Blender Braun MQ535 Sauce: description, advantages and disadvantages

Almost every woman spends most of her life cooking. That is why the kitchen for her is the room she visits most often. And, of course, everyone wants to equip it in accordance with modern requirements. What equipment will be needed for this? Let's take a closer look at this.

What is the longest and most labor-intensive process during cooking? Of course, cutting products. In the old fashioned way, many women use a knife for this. However, progress does not stand still. Currently, blenders come to the aid of housewives. It is quite difficult to choose this type of equipment in the store, as the range is very large. It is recommended to pay attention to Braun. These products have been on the market for a long time and managed to prove themselves only on the positive side. These conclusions are based on reviews from people.

braun mq535 sauce

Model description

Blenders come in two types: stationary and submersible. The latter are the most convenient, since it does not take up much space and are functional. So, let's get acquainted with the Braun MQ535 Sauce model, which reviews are mostly positive. What is she like? First of all, I would like to note that this model has been a sales leader for several years.

Almost everyone notes the quality of this device and its stylish design. Long life is also an important advantage. Under a 24-month warranty, the manufacturer claims that the device can work without breakdowns for more than 3 years.

The quality level is also confirmed by the material from which the elements of the Braun MQ535 Sauce blender are made. The case is made of high quality plastic, stainless steel is used for legs and knives. It is also worth noting a complete set, which includes a measuring cup and additional nozzles.

blender braun mq535 sauce


This model is used for the preparation of many dishes. For example, using a blender, you can crush ice, beat a cocktail, grind fruit or vegetable puree, and also use for desserts. The power of 600 W, which has a small motor, is enough to process a large number of products. Productivity is more than 12 thousand revolutions per minute. The Braun MQ535 Sauce blender is equipped with a Turbo mode, which reduces the time spent on a particular function. The device is equipped with two speeds.

Case and equipment

So, before buying a TM Braun blender, you should understand some points. For almost every consumer, design elements play an important role. That is why you need to consider the design of the case. First of all, it is worth noting the small weight of the Braun MQ535 Sauce model. In second place is such a parameter as strength. The manufacturer used a lot of rubber parts that are responsible not only for convenient use, but also for safety. Thanks to this material, the handle does not slip at all. And the last moment is the color. It is made in classic colors (white and gray), so it fits perfectly into any space of the kitchen.

braun mq535 sauce reviews

Now it’s worth talking about the configuration of the Braun MQ535 Sauce blender. What exactly awaits a potential buyer when purchasing this device? The manufacturer in the kit offers several important tips. One of them is a universal chopper for various types of products. A measuring cup with a capacity of 600 ml is used during the preparation of cocktails. Importantly, there is a whisk with which you can completely replace the mixer.


Now it’s worth highlighting all the positive aspects of this device. Having studied a large number of user reviews that have already purchased a Braun MQ535 Sauce blender, the following advantages can be highlighted. The most important criterion during cooking is the noise level. Many housewives noted that the device is practically inaudible even when ice is cracked. However, some believe that this reduces power. This opinion is erroneous. Performance and noise are not related.

Of course, a significant advantage of the Braun MQ535 Sauce model is its ease of use. As mentioned above, the rubberized handle makes it easy to carry out various manipulations, for example, beat eggs or a cocktail. Also, a clear interface greatly facilitates the work with the device.

On the front side there are two buttons that are responsible for switching speeds. Well, of course, it is definitely worth saying about reliability. According to a large number of reviews, blenders without serious damage can last about 5 years.

blender braun mq535 sauce reviews


An ideal technique does not exist, so when buying any device it is worth exploring the negative aspects. The Braun MQ535 Sauce blender (reviews from real customers helped to make this list) is equipped with a too short cord. Unfortunately, the German manufacturer for some reason did not take this fact into account. However, according to users, it is not particularly critical, since the device is easy to put in the right place. Also, many are concerned about the volume of the measuring cup. If you cook for one person, then such a dosage will be quite enough. But for a family of three, for example, a cocktail will have to be prepared at least three times.


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