, because the whole fishing process is that the angler constantly plays with gear, attracting fish. The fishing rods of the “balalaika” type are perfect for fishing. You can also use homemade winter fishing rods. For roach fishing, the usual filly is also suitable for roach, equipped with a nod (gatehouse).

The reel can be any, just to be able to unwind, rewind and hold the fishing line. When catching roach, hooking is most often done without its participation.


As for the gatekeeper, the requirements for it are much higher than for the fishing rod. The nods for the rewinder should be as sensitive as possible, but at the same time resistant to the influence of strong winds. Usually it is a straight or curved plastic or metal plate or a conical twig of a certain length. Very often, amateur fishermen independently make nods for rewinding. For this, a steel spring from a clockwork, a tape measure and sheet plastic are used.

Given that each of the mormysheks has its own specific weight, it is better to have a set of nods of different stiffness and length. In any case, they are useful for catching other species of fish.

Fishing line

Due to the fact that rewinding on a roach is a very delicate bait, a thick fishing line is inappropriate here. Its maximum thickness should not exceed 0.15 mm. The most commonly used fishing line is 0.08-0.12 mm. The length of the fishing line is selected taking into account the maximum fishing depth with a margin in case of gear breakage.

Do you need bait

Some anglers tend to think that feeding a place for winter fishing is a futile activity. It may be so, but not for clueless. If a flock of roaches will stand ten meters from the place of fishing, the fish will not be tempted to just play the bait, especially in the dead end.

Winter clutchless

When fishing is carried out using bait such as bloodworms or various larvae, their aroma in cold water extends up to a radius of 20 m. The odorless bait will certainly attract fish, but only if it is in close proximity to it. Therefore, bait is necessary in any case.

On sale there are many bait mixtures for roach, including for winter fishing. They mainly contain plant components with the addition of various flavors. In winter, when mixing the mixture, it is recommended to supplement them with a feed bloodworm or chopped worms.


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