What is a criminogenic situation? Criminal situations

We all hear about the criminal situation in the news, read in the newspapers, but sometimes we don’t fully understand what it is. Let's understand this concept, consider existing species, as well as ways to protect yourself when you get into it.

Criminogenic situation.

What is a criminogenic situation?

It is understood as an event or condition that caused a person to decide to commit a criminal act. In other words, this is a whole complex of circumstances in which a person is before the crime is committed. These circumstances affect his consciousness, will, feelings and, in accordance with the moral qualities of the person, determine his desire and determination to commit a criminal offense (intentional or reckless). Thus, the criminal situation occupies a very significant position in the complex of reasons for the commission of a specific crime. But at the same time, she is, as it were, in an intermediate position between the personality of the offender, his environment and the criminal act.

Classification of criminogenic situations by source

Depending on the source of occurrence, three types of criminogenic situations are divided:

  • those that the criminal himself deliberately creates, for example, deliberately delaying the execution of any documents, certificates (bureaucracy) in order to extort and receive a bribe;
  • criminal-dangerous situations created by him, but unintentionally (for example, drinking alcohol, which led to the creation of an emergency on the road);
  • situations that arise as a result of the immoral and delinquent behavior of others, for example, exceeding defense measures when a person was forced to defend his interests or his relatives;
  • situations created by the victim of a crime, these include provocative behavior, appearance (in more detail these issues are addressed by victimology or the science of “victims”);
  • criminogenic situations that occur as a result of any natural phenomena, such as various kinds of cataclysms (floods, earthquakes, etc.) create a wide scope for looters;
    Criminogenic situation.
  • situations arising from a coincidence.

Mixed situations may also exist: for example, a driver in a state of extreme alcohol or drug intoxication gets into an accident on a problematic, unrepaired section of the road, in bad weather conditions (rain, snowstorm, fog, etc.). In addition to natural, there is also a significant human factor.

Victimological aspects

The concept of crime is inextricably linked to its victims. Without a thorough study of the identity of the victim, prevention cannot go beyond the traditional approaches. It is necessary to examine in detail the identities of the victims and all the circumstances by which they became such. Very often, a criminal situation is created as a result of the actions of the victim. Victimology sets itself certain tasks:

  • study of the victim’s personality and behavior;
  • legal education of citizens: even with any basic knowledge, the majority of the victims do not fully or fully understand how to put them into practice;
  • cognitive: unfortunately, it is worth recognizing that the development of this industry is only at the initial stage, while in the USA and some European countries it is given sufficient attention and more in-depth study.

Victimological crime prevention is also important. In fact, it represents a special activity of social institutions, which is aimed at identifying and eliminating factors and circumstances that contributed to victim behavior. The work is carried out at three levels: general social, special and individual. Victimological prevention is a fairly broad concept. Crime must be countered with all possible preventive measures.

Long-term criminogenic situations

By them it is customary to understand such circumstances (situation) that arise long before the crime is committed. They last a certain time period, affecting the personality psychologically, often overwhelmingly and depressingly. We can say that they, as it were, “prepare” a person to commit a crime. Examples of criminogenic situations of this nature are quite common: prolonged family conflicts, stay in an unfavorable social environment (especially affects teenagers and children), etc.

Juvenile delinquency.

Short-term criminological situations

Their second name is one-time. They arise quickly and in time very often as if merge with a crime, for example, a quarrel in a restaurant, a nightclub, even elementary in the line at the store. Over a short period of time, a conflict situation develops , which ends in different ways: a fight, bodily harm, insult, etc.

Sometimes it happens that a combination of these two types occurs, for example, during a long family conflict between husband and wife, when the spouse systematically uses alcohol or drugs, she is beaten, insulted and humiliates human dignity. But a crime is committed as a result, as the people say, of the “last drop”, of a specific action, short-term and at a certain moment.

Common criminogenic situations

This classification is based on the degree of prevalence, according to it, two types of criminogenic situations are distinguished.

General, that is, spreading over a relatively large territory, for example, a shortage of any goods or services in a particular region or throughout the country gives rise to contraband crime in Russia.

Local criminogenic situations

They arise in a certain, limited territory, for example, an apartment conflict or on the basis of professional relations in a team in a certain organization, quarrel, loss of property, etc.

Examples of criminogenic situations.

Content Classification

  • Problematic - they consist in the fact that the individual is forced to look for a way and possible means of getting out of the current situation or life circumstances in order to achieve the goal: for example, when you need to pay money debt (threatening your own life or loved ones), and this pushes the person to commit theft.
  • Conflict - arise in a conflict of interests of the guilty person and other persons or government bodies and public: for example, juvenile delinquency, which often results from their conflict with parents, teachers, and other older persons.
  • Extreme, that is, unusual, exceptional situations for a given person that have a strong impact on him: for example, crimes committed in a state of passion, that is, a severe mental shock.

Classification by exposure

Depending on what kind of effect is on a person, the following criminogenic situations are distinguished:

  • provocative (seducing), they have a stimulating effect and push a person to a crime: for example, an unattended bag or a car with a key in the ignition, the behavior of the victim;
  • related;
  • discharging - they cause a relaxation of psychological tension, which was caused by any other circumstances;
  • hindering.

Criminogenic situations on the street.

Signs of a criminal situation

Any criminal situation in its essence is objective, includes the features of the subject and object of the assault, temporary and geographical, climatic and other conditions. Its elements may include circumstances that favor the commission of a crime, for example, inadequate protection of property, emergency sections of the road that impede normal movement, provoke the victim's behavior (active or involuntary), etc.

At the same time, the criminal situation is subjective in nature, that is, perceived as such by a specific person. Moreover, this nature of perception depends on its moral and psychological qualities, which determine negative or positive behavior in the current conditions. However, it should be borne in mind that even the most unfavorable situation does not always lead to the commission of a crime. Crucial importance belongs to the human factor (a system of views, inclinations, aspirations).

Situations of a criminal nature should be detected in a timely manner and eliminated with the help of special measures - this is an important point in the prevention of crimes.

Often there is a combination of the concepts of "criminogenic situation" and "situation". From the legal point of view, the first term should mean a certain set of factors that contribute to the stable preservation of the level of crime or its growth (of particular clans or species) in a particular territory (republic, city or separate district). And this significantly distinguishes it from the concept of a criminal situation. If the first one preserves or aggravates the already existing negative situation in the field of crime, the second term describes the circumstances that may entail the commission of an act punishable by criminal law, but not always.

In Russia, and especially in some regions, the criminal situation remains difficult.

Correlation of concepts of criminal and criminal situation

This issue is rather narrowly considered in the legal literature. But most likely, the criminal situation should be understood as a possible development of criminogenic. But not every one, but only one where a subject having a criminal purpose or asocial attitudes begins to act. Some scholars note that the knowledge of the situation (criminal) of a crime is carried out using forensic characteristics, as an ideal idea of ​​the criminal offenses of a certain category (for example, juvenile delinquency) and their consequences. The classification issues are also of undoubted interest, since this will allow the creation of private investigation techniques based on various signs.

Stages of a criminal situation

Criminally dangerous situations.

In total, there are three of them. Let's consider each in more detail.

1. The pre-criminal situation is a special system of circumstances and conditions, time and place, the nature of the relationship between the criminal and his victim, which determine the method of committing the crime. Most often, they are formed during the preparatory period: the careful preparation and study of the plan, the choice of tools, location. Such actions will constitute the essence of the pre-criminal situation only if they are not described in the disposition of the relevant article.

2. Actually a criminal situation. It is an established system of conditions and circumstances through which an illegal plan is realized. She appears immediately at the moment when the actions of the offender begin.

3. The post-criminal situation. Includes events that occur after the commission of a criminal act. It includes concealment or destruction of traces and other methods of evading criminal liability.

Criminal situations and personal safety

Criminogenic situations and personal safety.

No one is immune from getting into adverse conditions or situations. The most important thing is to keep calm and sobriety of reason. The basic safety rule when getting into criminogenic situations (on the street, in public places , etc.) can be expressed in three words: to anticipate, avoid and act.

The main safety condition is to avoid direct contact with the criminal. Therefore, it is important to remember some key points and nuances. Criminogenic situations occur most often in the dark, in poorly populated places, porches, elevators. Therefore, try not to be alone at night on the street. Keep calm and confidence, do not show signs of sacrifice (depression, fatigue, fatigue, physical disabilities) and try not to attract attention with large bags and expensive jewelry. When it comes to choosing a route, choose the one that is safer, not shorter.

Crime in Russia is quite high, due primarily to living standards and economic indicators. As the steady expression says: forewarned means armed. If the area in which you live or often go to work has a criminal reputation, do not neglect the rules of personal safety.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7659/

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