Landing Page: structure, elements, creation. Landing page

Today they talk about selling Landing page, about the standards that should be on it, about clickable buttons to lure customers and increase the conversion of the project, other ways to improve their own Internet project. On the Web you can find a large number of standard landings that in no way attract customers with their usability. A person who visits a landing page becomes bored and uninteresting, and soon he leaves the site. There are a lot of such problems when, it would seem, the product itself is very interesting, but its presentation and presentation in no way attract people. How to create an effective landing page for a product and start making a profit from your project?

landing page structure

What is a landing page?

The term itself can be described as a simple, ordinary landing page, which, as a rule, is dedicated to a particular product or service. This orientation allows you to get a greater conversion - the response of visitors, registration, purchase.

A positive feature of this page is the way the prospective customer receives the main product data in a concise but extremely informative form. Very often, multi-page sites lose this feature, filling their pages with absolutely unnecessary water for the client. In this situation, any landing has a clear, definite goal. Variation of such landing goals is very different.

Why do I need a landing page?

Landing Page helps to present any business as a unique structure that does not imitate anyone. With its help, you can not only attractively and vividly present your products, but also lure potential customers. A landing page adapted to modern standards will not let any website visitor leave without clicking the register or purchase button. The site along with contextual advertising will help you arouse the desire of the visitor to purchase a service, to buy a product. Today, the landing page is one of the best options for increasing conversion. This is the most effective marketing tool for successful customer transactions.

Who needs a landing page?

Who in the first place needs to have a similar page:

  • Entrepreneurs who have a number of unrealized ideas and unused products;
  • novice businessmen who have already tried themselves as an entrepreneur, but could not find their target audience or niche.

landing page

So, if you plan to realize yourself in business and achieve heights in the sale of your products, then you should definitely start by creating a landing page.

Page structure

Various agencies specializing in the creation of landings, as a rule, are able to present completely different templates for such pages. The structure of the landing page is usually the same, pages differ only visually and in content.

Landing Header

The heading should directly include the name of the landing itself and, in fact, the branded product. To increase conversion, we recommend that the headings on the page are not used too long and are filled with a context that encourages action. This should be taken into account when creating a landing page - to plan a place under the "Buy" or "Register" button.

Information about the sold service

It is necessary to present your individual product optimally informative and catchy, to reveal all its features and prospects. The page should use as much marketing tools as possible, motivating users to leave contact information or view the site inland. For example, we recommend using calls to action more often to increase user engagement.

Job reviews and direct contact

On any site, reviews should be on the main page of the project. The lack of real user reviews is the most missing block on the landing page.

The site should have the opportunity to ask the consultant a question immediately or request a call back. We recommend, taking into account behavioral factors, to avoid annoyance and inconvenience to customers, add a callback and chat widget to the site, but not to make it intrusive.

creating landing page

Calls to action and form of social networks

The main marketing tool is the visitor’s call to action. There should be motivational headings on the landing page. In addition to blocks with a call to action, we recommend that you write such button names to motivate the user to click them. For example, "get a consultation" instead of "order a call." From the point of view of marketing, it’s advantageous for the site to post a proposal for free and useful material in exchange for contact information. For example, a lead magnet. This may be a call to get "10 free and effective tips." The material can be used to motivate the purchase of the main product.

The option of arranging social networks on a page should not be difficult to access. To get more conversions to social networks, put them in a prominent place. Most landing page agencies believe that having social networks also increases the credibility of your landing page.

Varieties of Landing

As noted earlier, despite the standard structure, most landing pages are different in appearance from each other. As a rule, even the visual form of a page depends on the goals that it pursues in its activities.

Currently, there are about four varieties of Landing Page, namely:

  • long page - long landing page;
  • short page - short landing page;
  • one step - one-step landing page;
  • two step - a two-step landing page, where the first page lays interest in the service, and the second calls for action.

It is worth noting that the success of the Long- and Short-pages depends on how carefully you talk about your own product or service. Another thing is the choice between the 2 extreme pages, here the choice can be realized on your desire to create intrigue.

landing page

Create landing page

The practical significance and basic structural units of the landing page have already been said, now let's move on to the most interesting, namely the creation of our landing page.

Now absolutely any computer user has the opportunity to create a landing page quickly and without special skills. There are many courses, step-by-step instructions, and most importantly, specialized for creating landing pages of services that provide a lot of excellent website templates and website designers for free use. The options for creating landings provided by services and courses do not require users to have professional programming basics and entice them with a profitable pricing policy.

Template selection

In fact, this action is the main, and sometimes the most difficult for the creator of the landing. The background of the site is like a reflection of your product. And even more so, when a beginner gets to various template exchanges and sites specialized in this, he simply drowns in various options for offers. There are ready-made wedding templates in which widgets for counting the time to the solemn event and a timer for sending invitation messages are immediately installed.

There are templates that are immediately focused on entrepreneurial activity, feedback widgets and direct chat consultations are already installed on them, links to social networks are integrated. Moreover, many of these exchanges have special all-inclusive packages that offer you to purchase a ready-made business project, that is, a fully configured and functioning Landing Page, which is 100% ready to launch your product. All that remains for the young entrepreneur is to start making money on this landing page.

Landing Page Agencies

Specialized exchanges attract many customers due to:

  • an extensive range of ready-made landing templates;
  • economical prices;
  • monthly guaranteed support system;
  • convenient and quick transfer of the project into the hands of the entrepreneur.

Filling with information blocks

The next step in creating a landing page is to fill. Once the necessary template is found, it is necessary to start filling out the landing page with information, contact details, reviews, advantages and guarantees of transactions. The landing page structure involves several information blocks.

Of course, the selected template option is unlikely to suit absolutely everyone. The best resource for working, modeling and structuring turnkey solutions is WordPress. This resource will help you adapt your page to all existing standards, make the landing page structure more neat and enjoyable in terms of usability.

Once again, we need to pay due attention to the headings on the page. Using typical button names has no effect on conversion. The correct button names will help not only understand what will happen when pressed, but also motivate to do it. For example, it’s better to write “Get the perfect furniture” than “Order furniture.”

You can use 4U headers to increase conversions and reach potential customers. Headings made in this format can significantly double conversion. They are suitable for both the main page and for individual blocks.

It is very important at the first stages to add the “Get Callback” button to the “sticky” menu of the site in the landing page structure so that it is always in front of the user. So he will be able to order a call at any time, at any stage of acquaintance with a product or service.

landing page of goods

And remember that parts of the landing page should not be overloaded and hard to perceive. It is necessary to increase the indentation between blocks so that the most important blocks occupy the entire screen. This will allow you to focus on the study of information.

Landing Hosting

At the first stage, you need to register the domain of your landing page. This can be done through specialized resources or registrar sites. It is worth carefully considering this issue. Hosting is the center of the functionality of the entire landing page scheme. That is why we advise you not to pay special attention to non-free hosting. If you seriously decide to engage in entrepreneurial activity and attract potential customers using your landing page, you need to work only with paid domains. Since landing pages are for the most part undemanding to the technical resources of the hosting, the most basic and economical tariff may completely suit you.

landing page

Thus, paid tools have a greater number of functions, so it is advisable to use them if you need to implement a product. To test the demand for a service or product, free services are suitable. Remember that only conducting tests and an endless search for development opportunities of your own project will help to achieve a conversion of 30-40% and successfully sell on the Internet. And in a different way in the modern world with its distraught competition, it will not work.


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