How to add to the blacklist in "Classmates": instruction

Social networks are elements of the Internet that fit tightly into the lives of modern people. Imagine a person without a profile at least on one resource is problematic. Now even schoolchildren use such sites. They help to communicate, exchange information and relax. The older generation is in demand in a social network called Odnoklassniki. It is with its functions that we will become acquainted later. It will be about the so-called black list. What is it? Why is it needed? How to add to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki? The simplest tips and instructions will help even a novice user to understand these issues. In reality, it is not as difficult as it seems.

Where is the blacklist

What is a blacklist?

A few words about which list we will work with.

All users of social networks can add interlocutors to friends and chat with them. If the desire for dialogue has disappeared, but the person is still actively and persistently writing, you need to think about how to add to the black list in Odnoklassniki, for example.

This is the name of the system for ignoring specific users registered on a social network. Usually they block the right to write messages and view the profile of the former interlocutor. Sometimes the blacklist is simply called “ignore”.

Ways of entering

You can add a user to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki in different ways. Everyone chooses how to act.

Complain to Odnoklassniki

At the moment, there are such methods for solving the problem:

  • adding to the "ignore" through the system of abandoned messages;
  • implementation of ideas through a social network forum;
  • use of the site search system;
  • work with the "Guests" section.

Next, we will consider each of the techniques in more detail. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems initially. Even a novice user can cope with the task. Just a few minutes - and the job is done.

Help System

How to add to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki? To begin, consider the most popular trick. Usually it is used when the user has already talked.

Step-by-step instructions for implementing the task will be as follows:

  1. Log in to
  2. Open the "Messages" section.
  3. Find the right person in the list.
  4. Move the cursor to the appropriate line.
  5. Click on the crossed circle button.

Nothing more is needed. After the actions taken, the user will be listed in the "ignore".


"Guests" and ignoring

You can add a person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki differently. For example, if there was no correspondence with the user, but he came to your page. What to do under such circumstances?

The algorithm of actions will be similar to the previous instruction. The user will need:

  1. Log in to your page with the username and password from "OK".
  2. Go to the "Guests" section and find the person you want to block.
  3. Click on the "More" button. She is under the profile picture.
  4. Select "Report".
  5. Confirm the procedure by following the on-screen instructions.

As practice shows, this technique is not used very often. However, it works great.

"Classmates" - how to leave a complaint

Forum and Lists

Add a user to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki is proposed differently. For example, you can use the forum to translate ideas into reality. Reception is not always used, but you need to know about it. Maybe someone is just such a deal.

Guidelines for adding users to "ignore" on the site "OK" has the following form.

Log in to the social network. To do this, you will have to use your username and password. Actions should be carried out from the page for which the interlocutor will be entered in the "ignore".

  1. Go to the forum.
  2. Scroll to the very end. There is a functional menu.
  3. Select "All Messages".
  4. Find an interlocutor with whom there is no longer a desire to communicate.
  5. Mark his message with a tick. To do this, simply click on the appropriate line once.
  6. Select the "Delete" function.

The algorithm of actions proposed for attention helps to quickly bring the user to "ignore". But that is not all.

Search system

How to add a friend to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki? For former comrades, the first scenario is ideal. But what if there was no correspondence with a potential ignored correspondence?

As we already said, users can use the search system to add interlocutors to "ignore" or as friends. Consider the procedure using friends as friends.

What to do to accomplish the task? The user will need:

  1. Log in to your profile at "OK."
  2. Go to the "Friends" and find someone with whom the potential ignored can be friends.
  3. Find the right person in the friend’s list of friends.
  4. Click on the appropriate name.
  5. Go to the "Write message" mode.
  6. Click on the icon responsible for blocking the user in the list that appears.

Not very fast and convenient, but reliable. And there is no need to start a dialogue with a person.

Complaints about people

We’ve figured out ways to blacklist Odnoklassniki. But it is worth remembering one more moment. It's about using the Complain command.

Each time a user complains about someone else’s page, the “intruder” is automatically blacklisted. With one of the applications of this technique, we have already met.

In general, a person will need to activate a function:

  1. Find in the "OK" system the one you want to be included in the "ignore".
  2. Go to the person’s page.
  3. Select the "More" section in the menu under the profile picture.
  4. Click on the line that says "Report".
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions.

As soon as the operation is processed, the user will be blacklisted. It is very comfortable. But such a technique makes a person appear in the "Guests" list of the ignored person.

Blacklist Confirmation

Why add

Some people wonder why they’re blacklisted in Odnoklassniki. There are several reasons for this. Here are the most common ones:

  • I don’t want to communicate with a person anymore;
  • Someone sends spam and just bothers with unnecessary messages;
  • a potential interlocutor violates the rules for using a social network.

In any case, the “ignore” in “OK” does not remove the user from the list of friends. This will have to be done manually.


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