Fishing for carp on a feeder: method and equipment

Carp is a strong, beautiful fish that not only amateur fishermen strive to catch. This is a welcome trophy for professional athletes. The fish belongs to the carp family. Certain features are inherent in her both in appearance and in behavior.

Carp colors can be different. It depends on the permanent place of residence. The fish grows to an impressive size - weighing from 20 to 25 kg and a length of more than 1 meter. Domesticated species include specular and leathery carps. The mirror representative has large and few scales on the body, while the leather one has no scales at all. A characteristic feature of the behavior of the carp is that it does not disdain eating the fry of its own kindred.

Carp fishing: gear features

Carp is usually caught on powerful rods and large powerful reels. There are legends about the power of this fish. The fisherman, who underestimated the power of the carp, most often remains with a broken rod or torn fishing line. The margin of safety should be large, and it does not matter whether it is fishing on a fly-fishing rod or bottom tackle.

Carp line

When fishing for carp on a feeder, both ordinary monofil fishing lines and braided cords are used. You need to understand that if you pick up a trophy representative of cyprinids, and a cord is wound around your reel, then only the rod and friction reel will extinguish the jerky fish, since braided cords do not stretch, unlike a classic fishing line. The friction clutch is used to dampen jerking carp. It should be configured carefully and slowly.

Hooks - this is perhaps a separate issue. But the main requirement for them is that they must be suitable for the bait on which you are catching carp, and keep the load during the fishing. Often in the process of catching this fish, bite alarms are used. Especially at night, they greatly help out the fisherman, warning of a pull. Signaling devices can be either mechanical or electronic.

Types of fishing

The following types of carp fishing are available:

  • feeder fishing;
  • fishing for boilies;
  • grandfather methods.

Feeder fishing is just as effective as boilies. These two similar methods have one difference. Carps are caught on a feeder using a feeder (“Method”), and fishing on boilies is carried out by feeding the fishing point with a separate fishing rod or slingshot. Old old-fashioned methods are fishing for carp on the crumb of bread or fishing on the nipples and cattails.

Feeder rod

Feeder fishing rods for carp are better to take more authentic. Suitable gear from 2.8 to 4.5 meters. If the task is to catch the carp, then the fishing rod is best chosen from the following list:

  1. Medium Feeder - a line of universal rods. The average length is from 3 to 3.5 meters. The test of such rods varies from 70 to 100 grams.
  2. Heavy Feeder - a line of rods that are heavier than its predecessor. The length of the proposed gear is up to 4 meters, and the test is up to 140 grams.
  3. Extra Heavy Feeder - the most heavy and powerful sticks for fishing carp on the feeder. Length - up to 5 meters and test - from 130 grams or more. All of these rods are heavy and powerful. The length is selected according to the fishing conditions and the range of the fishing point. If you need to throw the feeder away, then a genuine rod will come to the rescue. As a rule, “Carpathians” take a couple of three fishing rods with different lengths and dough for certain weights of fishing troughs for fishing.
    Feeder rods and reels

Story of rods is Fast and Slow. Fast - fast form blank. When casting or fishing fish, only the top of the feeder blank works. Such a fishing rod system will help you lift a heavy and strong carp from the bottom of the reservoir and lead it confidently to the shore. Slow - slow form blank. When casting and when fishing, the entire rod is included in the work. Such a system of stationery will help you out when you capture a trophy carp and will not let you cut the line. If you can’t pick up your first rod in the store, ask the seller or consultant for advice on which feeder to choose for fishing carp.

Feeding coils

The reel for fishing for carp on the feeder must match the rod and be powerful and reliable. It can be inertialess and inertial. The first option is much simpler and more reliable to use. Choosing it exactly, fishermen need to know several nuances and features:

  1. It is always necessary to have a large amount of wound fishing line or cord on the spool of the reel. Carp can easily steal when fishing a couple of tens of meters of fishing line.
  2. The friction clutch should be adjusted to the maximum capabilities of the kit (blank and fishing line). If the clutch is too tight, lose both the rigging and the trophy carp.
  3. The bait runner system, available on inertialess reels, allows you to weaken the descent of fishing line from the spool when biting carp. Thus, when carp fishing by feeder, the fish does not feel resistance and behaves calmly until the moment of cutting.
    Feeder coils

Inertial coils come into fashion again. However, it is very difficult for a beginner to operate such a coil. On it constantly appear beards from fishing line. In addition, you can beat off all your fingers with the handles of the reel with strong pulls of the carp.

Fishing line and cords

What to choose - fishing line or cord? This is a dilemma that carpathians have not been able to solve for many years. On the one hand, the cord does not stretch, which means it’s much easier to control the fish. On the other hand, the fishing line stretches for 20% of its length, which means it will be much more difficult to break the rig of the carp.

Each fisherman makes a choice for himself. To convince a person who is sure that it is easier and more efficient to use a cord, and not a fishing line, is almost impossible. The only recommendation is the diameter of the fishing line or cord, and therefore the breaking force as a whole, should correspond to the size and strength of the fish that are being hunted.

Various materials are used, and each fisherman chooses for himself what he likes best. Fluorocarbon or cord leashes do not really matter. The main task is to sustain the fish. It is also worth considering that the spring materials for carp fishing in the spring on the feeder should be thinner and more elegant than in the summer.

Feeding troughs (flat method)

The Method feeder is essentially the most common sliding sinker. However, it does have a feed slaughtering area. The “Method” feeder for catching carp with a feeder has stiffening ribs on one of the sides that hold the feed when cast into water and splashed. The second side of the product consists of a flat sinker. Thanks to him, when casting food never falls “upside down”.

Feeders flat method

The principle of fishing is quite simple - this is a common bottom tackle with a leash from 5 to 10 cm. The hooks are selected for the nozzle and the size of the fish. In fact, method feeders are no different from springs. Feed is also clogged in the springs and leashes of similar length are placed. The color and material of the manufacture of products must be selected under the conditions. If fishing is carried out in the sand, light colors are needed. If the hunt for fish is carried out on a muddy bottom, then the dark green color is just right.

Do not take feeders with stiffeners made of shiny metal. Any extra shine scares the already shy fish. When fishing for carp on a feeder (flat method), a mold is often used to hammer feed into the feeder. It follows the shape of the feeder itself and, it is worth noting, is very convenient to use.

The weight of the product must be selected according to the situation and in accordance with the test of the rod. Exceeding the test form is strictly prohibited. This can lead to damage to the rod, as well as to injury during fishing. The weight of the sinker is pretty impressive. Throwing it not according to the test form, you can break the tackle and get on the head with your own sinker.

Feed and bait

Many fishermen, having come to the store and looked at the variety of food for different fish for summer, spring and autumn, cannot choose what they need and, as a result, after coming to the pond they are defeated in the battle with a strong and smart fish. Food for fishing on method feeders have certain properties, which are simply unacceptable to neglect. First of all, the food should be sticky and eroded over a certain period of time (10-15 minutes).

If the hunt is for fish of impressive size, then the choice of feed should be taken seriously. The fact is that if the consistency of the bait is not correct during the casting and in the path of the feeder to the bottom of the pond, the feed will spill out and thereby attract small fish to the hook. When fishing for huge carps, this is unacceptable.

Carp Feeders

Food for feeders can be bought at the store or made at home. The main thing you need to know is that feed for ordinary feeder or float fishing is not suitable for catching carp on a flat feeder. The basis of any food for such fishing is sticky porridge. What kind of porridge it will be - the choice is yours. Any dry additives when kneading such bait need to be added gradually and in small quantities. The main task is not to accelerate the process of loss of feed from the feeder when throwing or splashing gear.

Recently, more and more often in the process of catching carp on a feeder and a classic donka, bait boats are used. The ship is very similar to a toy for a child, but this is only at first glance. Such a toy is quite expensive and serves to import bait to the place of fishing. The advantage of such a boat is 99% accuracy of hitting bait in your fishing place.


Nozzles are used diverse. Most often it is peas and corn. Sometimes people use maggots or earthworms to attach. The main rule when choosing bait for fishing carp and other species of cyprinids - the nozzle should be in a small amount in the bait.

In spring or summer, its amount varies. In the spring, it is better to catch nozzles on animals, and in the summer - on plant. Trophy individuals love a variety of fruit smells and tastes (raspberries, blueberries, plums, strawberries, vanilla). Often, if fishing is carried out on a bunch of worms, chopped worms are added to the bait.

Many anglers practice carp fishing on flat feeders as baits for baits. If you decide to use boilies for the nozzle, then their size should be like that of classic corn or peas. Arriving at the store and choosing bait for fishing for carp, take everything that is available at the moment, since carp species of fish very often change their preferences throughout the day.

Carp Fishing Boilies

Fishing in spring, autumn and summer

In spring, carp fishing begins when the water warms up to 5 degrees and above. Having slept during the winter, the fish begins to become active with the ice drift. Before spawning, the carp comes closer to the coast in order to bask in the shallows and enjoy their favorite food. The best time to catch carp in the spring on the feeder is from lunch until dark. It is important to take the time and choose the right bait. It should be saturated with animal feed and not have strong flavors.

Equipment for catching carp on a feeder in spring should not be rough, but also very thin fishing lines and hooks are not suitable for catching good individuals. It is best to catch carp in the spring on baits of animal origin, but do not forget about classic corn or peas. It is recommended to look for fish in spring on the shallows, observing silence. If you choose between water bodies with and without flow, then you should give preference to rivers with a slow course and with large differences in depths. You can go to some pond to catch carp on the feeder.

Carp Fishing

Summer is the time for competition and pace fishing for carp both day and night. During the day, fish most often prowls near the shore and reeds in search of food at depths of 50 to 150 cm. At night, carp can visit snags and deep holes. Sometimes fishing in the summer on a feeder is best done at night, and sometimes during the day. It all depends on the weather, water temperature and wind. Athletes most often do not look for fish visually, but make the carp approach the point of fishing with an abundance of bait.

Autumn is not a good time to catch carp. The fact is that fish with cooling water becomes less active. Carp feeds less, moves less, and waiting for a bite can take a whole day. The closer winter is, the less active the carp becomes. With bait and flavorings in the autumn, you need to tie. In cold water, odors do not spread like in the summer, and it is very easy to frighten away a trophy. Worms, maggots and bloodworms will be the best hook attachment for fall-winter fishing.


Fishermen, gathering in a pond, very often recently take with them a wireless echo sounder. With it, you can very easily detect small pits or snag, throwing the sensor with powerful spinning at 50–80 meters. This device transfers information to a smartphone or tablet via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Mirror carp

It is worth noting that the echo sounder is able to show the presence of fish, but you should not trust this information. The sounder sensor can easily take a branch sticking out from the bottom of a reservoir for a large trophy carp. Very often, to find fish, people simply look at the water surface and wait for the carp to give itself away. This method is not useless. Carps very often jump out of the water, making a lot of spray on the surface.

Engaged in professional fishing for carp on a feeder or float tackle, do not forget about the classic types of fishing that our grandfathers used. Catching carp on the crumb of bread in the thickets of reeds very often brings large trophies and a huge amount of adrenaline. Carp fishing for springs or cattails is practiced to this day. The productivity of such methods is not inferior to expensive feed, bait or gear. It is not a fishing rod that catches the fish, but a fisherman.


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