German diet: description and results

What kind of weight loss systems are not there today. Protein, carbohydrate-free, high-fat, mono-diets - they are all based on one principle. The body loses some of the nutrients it needs and begins to use fat reserves in order to make up for this shortage. You can argue for a long time whether this is useful or not, but today we have a slightly different task. If you need to lose 1-2 kg, then you can use any weight loss system, and you will certainly achieve success. But what if there is a lot more excess weight, and you need to look perfect already very soon? The German diet will help you. Today we will tell you what it is and how it differs from a number of others.

german diet


A huge plus of this system is that it was developed by nutritionists specifically for overweight people. Special studies were conducted, on the basis of which it was decided that the German diet can be used by a wide mass of the population. Until now, it is considered the most consistent and effective, but at the same time very long. A fantastic desire to lose weight is required from a person, as well as patience and punctuality. However, for a long time, the German diet was used by nutritionists and did not gain wide popularity. The situation changed dramatically when she was tried on herself by the famous actress Marlene Dietrich. It was then that the weight loss system was a dizzying success.

german diet 7


In fact, the German diet is not some kind of revelation. At the heart of weight loss is a reduction in caloric intake. At the same time, this happens gradually, so as not to cause severe stress and slow down the metabolism. The system is designed for seven weeks. The period is very long, so be patient. At the same time, with the beginning of each new stage seven days long, the calorie content of the diet decreases. Gradually maintain the limit becomes easier.

Golden rules

German diet 7 has a very strict framework. First of all, you should monitor the quality of everything that gets to your table. Only fresh products can be eaten, and the calorie content of the diet should not exceed 1600 kcal per day. Very strictly evaluated and drinks. No, there are no restrictions on fluid intake, you can drink as much as you like, but only clean water is allowed. Mineral, carbonated, sugary and especially alcoholic beverages should be completely excluded.

Go to the diet

The reader is probably already eager to find out what the German diet is. You won’t have to go hungry for 7 weeks, the menu is quite varied, so even gourmets can easily survive. The secret of the technique is that the food is uneven. From week to week there is a decrease in diet. That is, the first gives you hope that you can easily hold out as much as you like, and the latter will make you tighten your belts.

German diet 7 weeks

Week One - Beginning of Beginnings

First of all, you must make the initial measurements. In the morning on an empty stomach, you need to weigh yourself and measure body volumes with a measuring tape. Write all the values ​​in a notebook, they will be very useful for you to schedule intermediate and final results. Yes, you were not mistaken. Draw a small graph in which to mark the starting numbers. You can start from any day of the week, but let it be Monday. On this day, food is completely excluded. You will have to be content with only water, up to 4 liters are permissible per day. Next six days you can spend on your usual diet, observing the requirements of the diet.

Second week

Repeat the measurements and fix them on the graph. If you adhered to the rule not to exceed a calorie intake of 1600 kcal per day, then the deviation from the first digits should already be noticeable. However, this is only the beginning, the German diet continues. The menu on the first day of the second week (or the 8th day of the diet) also consists only of water. Tuesday will surprise with innovation. On this day, only 2 kg of oranges are allowed. The rest of the days are ordinary. Reasonable restrictions in the form of exclusion of fat and sweets will not hurt, you must remember that the ultimate goal is precisely to reduce the initial weight, and how impressive these numbers will be is up to you.

german diet reviews

Third week

You are approaching the middle of the diet, with which we congratulate. Do not forget to note the intermediate achievements on your schedule. You will face even more serious test. Monday is still a drinking day. Tuesday also repeats the diet of the previous week, it runs on citrus fruits. Wednesday - apple day, cook 2 kg of red fruits. From Thursday to Sunday, the usual diet is observed. I must say that it is for this that the German diet is so beloved by women. Reviews emphasize that many people can’t withstand 5-7 days of strict restrictions in a row, but here you know that tomorrow you will be able to please yourself with meat and cottage cheese, crisp bread and even candy, if you really want to. Most importantly, do not exceed the required 1600 kcal.

Fourth week

In general, the principle is already understood, each subsequent seven-day stage is marked by the fact that another day that you previously spent on a normal diet turns into a fairly strict diet. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are similar. Thursday in the fourth week will have to spend on freshly squeezed juices from any fruit, excluding bananas. Since Friday, the usual diet. It is recommended to distribute 1600 kcal between protein products and cereals to make up for the loss of the body. But try not to overeat.

german diet results

End of diet

The fifth week will be an even more serious test. Now on Friday you have to spend a day on low-fat kefir. Do not replace it with yogurt or fermented baked milk. Only weekends remain for the usual diet, but it is very important not to overeat. Eat often, little by little. The sixth week is almost the end. Now Saturday is added. On this day, you can afford 1 kg of pineapple or boiled zucchini. Sunday is the last day of a normal diet before the final race.

The last seven days of your test are the most difficult. All days pass completely the same way, and on Sunday you can drink only 4-5 liters of water. Now the diet is over. In the morning you will be summarized.

German diet reviews and results

What is meant by a normal diet

Of course, these days you will have to comply with certain restrictions. The following options are offered for breakfast: a cracker with a cup of tea, orange or carrot juice. Lunch is a bit more varied:

  • 100 g spinach with vegetable oil, 2 boiled eggs, two tomatoes.
  • Boiled carrots with butter, 1 egg and 100 g of cheese.
  • 220 g cabbage salad with oil, tomato, mandarin, apple.
  • 220 g of boiled fish, apple and tomato.
  • 200 g stew and 150 g coleslaw.
  • Green salad and 250 g of stewed chicken.

An evening meal can also be different. Make yourself a tomato salad and a steam patty or 250 g of fruit salad. An excellent option would be 220 g of boiled meat, 100 g of greens and two eggs. You can cook an excellent salad of 150 g of grated carrots and 100 g of hard cheese.

german diet menu

Basic Rules

This is the whole German diet. The results will simply amaze you. In a relatively short period of time, you can lose from 10 to 17 kg, and they do not come back even after a few years, unless, of course, you lean on fatty foods. The diet is very effective. The menu is varied and may even include high-calorie foods. However, there is a certain drawback - it is necessary to observe punctuality, eating at the same time. If hunger disturbs you, then it is drowned out not by snacks, but only by clear water. And if the kitchen pulls simply uncontrollably, then you should go in for sports. Literally 10 minutes of intense exercise - and the hunger will take off like no other.

Way out of diet

Recall again that this diet assumes the presence of a lot of weight. If you need to lose a few pounds, then torture yourself to nothing, you can simply limit the evening meal. But if the weight has long exceeded 100 kg, then the ideal solution is the German diet. The reviews and results are very impressive. People write that they dumped 10 kg, even allowing themselves too much on ordinary days. After a course of losing weight, an unprecedented ease is felt in the body. In addition, people say that after a diet it is very difficult to start gaining weight, since you are full from literally three spoons. The diet has one big minus - you have to change the entire wardrobe, get ready for big expenses.

However, we are all different, so it is very important to remember the rules for getting out of the diet. First of all, you can not overload the body with heavy food. Fatty, fried foods can only come in small quantities, with a side dish of fresh herbs. Be sure to adhere to fractional nutrition. Optimal to eat 5-6 times a day, in portions that fit in your palms. During breaks, drink clean water. The main emphasis is on vegetables and fruits, boiled meat and fish, cottage cheese and cereals, greens. But pasta, sweets, mayonnaise, fatty broths and fried meat is best given to the enemy. This is no longer a diet, but a new way of life that will help maintain an excellent figure and health for many years. Adhering to simple rules, you will forever save yourself from the difficulties associated with getting rid of a large amount of fat reserves.


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