Goji for weight loss: application, effect, reviews

Goji berries for weight loss is another advertised novelty for those who seek to lose weight and gain a slim figure.

“Pedigree” of a popular product

goji slimming
In fact, this plant of the nightshade family has been known for a very long time. You may have heard such names as “ordinary dereza” or “Chinese dereza”, as well as “wolf berry” (not one that is extremely poisonous, but another subspecies of it). Often, goji berries for weight loss are confused with barberry, but this is not entirely true. After all, these plants, although they come from the same family, are very different from each other in their properties. For example, just like cultivated, garden strawberries are different from wild strawberries. In our article, we will describe in detail what goji berries are, how they contribute to weight loss and how to use them correctly. Also, consider the few contraindications that this tool has.

Tibetan goji berries for weight loss: method of application

tibetan goji
I must say that this product is not cheap. In online stores and on the shelves of healthy food supermarkets, a small package weighing 200 grams costs about 1000 rubles. But they should be used quite a bit: they usually recommend eating 20 grams of goji berries for weight loss 2 times a day. You can also add them when brewing tea - just a couple of berries, squeeze juice out of them if you were able to buy the product fresh (though the price of 1 kilogram reaches 2500 rubles), or add them to various desserts. One way or another, they will bring benefits to the body in absolutely any form - dry, fresh, as part of dishes, and so on. This means for weight loss - goji berries - in its composition contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Read more about what exactly are the benefits of the plant, read below.

Goji Berries: Pantry of Vitamins and Minerals

So, the plant comes from China, or rather, from the valleys of the Himalayan mountains, in large quantities contains the following vitamins and minerals, as well as other valuable substances:

  • vitamins of almost the entire group B, as well as E, A, C - it is 500 times more in goji berries than in one orange;
  • 21 minerals, including iodine, zinc, iron;
  • 18 amino acids, many of which are indispensable (that is, the body cannot synthesize them on its own);
  • polysaccharides;
  • tannins.

Who is indicated for the use of berries?

goji how to eat
Goji berries for weight loss and maintaining the vitamin-mineral balance of the body are also recommended for use in anemia, diabetes mellitus, to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. In addition, the fruits are indicated for pregnant women, people with vision problems, as well as patients with cardiovascular insufficiency and suffering from high or, conversely, low blood pressure. This is only part of the indications for the use of goji berries, any Tibetan will say that this small red berry is a storehouse of health and a guarantee of an active life until the most advanced years.

Goji Berries: How to Use a Product for Weight Loss

Tibetan goji berries for weight loss
If you plan to reduce or stabilize the weight with the fruits of the above plant, then you need to eat berries according to the following scheme: to lose weight you need to eat 48 goji berries twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. If at the same time you are engaged in a gym, that is, lead a really active lifestyle, the dosage can be increased to 20 grams per day. For a child, for prevention, including obesity, the dose, on the contrary, needs to be reduced by 3 times. As already mentioned, berries can be added to tea - this will not at all reduce their beneficial properties, you can also use goji extract. True, they do not do it on their own, but the product can be purchased at a pharmacy. The composition includes the berries themselves, ethyl alcohol, bee honey and distilled water. It is necessary to use the product according to the instructions, since berry extract has different concentrations from different manufacturers.

Goji Berries: reviews

goji berries slimming reviews
For weight loss, this product is used in fresh and dried form, as well as in the form of syrup. Interestingly, they say those who have already experienced a new-fangled tool on themselves. First positive feedback:

  • those receiving the product in a couple of days feel a surge of strength and energy;
  • blood sugar levels return to normal;
  • in the winter season, berries help to overcome vitamin deficiency, strengthen immunity and thereby protect yourself from colds;
  • according to some, goji really help to lose weight - in a month, those who take a dry product or tincture lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight;
  • dry infusion or berries help weight loss after pregnancy: it is known that in women who have recently given birth, the hormonal background is somewhat different from those who have not given birth, so it is usually more difficult to lose weight;
  • Goji is really able to normalize blood pressure - a lot of positive reviews speak in favor of the healing properties of these berries.

One way or another, the vitamin product is useful for prevention and will not be amiss in the diet of Russians, where for most of the year there is not enough fresh vegetables and fruits.

Goji Berries: Negative Reviews

goji berry slimming product
Even if the product has a whole army of admirers, there will certainly be those who will negatively respond to one or another of its properties. So with goji berries, like all weight loss products and vitamin supplements, they also have negative reviews, here are some of them:

  • many are outraged by the price of the product - 200 grams of dried berries are quite expensive - up to 1000 rubles per package;
  • some expect berries to have an “unearthly” taste and aroma, although they have a very ordinary, sour taste;
  • due to the popularity of berries, there is a risk of running into a fake, that is, buying ordinary dried barberry under the guise of goji (so be careful and purchase the product only from a trusted distributor);
  • some argue that berries do not give the promised effect of losing weight (of course, because this is only an addition to the diet, and not its complete replacement).

One way or another, no one complained that the berries are a completely useless product and a waste of money. Every remedy has minor flaws, whether for weight loss, rejuvenation, healing, and so on.

Who should not use goji berries?

Before using any new product, you should carefully read the list of its contraindications. So, in goji berries they are:

  • eating a large number of fruits per day can cause anxiety and insomnia;
  • Goji berries are incompatible with certain drugs for the treatment of diabetes and high blood pressure, so if you have these diseases, it is better to consult your doctor before using the product;
  • the use of fresh fruits sometimes causes nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Such reactions are very rare, but still possible;
  • You may also have an individual intolerance to the product;
  • berries are contraindicated in a state of fever, or when the patient has an elevated body temperature. With diseases, the berry can only be eaten when the heat subsides.

As you can see, goji, the contraindications to the use of which are listed above, can be used by almost everyone. If you are in doubt whether the product is suitable for you, consult your doctor.

Culinary Recipe with Goji Berries

We mentioned that, in addition to being used dry and fresh, the product can be added to some dishes, especially desserts. Below is an interesting recipe for a tasty and healthy treat with the addition of berries. So, you can make a sweet soup of berries and mushrooms. For him you will need:

  • 25 gr mushrooms “silver ears” (can be found on a supermarket shelf with products from China);
  • 10 gr. goji berries;
  • 75 gr. brown sugar;
  • 25 grams of white sugar;
  • 2 beaten egg whites.

goji contraindications
To get more servings, simply proportionally increase the mass of the ingredients. So, for starters, soak the mushrooms for an hour in warm water, then remove the hard parts. Wash the goji berries well. Then, in a liter of water, dip the mushrooms and bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the gas to a minimum and “simmer” under the lid for about an hour. In conclusion, add the berries, sugar - let it boil for 10 minutes, and at the very last stage, mix the beaten egg whites. Unusual, healthy and tasty dish is ready. This soup is Tibetan, goji is popular in that region, therefore there are a lot of recipes where these berries are present in the composition.

So, from our article you learned about a tasty and healthy product. We hope that goji will be included in the diet of yours and your family and will help to maintain health for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7628/

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