We use automatic shutdown of the computer in Windows

Each user of a personal computer at least once, but the question arose, why the majority of popular operating systems do not include a program to automatically turn off the computer? In Microsoft’s famous Windows, nevertheless, the task scheduler somehow implements such an opportunity, but you can’t call it convenient and understandable. Why is it inconvenient? Yes, because in order to get to the scheduler itself, you need to press a dozen buttons, follow the confusing and unobvious paths, and, of course, still remember the procedure. On Linux also: without knowing the scheduled shutdown command, there is nothing to do. It seems that the Chevalier developers believe that automatically turning off the computer is a whim, which units use. After analyzing the search queries and talking with ordinary users, it can be argued - this feature should be implemented in a separate program. Many would say “thank you,” if they created a link on the Start menu to a small application that allows you to automatically turn off the computer. Such a program exists, although from third-party enthusiastic developers. Why not remember the wisdom of grief and Mohammed! Perhaps in the next versions of operating systems, automatic shutdown of the computer will be available to everyone, but for now, consider the aforementioned alternative.

In fact, there are a lot of such programs: from very simple ones, in which you can only set the shutdown time; to real harvester applications, which incorporate many useful (and not so) additional functions. Automatically turning off the computer by simply setting the timer is the easiest to understand, but the scope of this method is very limited. But since there is such a solution, then there is demand. So, we meet the first candidate for the role of a computer switch - OFFTimer. Nevertheless, it is more convenient to use a software product that implements advanced automatic shutdown of a computer. Everything here is also simple and intuitive: we set the desired shutdown time as a timer and, here it is - an innovation, the day of the week. Thanks to this, the flexibility of tuning increases significantly, although the principle of operation remains the same. Such a program is difficult to recommend for widespread use, because, in principle, there are few tasks in which you need to strictly set the shutdown time. The ability to wake up the computer from sleep mode by timer does not fundamentally change the situation. But maybe someone will need it - Auto Power-on Shut-down. We’ll make a reservation right away: some products are paid, so we carefully read the descriptions before downloading from the Web.

With a large number of alternative software solutions, since the beginning of 2000, on the Internet, you can download an amazing application-processor - PowerOff. Each user is recommended to have it on the hard drive - often helps out. In addition to having already become classics, turning off by timer and day of the week, PowerOff is able to take into account the activity of network controllers / modems, processor load and the work of the popular Winamp player. In practice, it looks like this: setting the processor load control , you can safely watch your favorite movie even late at night without fear of falling asleep, because upon completion of playback the system load will decrease, which will register PowerOff and turn off the computer's power. You can also safely turn on the music in the Winamp player - upon completion of the list, the power will turn off. Well, monitoring network activity seems to be an extremely useful feature. Now there is no need to wait for the download to complete: configure PowerOff, install the download, turn off the monitor and go about our business. The computer will download the selected one and turn off automatically.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7680/

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