The objectives of oral art, or a summary of Russian folk tales.

summary of Russian folk tales
A fairy tale is the first acquaintance with the world of any person. It is from fictional, although sometimes true stories, that the knowledge of society and its laws begins. In early childhood, we were told entertaining stories that carried information about goodness and honesty, about safety and love. When and who invented the first fairy tale is unknown, it is only known that all the nations of the world have their own stories and stories passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation - fairy tales.

Active interest in this type of creativity in our country was shown only in the 19th century. Alexander Afanasyev collected tales and legends of Russia in a collection. Russian folk tales were combined and published in eight issues. In fairness, it’s worth mentioning the tremendous work done regarding the systematization and ordering of material collected over a vast territory. Afanasyev provided commentaries on many of the stories. The work received quite unpleasant reviews, which led to the prohibition of some tales for censorship reasons. The publication was reprinted 25 times.

Heroes of Russian folk tales most often have the image of animals that can speak and help the main character. The list of frequently used includes geese, bears, foxes, wolves, cats and roosters. Human images are represented by a woman and grandfather, Ivan da Marya. An important role is played by the Russian beauties Elena or Vasilisa the Beautiful, symbols of wisdom.

Russian folk tales

If we systematize the summary of Russian folk tales, we can conclude about the main ideas and goals that society tried to convey through oral folk art. They are simple, clear and accessible. It is believed that precisely for this reason, folk tales are easier for children to absorb.

After analyzing the summary of Russian folk tales, we can conclude that it is possible to understand in a simple way the life and way of life of the old society, roughly speaking, to know history (as a science) in its initial form, to form a sense of patriotism, to instill a love of native places. An important role is played by a clear prioritization, as a result, accuracy, diligence, and hard work are instilled in the audience.

heroes of Russian folk tales

After analyzing the summary of Russian folk tales, you can get an idea about the traditions of the people, about the need to respect the elders and protect others. An important role is played by the association of the listener with heroes who can rush to the rescue, show courage, ingenuity and resourcefulness. Moreover, the story itself makes you respect the narrator, develops perseverance and develops thinking.

A brief summary of Russian folk tales can be brought under the basic understanding of the main idea, the Russian mentality: to achieve the goal, all means are good, most importantly, the goal must be correct, good.

Through fairy tales, we teach and educate our children. A huge number of techniques have been developed to influence the listener, bringing to him information about the eternal and the beautiful.


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