What personal qualities indicate in the resume

When compiling a resume, many applicants experience difficulties when confronted with the “personal qualities” column. Among the most frequent answers that are found here are “sociability”, “responsibility”, “diligence”, etc. It should be noted that this does not say anything concrete about a person; rather, it is a socially desirable answer.

Most applicants, filling out this column, usually enter here a standard set of qualities that, in their opinion, should be possessed by an average employee. Others consider this information superfluous and do not write anything. However, it is worth noting that the correct and competent presentation of this information may help the employer to choose the owner of this particular resume.

Writing personal qualities in this document is necessary. At the same time, not escaping with general phrases, but noting his personality. Some companies are looking for employees who have any specific qualities that are indicated in this particular column. For example, they prefer to choose girls with a model appearance for the position of secretary or seller of luxury goods, and accountants should be characterized by honesty and responsibility. In such cases, applying for a place, it is necessary to indicate such characteristics, if any. If a person indicates personal qualities in a resume, applying for any particular position, it is worth emphasizing precisely those properties that are necessary for this profession. So, the sales manager is recommended to note sociability and knowledge of communication methods. For some other positions, such as an accountant, this quality is optional.

You should not abuse unfamiliar words, the meaning of which is not always clear to the applicant himself. They also do not recommend mentioning qualities that a person can hardly apply to himself. For example, stress tolerance implies a worker’s willingness to situations where it is necessary to show all his composure. It should be noted that this is not for everyone. In addition, such a property as “easy to train” does not need to be written by the applicant for 40, because by this time it was already possible to learn something, ease in obtaining knowledge is required mainly from beginning workers.

Among the standard mistakes made when compiling a resume is the listing of template qualities. Many employers, most likely, will not pay any attention to such a questionnaire, which is no different from others. However, too fond of freestyle is not recommended. Phrases such as “bring good luck”, “I like practical jokes, witty” are unlikely to be appropriate here. The original filling of this document, for example, in poetic form, can be done if you apply for a position in which creativity is important.

Particular attention to the column “personal qualities” is recommended to be given at the beginning of a career, when the applicant does not yet have special achievements and merits that will provide him with a job. If this line causes difficulties for the compiler of the resume, you can get help from recruitment agencies that fill it out on their own.

When looking for work, personal qualities are important. The resume provides an opportunity to introduce the future boss to them. Therefore, in this document there is such a graph. If it is correctly and correctly composed, it can give the applicant a huge advantage over competitors. It is important to remember that employers are not interested in hobbies, interests, or similar characteristics of a future employee. He will pay attention only to the information that relates to the future position of the employee. Therefore, it is worth being brief and noting only those qualities that will be needed later.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7695/

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