The most popular internet scam for money

The web is full of deception. This has long been no secret. The most common case is an internet money scam. Fraudsters here often build a real business, which is quite difficult to mistake for a lie. Every day there are more and more possible scenarios. Some very gullible users do not even notice how they are being deceived. Therefore, today we will try to find out what kind of money fraud on the Internet can be, how to protect ourselves and how to learn to distinguish lies from reality. If you study these issues well, no one can trick you. Let's get started as soon as possible!

money scam

Why on the internet

Divorcing people for money on the Internet is the most profitable business that can only be found on the expanses of the World Wide Web. But why is it here that scammers try to build their intrigues?

Many believe that there is no deception on the Web. After all, you can track and find a particular user without any problems. In practice, the situation is somewhat different. Money scam on the Internet is almost impossible to identify. That is, fraudsters, especially those who have already “got their hands on deception, are hiding simply masterfully. So, they are in complete safety.

That is why cybercrimes are gaining momentum, and every day there are new ways of divorce for money. The Internet is already full of deception. What options and schemes can I stumble upon? How to avoid becoming victims of fraud?

Work at home

In fact, it is not so difficult as it seems. The main thing is to be vigilant in everything and always. The most popular money stains on the Internet at the moment are related to work and employment. What is it about?

The fact that scammers are beginning to put seductive vacancies on a variety of message boards. According to them, you can work at home and get good money. No deception, official employment, interviews, training - in a word, everything is as it should be. There are no special requirements for applicants.

Most often, there are offers to work as a packer, pen collector (for example, ballpoint pens), a typesetter, or a PC operator. It seems to be nothing special. The most common job. But all this is just a scam on the Internet. Why?

It is enough to contact the employer. All dialogs will occur only through email. And after a short conversation, they will tell you how the applicants "threw" the poor fellow-employer for money, and now for employment you need to pay an insurance fee. It will be returned to you after the first task. The amount is symbolic - from 100 to 500 rubles. But it’s worth the transfer of funds, as the employer hides. He will not answer your letters, and you will not start the work. This option is very common at the moment.

internet money scam

Investment companies

Money scam on the Internet can be covered more efficiently. For example, with the help of a variety of investment companies. What does it mean?

You will be asked to make a profitable financial investment in a particular investment company. And at the same time get passive daily earnings. And on a lifelong basis. Tempting, isn't it? Who does not want to invest once, and then make a profit, and even a rather big one? Indeed, such investment companies promise high returns.

In fact, all this is just a money divorce. You invest, but you won’t be able to withdraw "earnings" from the system. After all, it is simply not there. Only in the "My Account" will an automatic counter be displayed. It will create the illusion of profit. So it is recommended to bypass a variety of virtual investment companies.

money divorce online

Mutual assistance

Types of money divorce on the Internet can be different. But most of them are related to your personal earnings. Or some cash receipts. By analogy with investment companies, various international centers of mutual financial assistance are very common.

The principle here is exactly the same as in the case of investments - you invest a certain amount, and then begin to receive interest on investments. Thus, helping some people. Do not forget to invite new participants - for them you will also earn a certain profit. The more customers you bring, the better.

But the trouble is: this is another online money scam. These mutual assistance centers are actually the most common financial pyramids such as MMM. But they are well covered. You will transfer funds, but you will not receive any profit. You should not trust such resources, even if you see the address of an organization.


What else can you meet on the expanses of the World Wide Web? Honestly, there are a lot of layouts. And every day there are more and more of them. At the moment, an advanced user can easily recognize the best money streams on the Internet. In addition to the options already listed, charity often takes place.

What is it about? A variety of posts are beginning to be published on the Internet that call for helping a person in a difficult situation. Most often these are children. Or the elderly. Allegedly a variety of charitable foundations collect donations for various purposes.

ways to divorce money on the Internet

In principle, one might think that there is no deception here - indeed, there are many unfortunate people in the world who need help. And there are real funds that raise money as charity. Yes, only messages on the Internet do not need to be trusted, especially those that are posted on social networks and on forums. You run the risk of transferring money to scammers (note: also as charity!). It is recommended to learn about all ads only from official online sources. In general, do not trust the sentimental posts that encourage donations. Scammers know how to put pressure on pity just fine.

Personal business

The following scenario can only partially be called fraud. Nevertheless, many users adhere to this position. What is it about?

Often, popular Internet scams for money offer us to start our own business, and without investment. For example, with a cosmetics company. You will play the role of a businessman who promotes his online store (a ready-made template is provided), and also sells certain goods. There seems to be nothing suspicious. You are promised high earnings at home. Just a few hours of work a day - and you are a successful entrepreneur!

Only this is also a divorce. Yes, most likely, you will really be provided with a job as a sales manager for goods on the Web. Moreover, an online store and even an assortment of goods will be at your disposal (supposedly). But the divorce for money here consists of one feature - in order to work, you will have to either order the goods from your potential employer initially, or do it monthly on a regular basis. It turns out that someone will earn on you. And in reality, it’s “shining” for you to receive about 10% of the applications you have filled out per month. That is almost nothing. Therefore, such work can be indirectly considered a divorce.


There is another very interesting trick. It is known to many, but users do not realize that they are actually dealing with a divorce. There are so many different games and applications on the World Wide Web. They help to "fool" users.

popular internet scams for money

Often you can find offers of games with earnings and withdrawals. For example, you should grow virtual tea and sell fruits or keep an eye on your own farm. In general, an example is any online game in a browser that offers to become a member and earn money from the game process. The same "Gold digger", for example. You will act as a miner who extracts resources. They are sold - you get real money, which you can then withdraw to a card or electronic wallet. It seems to be nothing suspicious.

But this is a scam on the Internet. Firstly, often to start an activity you will have to invest in a project. But no one will tell you about this. Secondly, earnings are doubtful here. You will constantly need to replenish the account with real money in order to receive doubtful earnings. Thirdly, as practice shows, games with the withdrawal of funds do not actually allow either high income to be received or transfer of “hard earned” funds to the account. It turns out that we are being deceived! At the moment, you can only trust a resource called My Lands. But a variety of farms and plantations - a complete deception.


What else can the world wide web offer us? It’s hard to predict. But as an option, you can consider a variety of "viruses" that are asked to deposit money into the account to eliminate certain problems. Usually in a browser.

There is a very popular internet scam for money - the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What does it mean? At one point, a tab will open in the browser in which a message will constantly pop up stating that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation suspects you of illegal actions. To confirm your good intentions, you just need to transfer a symbolic amount of funds to a specific number. And then the browser will work. Otherwise, you will be denied access to the Internet. Open it in another way will not work.

the best money scams on the Internet

This message scares many. But do not believe him. All this is nothing more than a divorce for money. A variety of pages open in the browser, which under various pretexts try to lure money? Deception, deception and deception again. Just close the application or restart your computer. Sometimes you need to clean the operating system from such viruses. But do not transfer money in any case!

Buying things

We have already studied popular Internet scams for money. Now it remains to consider a few options for the development of events. They are not found too often, but still have a place to be.

Often on the Internet they bred for money by selling things. You are offered to buy something at a bargain price, then they ask for an advance payment in one size or another. Or they completely demand to pay for the purchase. You transfer money, but the goods do not come to you. Stupid divorce, but it is valid to this day. Therefore, many are skeptical about buying things over the Internet. Especially with hands.

Magic wallet

And here is another fairly common, but not so successful method of divorcing users for money. On the Internet, you are offered to transfer a "penny" from an electronic wallet to a specific account, from which you will receive even more return. This technique is called the Magic Wallet. It works well for those who want easy, quick and "free" earnings.

types of money divorce on the Internet

In fact, you will not receive any funds. Just spend your own. Even if you are trying to provide evidence of a wallet, do not trust them. This is all a deft deception.


In the modern world, there are different types of money divorce. On the Internet, such scammers are not uncommon. And sometimes even advanced users become victims of scams. To protect yourself, just try not to pay attention to announcements about earning at home without investments and with huge return. Avoid financial pyramids, dubious investment companies and charitable foundations.

the most popular money scams on the Internet

Just remember: free cheese happens only in a mousetrap, and even then not always. No one will offer you easy money just like that. Try not to invest in virtual companies and always be vigilant. So and only so you can not run into scammers.


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