Fishing line: how to choose. Fishing gear

Fishing line is usually called a thin artificial fishing thread, which can be either transparent or colored. The role of fishing line in fishing is difficult to overestimate, because it is one of the key details of any tackle. When cutting and playing fish, the fishing line takes on the main burden. If it were not, physical contact between the fisherman and the fish could not have taken place. And indeed, without fishing line fishing would not have been in the form to which we are all so accustomed. Fishing rods would be just unnecessary sticks.

Fishing line

Types of fishing line

The fishing tackle shop offers us such a variety of woods that beginner fishermen go around spinning. Nevertheless, they are mainly divided into two classes: monoleski (monofilament) and braids (braided cords). Both that and another class consists of a wide variety of specific species, for example for winter fishing.

Monolithic fishing line for fishing is usually high polymer, copolymer and monophilic (kapron and nylon). A worthy place in the arsenal of the fisherman was the braid, characterized by high strength, thinness and minimal elasticity. In addition to the classic braids (flagella intertwined), there are also braids in the shell. There are still sinking species of woods and braids, which are covered with fluorescent paint.

Fishing line for leashes

Fishing line selection

From the right choice of fishing line depends on the tackiness of the gear and the final result of going fishing. Each type of fishing has its own requirements for fishing lines. The fishing line used in bottom fishing has some parameters, the fishing line for spinning has other parameters, and so on. Moreover, even when fishing in one way, the fishing line is selected according to the type of intended prey. And fishing line is selected depending on the bait used. In general, the fishing line selection process once again confirms that there are no trifles in fishing.

When choosing a fishing line, it is worth focusing on the following points:

1. First of all, you need to pay close attention to the appearance of the fishing line. If the product is fresh, it should shine. If the fishing line became dull, then it is clearly "aged". Haze appears from microscopic cracks that form on the surface under the influence of heat from ultraviolet radiation. Over time, any fishing line "grows old", stabilizers and plasticizers are sweating out of it, it becomes weak in breaking.

2. Having wound about a meter of fishing line, you need to make sure that its calibration is uniform along the entire length. This can be done visually or with a micrometer. The micrometer effectively measures fishing lines with a diameter of more than 0.1 mm. In the case of thinner fishing lines, he is powerless. Here you need to use the optical method, for example, to examine the product under a microscope. Not every angler has a micrometer and microscope, but this is not a reason to be upset, since there is also a simpler method for determining the uniformity of the line calibration. He will need a simple sinker. It is necessary to clamp it in such a way that it fits tightly on the fishing line, and move it in the aisles of the meter. In places where the diameter is different, the sinker will either slip or get stuck.

After an initial inspection of the fishing line, we proceed to the selection of the parameters. A good fishing line should not only be uniform in thickness, but equally strong along its entire length, barely noticeable in water, not subject to decay, and also have a margin of safety. Unfortunately, in the manufacture of woods it is almost impossible to achieve the ideal level in all respects at the same time. Therefore, before you go to the fishing tackle store, you need to decide which product characteristic will be more important. For example, in order for the fishing line to withstand the external environment, a special coating is applied to it, which leads to a thickening; large diameter fishing lines are much more sensitive than thinner ones.

When choosing a fishing line, it is worth remembering the features of the combination of its parameters. It is worth noting that by slightly overpaying, you can get a product with an almost perfect combination of all the most important characteristics. A fishing line whose price is too attractive is likely to fail you at one of the crucial moments of fishing.

Fishing Tackle Shop


As you may have noticed, there are products of different colors and shades on the market. Nevertheless, the superiority in sales clearly belongs to transparent models. There are also models, the color of which changes every 0.5-1 meters. The color of the fishing line must be paid attention to. When fishing is in areas covered with grass, preference should be given to fishing lines painted in different shades of green. In the case when fishing is carried out at the very bottom, brown ones work well. In other cases, as a rule, it is better to take a transparent one. The fishing line for leashes, of course, should match the color of the main one. In recent years, fluorescent fishing lines of light blue and light green have gained popularity. Their difference is that for the fisherman they are quite clearly visible, but the fish do not see them at all.

Fishing rods


Those who buy fishing line, focusing solely on the popularity of the manufacturer, should take into account one fact. The fact is that today there are not so many factories that produce it independently. Therefore, many popular brands simply order fishing line in China. Among the manufacturers with their own fishing timber production facilities, it is worth noting such companies: American (3M Company and DuPont), Japanese (Sunline, Toray, Kureha, Morris, Chemical Industries, Yotsuami, Sanyo, Duel), German Bayer. Fishing line from these companies is characterized by elasticity, softness and good strength. Many experienced anglers know that it is not worth saving on it. After all, there is nothing more annoying than the case when the coveted trophy breaks down not because of the lack of fishing skills for the fisherman, but because of poor-quality fishing line. A fishing line from a reliable manufacturer will last longer and will definitely pay off.

Monofilament or wicker?

This question was asked at least once by any angler. It is impossible to answer unequivocally, because both species are good in one way or another. The braid line is stronger and thinner, it creates less windage during casting. But it almost does not stretch, therefore all blows of fish fall on the rod and reel. The braid line is easy to grind, so it requires careful work, especially in winter fishing. Another drawback of braided fishing line is that it is not transparent. Monofilament fishing line stretches well and can withstand the load, but sometimes you have to pay for it with the thickness of the product, and therefore, its visibility. In general, the choice between braid and monofilament depends on the specific fishing conditions. Both species work well, but each in its own way.

Fishing line

A couple more tips

If you like winter fishing, get a better special fishing line for it. Specialized winter fishing lines have a small diameter, but this does not prevent them from being strong enough. And thanks to a special coating, they can tolerate low temperatures without problems. No matter how cold the street is, winter fishing line will not lose its elasticity and will not prevent you from enjoying ice fishing.

Fishing line affects not only the reliability of the gear and its recognition under water. It also affects the accuracy of casting (especially when it comes to spinning fishing) and the purity of the bait game. Therefore, it is worth choosing it carefully.

The fishing line for leashes should be slightly thinner than the main line. But do not make the difference in thickness too large, because this is fraught with a cliff.

Be that as it may, the fishing line sometimes breaks. Therefore, if you are fishing with blank equipment, always take 10-15 meters of spare fishing line with you. Of course, if fishing involves the use of a reel, the problem of cliffs is solved more easily. And to exclude the possibility of breaks, periodically change the line to a new one.

Fishing line: price

Fishing line storage

Regardless of whether the fishing line is wound on a bobbin of a manufacturer or on a fishing reel, it should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place, away from heating and lighting devices. It should be wound tightly and evenly. In principle, there are no special requirements for its storage.


Fishing line

Fishing rods and fishing lines are two of the most important components of fishing. And if there wasn’t one of them, perhaps people would fish in other ways. We have figured out what fishing line is, what types of fishing line it is and how to choose a quality product. In the end, it is worth recalling that, firstly, there are no trifles in fishing, and secondly, there is always room for experimentation in it.


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