Calcium citrate with vitamin D: benefits and harms

Calcium citrate with vitamin D is most often presented in the form of tablets of light gray or white color. They are produced in the form of a flat cylinder with a strip in the center. Also on the finished product you can see a notch and a chamfer. Consistency is homogeneous, small inclusions are possible.

Composition per tablet:

  1. Ten percent moisture citrate is 0.50 g. If you count on regular calcium, you get about 0.1060 g.
  2. Vitamin D - Cholecalciferol. With recalculation on 67 ME - 0,00070 g.
  3. Microcrystals of methyl cellulose.
  4. Potato starch.
  5. Calcium stearate.
  6. Croscarmellose sodium.
  7. Talc.

It is produced in solid form and is assigned to the pharmacological group of combined vitamins. For calcemin, the price does not exceed 300 rubles.

Effects on the body

A comprehensive tool involved in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body. Replenishes vitamin D deficiency by performing important functions in regulating nerve conduction and muscle contraction. It acts as an element of the hematopoiesis mechanism, takes part in the formation of bone tissue, dental mineralization, as well as maintaining cardiovascular activity.

calcium citrate with vitamin D

Vitamin D, or as it is also called cholecalciferol, is directly involved in controlling the metabolism of substances that are beneficial for the body, improves the function of calcium absorption by the intestines, and also has a beneficial effect on the reabsorption of phosphorus by the kidneys. One serving contains 10-15 percent of a person's daily need for a substance.

Kinetic laws of matter were not considered by modern researchers.

Need for admission

This drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, which happens:

  • Postmenopausal.
  • Steroidal.
  • Idiopathic.

Also, the combined drug works effectively for fractures, various complications and is used to make up for the lack of useful elements. Calcium citrate with vitamin D can be prescribed as an auxiliary substance after a long period of fasting, or with an increased need for the patient:

  • during childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • during the period of active growth by adolescents from fourteen years.

calcemin Price

Calcium Citrate: instruction

Vitamin A is prescribed for adults and adolescents over thirteen years, 1-2 tablets three times a day. Individual dosages may be prescribed, depending on each individual case. The portion should be swallowed with a sufficient volume of water.

The course of use will depend on the characteristics of the pathology. The duration of therapy in which Salgar calcium citrate (or another brand name) is used is four weeks. According to the results of the examination, if indications are revealed after seven days, the treatment can be continued according to the same scheme. It is necessary to arrange unloading for the body in the form of a week break after each course of taking the medicine. Calcium citrate with vitamin D can be taken six tablets per day, exceeding this dosage is not recommended.

Negative manifestations

Long-term use of a substance in high concentration can lead to hypercalcemia, impaired renal function. As an individual side effect, an allergic reaction manifests itself. Very rarely dyspeptic symptoms occur - constipation, bouts of pain in the intestines, nausea.

calcium citrate Price

Calcium citrate with vitamin D is not recommended for use with:

  • Increased susceptibility to one of the constituent elements of the drug.
  • Hypercalcemia or hyperkaciuria.
  • Primary or secondary hyperparathyroidism caused by prolonged immobility.
  • Sarkiodose.
  • Severe renal failure.
  • Urolithic pathology.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Children under the age of thirteen.


As a result of an acute or repeated overdose of a substance, hypercalcemia may begin to develop. It is caused by hypersensitivity to one of the components, namely vitamin D. Poisoning effects occur when more than a hundred tablets are consumed at a time.

Calcium Citrate Solgar

Obvious signs of poisoning are:

  • Periodic feeling of nausea.
  • The development of anorexia.
  • Bowel problems.
  • Malaise.
  • The appearance of myalgia.
  • Migraine.
  • Renal failure.
  • Blood pressure jumps.
  • The occurrence of crystalluria, heartburn, diarrhea.
  • Fainting.

You can get rid of negative manifestations by canceling the intake of the substance. After that, a large volume of fluid is injected into the body and a strict diet with a low calcium content is prescribed. With obvious hypercalcemia, intravenous infusion of physiological solutions is used. Furosemide is administered to the patient, and hemodialysis is also used.

Calcium Citrate: Price

The production of a combined substance is not too expensive; the price for calcemin, as a rule, does not exceed three hundred rubles. It may vary by region and transportation costs. This drug is included in the list of relatively inexpensive vitamins and is available to the general population.

calcium citrate instruction


It is precisely because of its availability that the drug does not cause serious concern in patients. However, non-compliance with recommendations for its use can lead to the development of pathologies that cause a severe blow to the body. The indicated daily allowance should not be exceeded without a doctor's prescription. Also, do not take the drug on your own without a compelling need. Combined vitamins are prescribed by a specialist as a therapeutic measure and require careful attention to the dosage.


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