General-Purpose Application Software: Examples

At the present stage, there are a lot of very different programs. But not everyone uses absolutely everyone. And in this review, you should understand what constitutes application software.

A complex of programs of different specialization

applied software

Application software is necessary to create, perform certain tasks. It operates under the direction of operating systems. It includes a variety of software packages. Under them should be understood a set of tools that are able to perform different tasks of a particular class.

What could be the software?

At the present stage, application software can be divided into:

  1. General purpose software.
  2. Method-oriented provision.
  3. Programs focused on solving specific problems.
  4. Software that facilitates the organization of the functioning of global networks.
  5. Tools needed to administer computing processes.

What should be understood as general purpose programs?

In this review, general-purpose application software will be discussed in more detail. The following packages can be attributed to this category of software:

  1. Text with graphic editors, publishing systems.
  2. Spreadsheets.
  3. Systems for managing databases.
  4. Case-technology.
  5. Shells of various expert systems.
  6. Shells for the artificial intelligence system.

You should consider in more detail each of the above packages that are included in the application software.

Graphic and text editors

applied by this

Editors should be understood as products whose main task is the formation and modification of texts, documents, images and other data. According to their capabilities, such programs are divided into text and graphic editors, as well as publishing systems.

What should be understood as text editors? This application software is a package that allows you to process relevant information. Using them, you can perform actions such as writing to a file, pasting, deleting, copying, replacing, aligning, paging, etc. You can also search for words or phrases, print text. At the present stage, the most popular programs are Word, Word Perfect, Lexicon.

What do graphic editors mean? This application software is the systems that are needed to create and process the relevant documents (images, diagrams, drawings, diagrams). The most popular programs are Adobe Photoshop, CorelDrow, Adobe Illustrator.

What should be understood by publishing systems?

application software

Publishing systems combine features specific to text and image editors. Such packages are characterized by the presence of a large number of possibilities regarding the formation of strips with different materials. This information can subsequently be printed. Publishing systems are focused on application in the relevant business. They are known as layout systems. The most popular programs are Adobe PageMaker, Ventura Publisher.


Such application software as spreadsheets is a program that is designed to process numerical information coming in the form of a grid. Data can be of different types. They are stored in cells. Using formulas, you can set the dependence of the values ​​of some cells from others. Among the most popular packages, Excel should be highlighted.

What is a DBMS?

application software

Application software is also used when working with databases. Under them should be understood a certain set of data that are organized in a special way. This information is stored on disk. Database management involves entering, deleting, extracting, editing data. There can be a lot of operations.

Depending on how the base is organized, it can be hierarchical, distributed, and relational. The most popular at the present stage are such systems as MySQL, Access, Oracle.

A complex of different programs

applied by examples

Integrated packages should be understood as a set of programs that differ from each other in functional terms. Such tools complement each other. They interact through data exchange, have a single interface, are implemented on the same operating computing platform. Typically, such packages include editors, spreadsheets, database management systems, other software, and a communication module.

At the present stage, integration has an object-related nature. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that shared utilities can be used by several utilities at once. Among the most popular integrated packages, Microsoft Office should be highlighted.

Complex systems

Case-technology is a general-purpose application software that is used during the formation of complex information systems . This requires a collective implementation of the project. Accordingly, different specialists can take part in it. For example, system analysts, programmers and designers. During the use of technologies of this type, each individual specialist must solve certain problems of his level. They are not required to be distracted by other details.

Systems for the formation of expert solutions

Under expert systems should be understood packages designed to process information from a highly specialized field. Using them, users can prepare solutions that are appropriate for the level of professional experts. Such systems are used to predict certain situations. Using them, you can diagnose the state of an object. They allow you to carry out targeted planning and management of the functioning process.

general purpose

The emergence of systems is associated with the computerization of processes for solving problems, characterized by the type of "What if ...". Such support is based on logic, as well as on the experience of individual specialists. What tools are included in such application software? For example, the Expert-Ease program. It is used in economics.


This review examined application software: examples of its use at the present stage, what it can be, what it means by itself. It should be noted immediately that there can be a lot of general-purpose programs. And every day there are more and more of them. They are needed in order to simplify our activities. Without such programs, one can’t imagine one’s life. Everyone at least once, but used them to solve everyday problems.


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